25 research outputs found

    Output Error Method for Tiltrotor Unstable in Hover

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    This article investigates unstable tiltrotor in hover system identification from flight test data. The aircraft dynamics was described by a linear model defined in Body-Fixed-Coordinate System. Output Error Method was selected in order to obtain stability and control derivatives in lateral motion. For estimating model parameters both time and frequency domain formulations were applied. To improve the system identification performed in the time domain, a stabilization matrix was included for evaluating the states. In the end, estimates obtained from various Output Error Method formulations were compared in terms of parameters accuracy and time histories. Evaluations were performed in MATLAB R2009b environment

    Wpływ preparatu algaminoplant na ukorzenianie sadzonek Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Dart’s Gold’ i ‘Red Baron’

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    The UE-imposed restrictions on the manufacture and use of plant protection chemicals impose on the nurseryman the need to screen for new substances that are environmentally friendly and yet effective in the production of plant material. Biopreparations may constitute such a group as they contain substances that have little environmental impact. This study evaluated biopreparation AlgaminoPlant for its effect on rooting of stem cuttings in Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Dart’s Gold’ and ‘Red Baron’ during the vegetative seasons 2010 and 2011. During rooting, cuttings were sprayed once, twice or three times with the water solutions of the biopreparation AlgaminoPlant (0.2%). To evaluate its effectiveness relative to the current treatments routinely used in the nursery production, some cuttings were treated with a rooting powder containing a synthetic auxin IBA or sprayed with a water solution of IBA. The best results were obtained with the IBA solution, however, biopreparation also positively affected rhizogenesis in ninebark. Biopreparation also affected the chlorophyll a+b, reducing sugars, free amino acids and polyphenolic acids contents in leaves of cuttings but its effects varied depending on a cultivar.Celowość badań nad wpływem substancji pochodzenia naturalnego na ukorzenianie sadzonek wynika z zapisów prawa unijnego, które nakłada coraz większe ograniczenia w kwestii stosowania syntetycznych substancji w produkcji roślinnej. Założeniem przeprowadzonego w latach 2010–2011 doświadczenia było określenie wpływu biostymulatora AlgaminoPlant na proces rizogenezy w sadzonkach pędowych Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Dart’s Gold’ i ‘Red Baron’. Sadzonki opryskiwane były auksyną IBA lub biostymulatorem AlgaminoPlant (0,2%) jedno-, dwu- lub trzykrotnie w odstępach tygodniowych. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych doświadczeń wykazano, że najlepszym preparatem do ukorzeniania był roztwór auksyny IBA. Dobre rezultaty uzyskano również dzięki opryskaniu sadzonek AlgaminoPlantem, lecz były one uzależnione od liczby wykonanych zabiegów. Aplikacja biostymulatorów spowodowała również zmianę zawartości w sadzonkach takich związków organicznych jak: chlorofilu, cukrów redukujących, polifenolokwasów i wolnych aminokwasów. Poziom tych związków zależny był od odmiany

    Power spectrum optimization in the design of multisine manoeuvre for identification purposes

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    In this paper, two sets of multisine signals are designed for system identification purposes. The first one is obtained without any information about system dynamics. In the second case, the a priori information is given in terms of dimensional stability and control derivatives. Magnitude Bode plots are obtained to design the multisine power spectrum that is optimized afterwards. A genetic algorithm with linear ranking, uniform crossover and mutation operator has been employed for that purpose. Both designed manoeuvres are used to excite the aircraft model, and then system identification is performed. The estimated parameters are obtained by applying two methods: Equation Error and Output Error. The comparison of both investigated cases in terms of accuracy and manoeuvre time is presented afterwards

    Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel indole-derived thioureas

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    A series of 2-(1H-indol-3-yl)ethylthiourea derivatives were prepared by condensation of 2-(1H-indol-3-yl)ethanamine with appropriate aryl/alkylisothiocyanates in anhydrous media. The structures of the newly synthesized compounds were confirmed by spectroscopic analysis and the molecular structures of 8 and 28 were confirmed by X-ray crystallography. All obtained compounds were tested for antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive cocci, Gram-negative rods and for antifungal activity. Microbiological evaluation was carried out over 20 standard strains and 30 hospital strains. Compound 6 showed significant inhibition against Gram-positive cocci and had inhibitory effect on the S. aureus topoisomerase IV decatenation activity and S. aureus DNA gyrase supercoiling activity. Compounds were tested for cytotoxicity and antiviral activity against a large panel of DNA and RNA viruses, including HIV-1 and other several important human pathogens. Interestingly, derivative 8 showed potent activity against HIV-1 wild type and variants bearing clinically relevant mutations. Newly synthesized tryptamine derivatives showed also a wide spectrum activity, proving to be active against positive- and negative-sense RNA viruses