9,795 research outputs found

    Simulation of valveless micropump and mode analysis

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    In this work, a 3-D simulation is performed to study for the solid-fluid coupling effect driven by piezoelectric materials and utilizes asymmetric obstacles to control the flow direction. The result of simulation is also verified. For a micropump, it is crucial to find the optimal working frequency which produce maximum net flow rate. The PZT plate vibrates under the first mode, which is symmetric. Adjusting the working frequency, the maximum flow rate can be obtained. For the micrpump we studied, the optimal working frequency is 3.2K Hz. At higher working frequency, say 20K Hz, the fluid-solid membrane may come out a intermediate mode, which is different from the first mode and the second mode. It is observed that the center of the mode drifts. Meanwhile, the result shows that a phase shift lagging when the excitation force exists in the vibration response. Finally, at even higher working frequency, say 30K Hz, a second vibration mode is observed.Comment: Submitted on behalf of EDA Publishing Association (http://irevues.inist.fr/EDA-Publishing

    Determination of anisotropic dipole moments in self-assembled quantum dots using Rabi oscillations

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    By investigating the polarization-dependent Rabi oscillations using photoluminescence spectroscopy, we determined the respective transition dipole moments of the two excited excitonic states |Ex> and |Ey> of a single self-assembled quantum dot that are nondegenerate due to shape anisotropy. We find that the ratio of the two dipole moments is close to the physical elongation ratio of the quantum dot.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, MS Word generated PDF fil

    Pseudomoduli Dark Matter

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    We point out that pseudomoduli -- tree-level flat directions that often accompany dynamical supersymmetry breaking -- can be natural candidates for TeV-scale dark matter in models of gauge mediation. The idea is general and can be applied to different dark matter scenarios, including (but not limited to) those of potential relevance to recent cosmic ray anomalies. We describe the requirements for a viable model of pseudomoduli dark matter, and we analyze two example models to illustrate the general mechanism -- one where the pseudomoduli carry Higgsino-like quantum numbers, and another where they are SM singlets but are charged under a hidden-sector U(1)U(1)' gauge group.Comment: 20 pages, refs adde

    DLC2 modulates angiogenic responses in vascular endothelial cells by regulating cell attachment and migration.

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    Deleted in liver cancer 1 (DLC1) is a RhoGTPase activation protein-containing tumor suppressor that associates with various types of cancer. Although DLC2 shares a similar domain structure with that of DLC1, the function of DLC2 is not well characterized. Here, we describe the expression and ablation of DLC2 in mice using a reporter-knockout approach. DLC2 is expressed in several tissues and in endothelial cells (ECs) of blood vessels. Although ECs and blood vessels show no histological abnormalities and mice appear overall healthy, DLC2-mutant mice display enhanced angiogenic responses induced by matrigel and by tumor cells. Silencing of DLC2 in human ECs has reduced cell attachment, increased migration, and tube formation. These changes are rescued by silencing of RhoA, suggesting that the process is RhoA pathway dependent. These results indicate that DLC2 is not required for mouse development and normal vessel formation, but may protect mouse from unwanted angiogenesis induced by, for example, tumor cells

    d-Wave Pairing Correlation in the Two-Dimensional t-J Model

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    The pair-pair correlation function of the two-dimensional t-J model is studied by using the power-Lanczos method and an assumption of monotonic behavior. In comparison with the results of the ideal Fermi gas, we conclude that the 2D t-J model does not have long range d-wave superconducting correlation in the interesting parameter range of J/t0.5J/t \leq 0.5. Implications of this result will also be discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, accepted by PR

    Multi-wavelength Stellar Polarimetry of the Filamentary Cloud IC5146: I. Dust Properties

