4,622 research outputs found
Strange Quark Contribution to the Nucleon Spin from Electroweak Elastic Scattering Data
The total contribution of strange quarks to the intrinsic spin of the nucleon
can be determined from a measurement of the strange-quark contribution to the
nucleon's elastic axial form factor. We have studied the strangeness
contribution to the elastic vector and axial form factors of the nucleon, using
elastic electroweak scattering data. Specifically, we combine elastic
and scattering cross section data from the Brookhaven E734
experiment with elastic and quasi-elastic and -He scattering
parity-violating asymmetry data from the SAMPLE, HAPPEx, G0 and PVA4
experiments. We have not only determined these form factors at individual
values of momentum-transfer (), but also have fit the -dependence of
these form factors using simple functional forms. We present the results of
these fits, along with some expectations of how our knowledge of these form
factors can be improved with data from Fermilab experiments.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, CIPANP 201
In-flight load testing of advanced shuttle thermal protection systems
NASA Ames Research Center has conducted in-flight airload testing of some advanced thermal protection systems (TPS) at the Dryden Flight Research Center. The two flexible TPS materials tested, felt reusable surface insulation (FRSI) and advanced flexible reusable surface insulation (AFRSI), are currently certified for use on the Shuttle orbiter. The objectives of the flight tests were to evaluate the performance of FRSI and AFRSI at simulated launch airloads and to provide a data base for future advanced TPS flight tests. Five TPS configurations were evaluated in a flow field which was representative of relatively flat areas without secondary flows. The TPS materials were placed on a fin, the Flight Test fixture (FTF), that is attached to the underside of the fuselage of an F-104 aircraft. This paper describes the test approach and techniques used and presents the results of the advanced TPS flight test. There were no failures noted during post-flight inspections of the TPS materials which were exposed to airloads 40 percent higher than the design launch airloads
Clinical use of rivaroxaban: pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic rationale for dosing regimens in different indications.
Target-specific oral anticoagulants have become increasingly available as alternatives to traditional agents for the management of a number of thromboembolic disorders. To date, the direct Factor Xa inhibitor rivaroxaban is the most widely approved of the new agents. The dosing of rivaroxaban varies and adheres to specific schedules in each of the clinical settings in which it has been investigated. These regimens were devised based on the results of phase II dose-finding studies and/or pharmacokinetic modeling, and were demonstrated to be successful in randomized, phase III studies. In most cases, the pharmacodynamic profile of rivaroxaban permits once-daily dosing. A once-daily dose is indicated for the prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in patients undergoing hip or knee replacement surgery, the long-term prevention of stroke in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation, and the long-term secondary prevention of recurrent VTE. Twice-daily dosing is required in the acute phase of treatment in patients with VTE and in the combination of rivaroxaban with standard single or dual antiplatelet therapy for secondary prevention after acute coronary syndrome events. This article reviews the empirical and clinical rationale supporting the dose regimens of rivaroxaban in each clinical setting
Digital Communication and Its Influence on Consumer Habits During Health Emergencies
Virtual Social Networks, such as Facebook, text messages, and instant messaging, have produced a great flow of real-time data like never seen before. This has turned multitasking into an information management strategy (Campos, 2018, p. 5). Currently, social networks have become a massive economic medium and generated many expectations due to the growth potential they offer. The sample of this study was made up of 213 marketing students of the Polytechnic School of Chimborazo – 110 female and 103 male students from the Coast, Sierra, and Amazon regions. Results show that digital communication informs and influences the decision of a consumer to purchase goods and services.
Keywords: digital marketing, consumers, services, social networks.
Las Redes Sociales Virtuales, tales como Facebook, mensajes de texto y mensajería instantánea han producido un gran flujo de datos en tiempo real, como nunca antes se vio. Lo que ha convertido a la multitarea en una estrategia de gestión de la información. (Campos, 2018, pág. 5), en la actualidad las redes sociales se han convertido en un medio económico, oportuno y masivo, y han generado muchas expectativas por el potencial que brindan al desarrollo de las diferentes funciones en una organización. La muestra objeto de estudio la constituyeron 213 estudiantes de la Carrera de Mercadotecnia de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 110 educandos del género femenino y 103 del género masculino y pertenecen a las regiones Costa, Sierra y Amazonía. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la comunicación digital informa e influye en la decisión de compra de bienes y servicios sin que los mismos se encuentren estrechamente relacionados con la satisfacción de sus necesidades elementales.
Palabras Clave: marketing digital, consumidores, servicios, redes sociales
Customer Service During the Health Emergency in the La Condamine Shopping Centre
Sales management involves the establishment of strategic objectives, development and control of the action plan, and planning and management of the necessary resources to increase revenue. Customer service is a fundamental marketing tool and has a direct impact on sales. It is responsible for establishing places of contact with customers and for using channels while establishing relationships with them before, during, and after the sale of a good or service [6]. The purpose of this work was to analyze and predetermine how the quality of customer service influenced sales during the health emergency at the La Condamine Shopping Center in the city of Riobamba. The study sample included 200 merchants. The results show a need for improvement in customer service by the sales representative in order to increase their sales.
Keywords: customer care, service, sales, consumers, pandemic.
La gestión en ventas involucra el establecimiento de objetivos estratégicos, el desarrollo y el control del plan de acción, la planificación y la gestión de los recursos necesarios que permita incrementar los ingresos. La atención al cliente es una herramienta fundamental del marketing y consecuentemente tiene una incidencia directa sobre las ventas, es la encargada de establecer lugares de contacto con los clientes, utilizando canales al tiempo de establecer relaciones con ellos, antes durante y después de la venta de un bien o un servicio. [6]. El propósito del presente trabajo fue analizar y predeterminar como el servicio de atención al cliente influyo en las ventas durante la emergencia sanitaria en el Centro Comercial La Condamine de la ciudad de Riobamba La muestra con quienes se realizó el estudio corresponden a 200 comerciantes. Los resultados muestran que los vendedores deben mejorar la atención al cliente para poder aumentar las ventas en sus negocios.
Palabras Clave: atención al cliente, servicio, ventas, consumidores, pandemia
Recent Advances in Chromospheric and Coronal Polarization Diagnostics
I review some recent advances in methods to diagnose polarized radiation with
which we may hope to explore the magnetism of the solar chromosphere and
corona. These methods are based on the remarkable signatures that the
radiatively induced quantum coherences produce in the emergent spectral line
polarization and on the joint action of the Hanle and Zeeman effects. Some
applications to spicules, prominences, active region filaments, emerging flux
regions and the quiet chromosphere are discussed.Comment: Review paper to appear in "Magnetic Coupling between the Interior and
the Atmosphere of the Sun", eds. S. S. Hasan and R. J. Rutten, Astrophysics
and Space Science Proceedings, Springer-Verlag, 200
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