211 research outputs found

    Simple generalizations of Anti-de Sitter space-time

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    We consider new cosmological solutions which generalize the cosmological patch of the Anti-de Sitter (AdS) space-time, allowing for fluids with equations of state such that w1w\neq -1. We use them to derive the associated full manifolds. We find that these solutions can all be embedded in flat five-dimensional space-time with +++--+++ signature, revealing deformed hyperboloids. The topology and causal-structure of these spaces is therefore unchanged, and closed time-like curves are identified, before a covering space is considered. However the structure of Killing vector fields is entirely different and so we may expect a different structure of Killing horizons in these solutions.Comment: 6 Pages, 5 Figures, Corrections and additions made for publication in Journal of Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Stationary Configurations Imply Shift Symmetry: No Bondi Accretion for Quintessence / k-Essence

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    In this paper we show that, for general scalar fields, stationary configurations are possible for shift symmetric theories only. This symmetry with respect to constant translations in field space should either be manifest in the original field variables or reveal itself after an appropriate field redefinition. In particular this result implies that neither k-Essence nor Quintessence can have exact steady state / Bondi accretion onto Black Holes. We also discuss the role of field redefinitions in k-Essence theories. Here we study the transformation properties of observables and other variables in k-Essence and emphasize which of them are covariant under field redefinitions. Finally we find that stationary field configurations are necessarily linear in Killing time, provided that shift symmetry is realized in terms of these field variables.Comment: 8 page

    Near Scale Invariance with Modified Dispersion Relations

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    We describe a novel mechanism to seed a nearly scale invariant spectrum of adiabatic perturbations during a non-inflationary stage. It relies on a modified dispersion relation that contains higher powers of the spatial momentum of matter perturbations. We implement this idea in the context of a massless scalar field in an otherwise perfectly homogeneous universe. The couplings of the field to background scalars and tensors give rise to the required modification of its dispersion relation, and the couplings of the scalar to matter result in an adiabatic primordial spectrum. This work is meant to explicitly illustrate that it is possible to seed nearly scale invariant primordial spectra without inflation, within a conventional expansion history.Comment: 7 pages and no figures. Uses RevTeX

    On Power Law Inflation in DBI Models

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    Inflationary models in string theory which identify the inflaton with an open string modulus lead to effective field theories with non-canonical kinetic terms: Dirac-Born-Infeld scalar field theories. In the case of a DD-brane moving in an AdS throat with a quadratic scalar field potential DBI kinetic terms allow a novel realization of power law inflation. This note adresses the question of whether this behaviour is special to this particular choice of throat geometry and potential. The answer is that for any throat geometry one can explicitly find a potential which leads to power law inflation. This generalizes the well known fact that an exponential potential gives power law inflation in the case of canonical kinetic terms.Comment: References and comments adde

    Imperfect Dark Energy from Kinetic Gravity Braiding

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    We introduce a large class of scalar-tensor models with interactions containing the second derivatives of the scalar field but not leading to additional degrees of freedom. These models exhibit peculiar features, such as an essential mixing of scalar and tensor kinetic terms, which we have named kinetic braiding. This braiding causes the scalar stress tensor to deviate from the perfect-fluid form. Cosmology in these models possesses a rich phenomenology, even in the limit where the scalar is an exact Goldstone boson. Generically, there are attractor solutions where the scalar monitors the behaviour of external matter. Because of the kinetic braiding, the position of the attractor depends both on the form of the Lagrangian and on the external energy density. The late-time asymptotic of these cosmologies is a de Sitter state. The scalar can exhibit phantom behaviour and is able to cross the phantom divide with neither ghosts nor gradient instabilities. These features provide a new class of models for Dark Energy. As an example, we study in detail a simple one-parameter model. The possible observational signatures of this model include a sizeable Early Dark Energy and a specific equation of state evolving into the final de-Sitter state from a healthy phantom regime.Comment: 41 pages, 7 figures. References and some clarifying language added. This version was accepted for publication in JCA

