150 research outputs found

    Kolme Katariinaa:Katariina Sienalaisen representoiminen kolmessa pyhimyselÀmÀkerrassa

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    TiivistelmĂ€. Pro gradu -tutkielmani aiheena on Italiassa 1300-luvulla elĂ€nyt Katariina Sienalainen. PyhimyksenĂ€ hĂ€n on tunnettu erityisesti askeesistaan ja erikoisesta asemastaan diplomaattina ja poliittisena vaikuttajana. HĂ€n syntyi vuonna 1347 suureen perheeseen ja pÀÀtti jo 12-vuotiaana omistaa elĂ€mĂ€nsĂ€ Jumalalle vasten vanhempiensa tahtoa. HĂ€n kuitenkin kieltĂ€ytyi lĂ€htemĂ€stĂ€ luostariin vaan valitsi maallikkopenitentin aktiivisen elĂ€mĂ€n. Jo nuoruudesta asti Katariinan elĂ€mÀÀ hallitsi ankara askeesi. Askeesia on pidetty niinkin ankarana, ettĂ€ hagiografiset lĂ€hteet vĂ€ittĂ€vĂ€t hĂ€nen syöneen ”ei-mitÀÀn”. Keskeisin legenda, johon Katariina liitetÀÀn, on Avignonin paavius ja sen pÀÀttyminen. HĂ€n siis eli epĂ€tavallisen aktiivisen elĂ€mĂ€n kierrellen diplomaatin tehtĂ€vĂ€ssĂ€ ympĂ€ri Italiaa ja jĂ€tti jĂ€lkeensĂ€ lĂ€hes 400 kirjettĂ€ ja hengellisiĂ€ kirjoituksia. HĂ€n kuoli vuonna 1380, vain 33-vuotiaana, todennĂ€köisesti aliravitsemukseen. HĂ€net kanonisoitiin vuonna 1461. LĂ€hestyn Katariinaa tutkimalla kolmea eri vuosisadalla kirjoitettua pyhimyselĂ€mĂ€kertaa: keskiaikaista, 1800-luvulla ja 2010-luvulla kirjoitettua. Keskiaikaisen lĂ€hteen on kirjoittanut Katariinan rippi-isĂ€, Raymondus Capualainen. 1800-luvulla ilmestynyt elĂ€mĂ€kerta on taas feministin Josephine Butlerin kĂ€sialaa. Nykyaikainen, 2010-luvulla ilmestynyt historiallinen elĂ€mĂ€kerran on kirjoittanut AndrĂ© Vauchez. Tutkimuskysymykseni koskevat kolmen eri pyhimyselĂ€mĂ€kerran eroavaisuuksia, keskittyen askeesiin ja aatehistoriallisiin piirteisiin. Otsikkoni mukaisesti pyrin hahmottamaan kolme erilaista Katariinaa ja vertailemaan heitĂ€ keskenÀÀn. Tutkimusmetodini on toisin sanoen vertaileva, mutta hyödynnĂ€n myös kontekstointia ja lĂ€hteiden lĂ€hilukua. KeskeisimmĂ€t tutkimustulokset löytyivĂ€t, kun tutki sitĂ€, mitĂ€ toinen jĂ€tti sanomatta ja toinen korosti. Keskiaikaisessa hagiografisessa tekstissĂ€ Katariinan aktiivinen ura on hĂ€ivytetty lĂ€hes kokonaan piiloon ja hĂ€nen mystistĂ€ ja profetaallista puoltaan korostetaan. Toisaalta 1800-luvun elĂ€mĂ€kerta juuri korostaa tĂ€tĂ€ puolta, sillĂ€ teoksessa on protofeministisiĂ€ piirteitĂ€. Vauchezin teos on taas puhtaasti nykyhistoriantutkimusta ja se pyrkii purkamaan Katariinan pyhimyskulttiin liitettyjĂ€ legendoja. Myös askeesin kĂ€sittelyt lĂ€hteissĂ€ eroavat toisistaan. Keskiaikaisessa lĂ€hteessĂ€ paastoamista korostetaan, koska se on kirjoitettu ikÀÀn kuin malliksi oikeanlaisen kristityn elĂ€mĂ€stĂ€. 1800-luvun lĂ€hde taas sivuttaa ankaran askeesin parilla lauseella. Erityisesti 1900-luvun loppupuolen tutkimus sekĂ€ nykyaikainen on tuonut askeesin tutkimukseen diagnosoivan nĂ€kökulman, nimeten Katariinan “pyhĂ€ksi anorektikoksi”. SelvÀÀ kuitenkin on, ettĂ€ Katariina rikkoi aikansa normeja ja tarjoaa hedelmĂ€llisen alustan myös tulevallekin tutkimukselle