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    We present optical and near-infrared stellar polarization observations toward the dark filamentary clouds associated with IC5146. The data allow us to investigate the dust properties (this paper) and the magnetic field structure (Paper II). A total of 2022 background stars were detected in RcR_{c}-, ii'-, HH-, and/or KK-bands to AV25A_V \lesssim 25 mag. The ratio of the polarization percentage at different wavelengths provides an estimate of λmax\lambda_{max}, the wavelength of peak polarization, which is an indicator of the small-size cutoff of the grain size distribution. The grain size distribution seems to significantly change at AVA_V \sim 3 mag, where both the average and dispersion of PRc/PHP_{R_c}/P_{H} decrease. In addition, we found λmax\lambda_{max} \sim 0.6-0.9 μ\mum for AV>2.5A_V>2.5 mag, which is larger than the \sim 0.55 μ\mum in the general ISM, suggesting that grain growth has already started in low AVA_V regions. Our data also reveal that polarization efficiency (PE Pλ/AV\equiv P_{\lambda}/A_V) decreases with AVA_V as a power-law in RcR_c-, ii'-, and KK-bands with indices of -0.71±\pm0.10, -1.23±\pm0.10 and -0.53±\pm0.09. However, HH-band data show a power index change; the PE varies with AVA_V steeply (index of -0.95±\pm0.30) when AV<2.88±0.67A_V < 2.88\pm0.67 mag but softly (index of -0.25±\pm0.06) for greater AVA_V values. The soft decay of PE in high AVA_V regions is consistent with the Radiative Aligned Torque model, suggesting that our data trace the magnetic field to AV20A_V \sim 20 mag. Furthermore, the breakpoint found in HH-band is similar to the AVA_V where we found the PRc/PHP_{R_c}/P_{H} dispersion significantly decreased. Therefore, the flat PE-AVA_V in high AVA_V regions implies that the power index changes result from additional grain growth.Comment: 31 pages, 17 figures, and 3 tables; accepted for publication in Ap

    Two-photon interference with thermal light

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    The study of entangled states has greatly improved the basic understanding about two-photon interferometry. Two-photon interference is not the interference of two photons but the result of superposition among indistinguishable two-photon amplitudes. The concept of two-photon amplitude, however, has generally been restricted to the case of entangled photons. In this letter we report an experimental study that may extend this concept to the general case of independent photons. The experiment also shows interesting practical applications regarding the possibility of obtaining high resolution interference patterns with thermal sources.Comment: Added reference 1

    Measurement of the Dynamical Structure Factor of a 1D Interacting Fermi Gas

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    We present measurements of the dynamical structure factor S(q,ω)S(q,\omega) of an interacting one-dimensional (1D) Fermi gas for small excitation energies. We use the two lowest hyperfine levels of the 6^6Li atom to form a pseudo-spin-1/2 system whose s-wave interactions are tunable via a Feshbach resonance. The atoms are confined to 1D by a two-dimensional optical lattice. Bragg spectroscopy is used to measure a response of the gas to density ("charge") mode excitations at a momentum qq and frequency ω\omega. The spectrum is obtained by varying ω\omega, while the angle between two laser beams determines qq, which is fixed to be less than the Fermi momentum kFk_\textrm{F}. The measurements agree well with Tomonaga-Luttinger theory

    New high-efficiency source of photon pairs for engineering quantum entanglement

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    We have constructed an efficient source of photon pairs using a waveguide-type nonlinear device and performed a two-photon interference experiment with an unbalanced Michelson interferometer. Parametric down-converted photons from the nonlinear device are detected by two detectors located at the output ports of the interferometer. Because the interferometer is constructed with two optical paths of different length, photons from the shorter path arrive at the detector earlier than those from the longer path. We find that the difference of arrival time and the time window of the coincidence counter are important parameters which determine the boundary between the classical and quantum regime. When the time window of the coincidence counter is smaller than the arrival time difference, fringes of high visibility (80±\pm 10%) were observed. This result is only explained by quantum theory and is clear evidence for quantum entanglement of the interferometer's optical paths.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, IQEC200