    The Imperfect Fluid behind Kinetic Gravity Braiding

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    We present a standard hydrodynamical description for non-canonical scalar field theories with kinetic gravity braiding. In particular, this picture applies to the simplest galileons and k-essence. The fluid variables not only have a clear physical meaning but also drastically simplify the analysis of the system. The fluid carries charges corresponding to shifts in field space. This shift-charge current contains a spatial part responsible for diffusion of the charges. Moreover, in the incompressible limit, the equation of motion becomes the standard diffusion equation. The fluid is indeed imperfect because the energy flows neither along the field gradient nor along the shift current. The fluid has zero vorticity and is not dissipative: there is no entropy production, the energy-momentum is exactly conserved, the temperature vanishes and there is no shear viscosity. Still, in an expansion around a perfect fluid one can identify terms which correct the pressure in the manner of bulk viscosity. We close by formulating the non-trivial conditions for the thermodynamic equilibrium of this imperfect fluid.Comment: 23 pages plus appendices. New version includes extended discussion on diffusion and dynamics in alternative frames, as well as additional references. v3 reflects version accepted for publication in JHEP: minor comments added regarding suitability to numerical approache

    K fields, compactons, and thick branes

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    K fields, that is, fields with a non-standard kinetic term, allow for soliton solutions with compact support, i.e., compactons. Compactons in 1+1 dimensions may give rise to topological defects of the domain wall type and with finite thickness in higher dimensions. Here we demonstrate that, for an appropriately chosen kinetic term, propagation of linear perturbations is completely suppressed outside the topological defect, confining the propagation of particles inside the domain wall. On the other hand, inside the topological defect the propagation of linear perturbations is of the standard type, in spite of the non-standard kinetic term. Consequently, this compacton domain wall may act like a brane of finite thickness which is embedded in a higher dimensional space, but to which matter fields are constrained. In addition, we find strong indications that, when gravity is taken into account, location of gravity in the sense of Randall--Sundrum works for these compacton domain walls. When seen from the bulk, these finite thickness branes, in fact, cannot be distinguished from infinitely thin branes.Comment: some references and further remarks adde

    Compact self-gravitating solutions of quartic (K) fields in brane cosmology

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    Recently we proposed that K fields, that is, fields with a non-standard kinetic term, may provide a mechanism for the generation of thick branes, based on the following observations. Firstly, K field theories allow for soliton solutions with compact support, i.e., compactons. Compactons in 1+1 dimensions may give rise to topological defects of the domain wall type and with finite thickness in higher dimensions. Secondly, propagation of linear perturbations is confined inside the compacton domain wall. Further, these linear perturbations inside the topological defect are of the standard type, in spite of the non-standard kinetic term. Thirdly, when gravity is taken into account, location of gravity in the sense of Randall--Sundrum works for these compacton domain walls provided that the backreaction of gravity does not destabilize the compacton domain wall. It is the purpose of the present paper to investigate in detail the existence and stability of compacton domain walls in the full K field and gravity system, using both analytical and numerical methods. We find that the existence of the domain wall in the full system requires a correlation between the gravitational constant and the bulk cosmological constant, which is thoroughly analyzed.Comment: 40 pages, 18 figures, one section on brane stability added, where the stability under fluctuations of the scalar field is demonstrate

    Cosmology with Interaction between Phantom Dark Energy and Dark Matter and the Coincidence Problem

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    We study a cosmological model in which phantom dark energy is coupled to dark matter by phenomenologically introducing a coupled term to the equations of motion of dark energy and dark matter. This term is parameterized by a dimensionless coupling function δ\delta, Hubble parameter and the energy density of dark matter, and it describes an energy flow between the dark energy and dark matter. We discuss two cases: one is the case where the equation-of-state ωe\omega_e of the dark energy is a constant; the other is that the dimensionless coupling function δ\delta is a constant. We investigate the effect of the interaction on the evolution of the universe, the total lifetime of the universe, and the ratio of the period when the universe is in the coincidence state to its total lifetime. It turns out that the interaction will produce significant deviation from the case without the interaction.Comment: Latex, 17 pages including 14 figures, minor change