    Design optimisation of high-brightness laser diodes for external cavity operation in the BRIDLE project

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    We report on the design aspects of high performance diode lasers for application in high-brightness spectral beam combining and coherent beam combining modules. Key performance trade-offs are identified and potential solutions are explored

    Development of high-speed directly-modulated DFB and DBR lasers with surface gratings

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    The conventional distributed feedback and distributed Bragg reflector edge-emitting lasers employ buried gratings, which require two or more epitaxial growth steps. By using lateral corrugations of the ridge-waveguide as surface gratings the epitaxial overgrowth is avoided, reducing the fabrication complexity, increasing the yield and reducing the fabrication cost. The surface gratings are applicable to different materials, including Al-containing ones and can be easily integrated in complex device structures and photonic circuits. Single-contact and multiple contact edge-emitting lasers with laterally-corrugated ridge waveguide gratings have been developed both on GaAs and InP substrates with the aim to exploit the photon-photon resonance in order to extend their direct modulation bandwidth. The paper reports on the characteristics of such surface-grating-based lasers emitting both at 1.3 and 1.55 ÎŒm and presents the photon-photon resonance extended small-signal modulation bandwidth (> 20 GHz) achieved with a 1.6 mm long single-contact device under direct modulation. Similarly structured devices, with shorter cavity lengths are expected to exceed 40 GHz smallsignal modulation bandwidth under direct modulatio

    Coherent combining of two high-brightness laser diodes phase-locked by a Michelson-type external cavity (Orale)

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    International audienceWe describe a new coherent beam combin- ing architecture based on the passive phase- locking of two laser diodes in a Michelson external cavity on their rear side, and their coherent combination on their front side

    Separate phase-locking and coherent combining of two laser diodes in a Michelson cavity

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    We describe a new coherent beam combining architecture based on passive phase-locking of two laser diodes in a Michelson external cavity on their rear facet, and their coherent combination on the front facet. As a proof-of-principle, two ridge lasers have been coherently combined with >90 % efficiency. The phase-locking range, and the resistance of the external cavity to perturbations have been thoroughly investigated. The combined power has been stabilized over more than 15 min with an optical feedback as well as with an automatic adjustment of the driving currents. Furthermore, two high-brightness high-power tapered laser diodes have been coherently combined in a similar arrangement; the combining efficiency is 70% and results in an output power of 4 W. We believe that this new configuration combines the simplicity of passive self-organizing architectures with the optical efficiency of master-oscillator power-amplifier ones

    The impact of gender, puberty, and pregnancy in patients with POLG disease

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    OBJECTIVE: To study the impact of gender, puberty, and pregnancy on the expression of POLG disease, one of the most common mitochondrial diseases known. METHODS: Clinical, laboratory, and genetic data were collected retrospectively from 155 patients with genetically confirmed POLG disease recruited from seven European countries. We used the available data to study the impact of gender, puberty, and pregnancy on disease onset and deterioration. RESULTS: We found that disease onset early in life was common in both sexes but there was also a second peak in females around the time of puberty. Further, pregnancy had a negative impact with 10 of 14 women (71%) experiencing disease onset or deterioration during pregnancy. INTERPRETATION: Gender clearly influences the expression of POLG disease. While onset very early in life was common in both males and females, puberty in females appeared associated both with disease onset and increased disease activity. Further, both disease onset and deterioration, including seizure aggravation and status epilepticus, appeared to be associated with pregnancy. Thus, whereas disease activity appears maximal early in life with no subsequent peaks in males, both menarche and pregnancy appear associated with disease onset or worsening in females. This suggests that hormonal changes may be a modulating factor
