585 research outputs found

    Phonon-mediated tuning of instabilities in the Hubbard model at half-filling

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    We obtain the phase diagram of the half-filled two-dimensional Hubbard model on a square lattice in the presence of Einstein phonons. We find that the interplay between the instantaneous electron-electron repulsion and electron-phonon interaction leads to new phases. In particular, a dx2y2_{x^2-y^2}-wave superconducting phase emerges when both anisotropic phonons and repulsive Hubbard interaction are present. For large electron-phonon couplings, charge-density-wave and s-wave superconducting regions also appear in the phase diagram, and the widths of these regions are strongly dependent on the phonon frequency, indicating that retardation effects play an important role. Since at half-filling the Fermi surface is nested, spin-density-wave is recovered when the repulsive interaction dominates. We employ a functional multiscale renormalization-group method that includes both electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions, and take retardation effects fully into account.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Skyrmion Lattice in a Chiral Magnet

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    Skyrmions represent topologically stable field configurations with particle-like properties. We used neutron scattering to observe the spontaneous formation of a two-dimensional lattice of skyrmion lines, a type of magnetic vortices, in the chiral itinerant-electron magnet MnSi. The skyrmion lattice stabilizes at the border between paramagnetism and long-range helimagnetic order perpendicular to a small applied magnetic field regardless of the direction of the magnetic field relative to the atomic lattice. Our study experimentally establishes magnetic materials lacking inversion symmetry as an arena for new forms of crystalline order composed of topologically stable spin states

    spl(2,1) dynamical supersymmetry and suppression of ferromagnetism in flat band double-exchange models

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    The low energy spectrum of the ferromagnetic Kondo lattice model on a N-site complete graph extended with on-site repulsion is obtained from the underlying spl(2,1) algebra properties in the strong coupling limit. The ferromagnetic ground state is realized for 1 and N+1 electrons only. We identify the large density of states to be responsible for the suppression of the ferromagnetic state and argue that a similar situation is encountered in the Kagome, pyrochlore, and other lattices with flat bands in their one-particle density of states.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Topological Hall effect in the A-phase of MnSi

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    Recent small angle neutron scattering suggests, that the spin structure in the A-phase of MnSi is a so-called triple-QQ state, i.e., a superposition of three helices under 120 degrees. Model calculations suggest that this structure in fact is a lattice of so-called skyrmions, i.e., a lattice of topologically stable knots in the spin structure. We report a distinct additional contribution to the Hall effect in the temperature and magnetic field range of the proposed skyrmion lattice, where such a contribution is neither seen nor expected for a normal helical state. Our Hall effect measurements constitute a direct observation of a topologically quantized Berry phase that identifies the spin structure seen in neutron scattering as the proposed skyrmion lattice

    Solution of the infinite range t-J model

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    The t-J model with constant t and J between any pair of sites is studied by exploiting the symmetry of the Hamiltonian with respect to site permutations. For a given number of electrons and a given total spin the exchange term simply yields an additive constant. Therefore the real problem is to diagonalize the "t- model", or equivalently the infinite U Hubbard Hamiltonian. Using extensively the properties of the permutation group, we are able to find explicitly both the energy eigenvalues and eigenstates, labeled according to spin quantum numbers and Young diagrams. As a corollary we also obtain the degenerate ground states of the finite UU Hubbard model with infinite range hopping -t>0.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Van Hove singularity and spontaneous Fermi surface symmetry breaking in Sr3Ru2O7

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    The most salient features observed around a metamagnetic transition in Sr3Ru2O7 are well captured in a simple model for spontaneous Fermi surface symmetry breaking under a magnetic field, without invoking a putative quantum critical point. The Fermi surface symmetry breaking happens in both a majority and a minority spin band but with a different magnitude of the order parameter, when either band is tuned close to van Hove filling by the magnetic field. The transition is second order for high temperature T and changes into first order for low T. The first order transition is accompanied by a metamagnetic transition. The uniform magnetic susceptibility and the specific heat coefficient show strong T dependence, especially a log T divergence at van Hove filling. The Fermi surface instability then cuts off such non-Fermi liquid behavior and gives rise to a cusp in the susceptibility and a specific heat jump at the transition temperature.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    On a global differential geometric approach to the rational mechanics of deformable media

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    In the past the rational mechanics of deformable media was largely concerned with materials governed by linear constitutive equations. In recent years, the theory has expanded considerably towards covering materials for which the constitutive equations are inherently nonlinear, and/or whose mechanical properties resemble in some respects those of a fluid and in others those of a solid. In the present article we formulate a satisfactory global mathematical theory of moving deformable media, which includes all these aspects

    The Reconstruction Problem and Weak Quantum Values

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    Quantum Mechanical weak values are an interference effect measured by the cross-Wigner transform W({\phi},{\psi}) of the post-and preselected states, leading to a complex quasi-distribution {\rho}_{{\phi},{\psi}}(x,p) on phase space. We show that the knowledge of {\rho}_{{\phi},{\psi}}(z) and of one of the two functions {\phi},{\psi} unambiguously determines the other, thus generalizing a recent reconstruction result of Lundeen and his collaborators.Comment: To appear in J.Phys.: Math. Theo

    Exact integral equation for the renormalized Fermi surface

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    The true Fermi surface of a fermionic many-body system can be viewed as a fixed point manifold of the renormalization group (RG). Within the framework of the exact functional RG we show that the fixed point condition implies an exact integral equation for the counterterm which is needed for a self-consistent calculation of the Fermi surface. In the simplest approximation, our integral equation reduces to the self-consistent Hartree-Fock equation for the counterterm.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Strong Longitudinal Magnetic Fluctuations near Critical End Point in UCoAl: A ^59Co-NMR Study

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    We report ^59Co-NMR measurements in UCoAl where a metamagnetism occurs due to enhancement of ferromagnetism by magnetic field. The metamagnetic transition from a paramagnetic (PM) state to a ferromagnetic state is a first order transition at low temperatures, but it changes to a crossover at high temperatures on crossing the critical end pint (CEP) at T_CEP ~ 12 K. The contrasting behavior between the relaxation rates 1/T_1 and 1/T_2 suggests that the longitudinal magnetic fluctuation of U moment is strongly enhanced especially near the CEP. A wide diffusion of the fluctuation from the CEP can be confirmed even in the PM state where the magnetic transition does not occur.Comment: 5pages, 6 figures, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jp