14 research outputs found

    Novel functions and regulation of cryptic cellobiose operons in Escherichia coli

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    Presence of cellobiose as a sole carbon source induces mutations in the chb and asc operons of Escherichia coli and allows it to grow on cellobiose. We previously engineered these two operons with synthetic constitutive promoters and achieved efficient cellobiose metabolism through adaptive evolution. In this study, we characterized two mutations observed in the efficient cellobiose metabolizing strain: duplication of RBS of ascB gene, (beta-glucosidase of asc operon) and nonsense mutation in yebK, (an uncharacterized transcription factor). Mutations in yebK play a dominant role by modulating the length of lag phase, relative to the growth rate of the strain when transferred from a rich medium to minimal cellobiose medium. Mutations in ascB, on the other hand, are specific for cellobiose and help in enhancing the specific growth rate. Taken together, our results show that ascB of the asc operon is controlled by an internal putative promoter in addition to the native cryptic promoter, and the transcription factor yebK helps to remodel the host physiology for cellobiose metabolism. While previous studies characterized the stress-induced mutations that allowed growth on cellobiose, here, we characterize the adaptation-induced mutations that help in enhancing cellobiose metabolic ability. This study will shed new light on the regulatory changes and factors that are needed for the functional coupling of the host physiology to the activated cryptic cellobiose metabolismopen1

    A Multi-Platform Flow Device for Microbial (Co-) Cultivation and Microscopic Analysis

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    Novel microbial cultivation platforms are of increasing interest to researchers in academia and industry. The development of materials with specialized chemical and geometric properties has opened up new possibilities in the study of previously unculturable microorganisms and has facilitated the design of elegant, high-throughput experimental set-ups. Within the context of the international Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) competition, we set out to design, manufacture, and implement a flow device that can accommodate multiple growth platforms, that is, a silicon nitride based microsieve and a porous aluminium oxide based microdish. It provides control over (co-)culturing conditions similar to a chemostat, while allowing organisms to be observed microscopically. The device was designed to be affordable, reusable, and above all, versatile. To test its functionality and general utility, we performed multiple experiments with Escherichia coli cells harboring synthetic gene circuits and were able to quantitatively study emerging expression dynamics in real-time via fluorescence microscopy. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the device provides a unique environment for the cultivation of nematodes, suggesting that the device could also prove useful in microscopy studies of multicellular microorganisms

    Oligo- and dsDNA-mediated genome editing using a tetA dual selection system in Escherichia coli

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    The ability to precisely and seamlessly modify a target genome is needed for metabolic engineering and synthetic biology techniques aimed at creating potent biosystems. Herein, we report on a promising method in Escherichia coli that relies on the insertion of an optimized tetA dual selection cassette followed by replacement of the same cassette with short, single-stranded DNA (oligos) or long, double-stranded DNA and the isolation of recombinant strains by negative selection using NiCl2. This method could be rapidly and successfully used for genome engineering, including deletions, insertions, replacements, and point mutations, without inactivation of the methyl-directed mismatch repair (MMR) system and plasmid cloning. The method we describe here facilitates positive genome-edited recombinants with selection efficiencies ranging from 57 to 92%. Using our method, we increased lycopene production (3.4-fold) by replacing the ribosome binding site (RBS) of the rate-limiting gene (dxs) in the 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate (DXP) biosynthesis pathway with a strong RBS. Thus, this method could be used to achieve scarless, proficient, and targeted genome editing for engineering E. coli strains