1,583 research outputs found

    Far infrared maser communications technology

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    An optically pumped FIR laser was constructed and tested. Optimum operating conditions were determined with CH3OH as the lasing medium. The laser was found to operate equally well with flowing gas or in a sealed off configuration. The FIR cavity stability and pump laser stability were found to have significant problems. The absorption coefficient per unit pressure of 1-1 difluoroethylene at the P(22) and P(24) lines of the 10.4 micron CO2 band was measured. The FIR line pumped by P(22) occurs at approximately 890 microns, which may be in an atmospheric transmission window. It was found that significant Stark tuning of absorption lines of methanol and 1-1 difluoroethylene can be accomplished, even at the usual 100 to 300 mTorr operating pressures of FIR lasers. This means that the use of Stark tuning may enable more effective use of pump laser output

    Recent Langley helicopter acoustics contributions

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    The helicopter acoustics program at NASA Langley has included technology for elements of noise control ranging from sources of noise to receivers of noise. The scope of Langley contributions for about the last decade is discussed. Specifically, the resolution of two certification noise quantification issues by subjective acoustics research, the development status of the helicopter system noise prediction program ROTONET are reviewed and the highlights from research on blade rotational, broadband, and blade vortex interaction noise sources are presented. Finally, research contributions on helicopter cabin (or interior) noise control are presented. A bibliography of publications from the Langley helicopter acoustics program for the past 10 years is included

    Noise reduction evaluation of grids in a supersonic air stream with application to Space Shuttle

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    Near field acoustic measurements were obtained for a model supersonic air jet perturbed by a screen. Noise reduction potential in the vicinity of the space shuttle vehicle during ground launch when the rocket exhaust flow is perturbed by a grid was determined. Both 10 and 12 mesh screens were utilized for this experiment, and each exhibited a noise reduction only at very low frequencies in the near field forward arc. A power spectrum analysis revealed that a modest reduction of from 3 to 5 decibels exists below a Strouhal number S sub t = 0.11. Above S sub t = 0.11 screen harmonics increased the observed sound pressure level. The favorable noise reductions obtained with screens for S sub t 0.11 may be of substantial interest for the space shuttle at ground launch

    Magnetohydrodynamic boundary layer between parallel streams of different magnetic fields and temperatures

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    Free laminar boundary layer flow between parallel streams of different magnetic fields and temperatures for incompressible, viscous, thermal, and electric conducting fluid

    Superconducting instability in the Holstein-Hubbard model: A numerical renormalization group study

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    We have studied the d-wave pairing-instability in the two-dimensional Holstein-Hubbard model at the level of a full fluctuation exchange approximation which treats both Coulomb and electron-phonon (EP) interaction diagrammatically on an equal footing. A generalized numerical renormalization group technique has been developed to solve the resulting self-consistent field equations. The dd-wave superconducting phase diagram shows an optimal T_c at electron concentration ~ 0.9 for the purely electronic Hubbard system. The EP interaction suppresses the d-wave T_c which drops to zero when the phonon-mediated on-site attraction UpU_p becomes comparable to the on-site Coulomb repulsion UU. The isotope exponent α\alpha is negative in this model and small compared to the classical BCS value αBCS=1/2\alpha_{BCS} = 1/2 or compared to typical observed values in non-optimally doped cuprate superconductors.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX + 3 PS figures include

    Hole Pockets in the Doped 2D Hubbard Model

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    The electronic momentum distribution n(k){\rm n({\bf k})} of the two dimensional Hubbard model is studied for different values of the coupling U/t{\rm U/t}, electronic density ⟨n⟩{\rm \langle n \rangle}, and temperature, using quantum Monte Carlo techniques. A detailed analysis of the data on 8×88\times 8 clusters shows that features consistent with hole pockets at momenta k=(±π2,±π2){\rm {\bf k}=(\pm {\pi\over{2}},\pm {\pi\over{2}})} appear as the system is doped away from half-filling. Our results are consistent with recent experimental data for the cuprates discussed by Aebi et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 72}, 2757 (1994)). In the range of couplings studied, the depth of the pockets is maximum at ⟨n⟩≈0.9{\rm \langle n \rangle \approx 0.9}, and it increases with decreasing temperature. The apparent absence of hole pockets in previous numerical studies of this model is explained.Comment: 11 pages, 4 postscript figures appended, RevTeX (version 3.0

    Superfluid stability in BEC-BCS crossover

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    We consider a dilute atomic gas of two species of fermions with unequal concentrations under a Feshbach resonance. We find that the system can have distinct properties due to the unbound fermions. The uniform state is stable only when either (a) beyond a critical coupling strength, where it is a gapless superfluid, or (b) when the coupling strength is sufficiently weak, where it is a normal Fermi gas mixture. Phase transition(s) must therefore occur when the resonance is crossed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The Isotope Effect in d-Wave Superconductors

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    Based on recently proposed anti-ferromagnetic spin fluctuation exchange models for dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2}-superconductors, we show that coupling to harmonic phonons {\it{cannot}} account for the observed isotope effect in the cuprate high-TcT_c materials, whereas coupling to strongly anharmonic multiple-well lattice tunneling modes {\it{can}}. Our results thus point towards a strongly enhanced {\it{effective}} electron-phonon coupling and a possible break-down of Migdal-Eliashberg theory in the cuprates.Comment: 12 pages + 2 figures, Postscript files, all uuencoded Phys. Rev. Lett. (1995, to be published

    Magnetically mediated superconductivity: Crossover from cubic to tetragonal lattice

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    We compare predictions of the mean-field theory of superconductivity for nearly antiferromagnetic and nearly ferromagnetic metals for cubic and tetragonal lattices. The calculations are based on the parametrization of an effective interaction arising from the exchange of magnetic fluctuations and assume that a single band is relevant for superconductivity. The results show that for comparable model parameters, the robustness of magnetic pairing increases gradually as one goes from a cubic structure to a more and more anisotropic tetragonal structure either on the border of antiferromagnetism or ferromagnetism.Comment: 16 pages 14 figure

    A particle system with explosions: law of large numbers for the density of particles and the blow-up time

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    Consider a system of independent random walks in the discrete torus with creation-annihilation of particles and possible explosion of the total number of particles in finite time. Rescaling space and rates for diffusion/creation/annihilation of particles, we obtain a stong law of large numbers for the density of particles in the supremum norm. The limiting object is a classical solution to the semilinear heat equation u_t =u_{xx} + f(u). If f(u)=u^p, 1<p \le 3, we also obtain a law of large numbers for the explosion time
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