145 research outputs found

    Recycling belite cement clinker from post-demolition autoclaved aerated concrete – assessing a new process

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    Increasing post-demolition autoclaved aerated concrete (pd-AAC) waste is mainly landfilled due to its physical properties and lacking recycling processes. A promising technology is the production of recycled belite cement clinker, which can partially substitute Portland cement clinker. This paper presents experimental data of recycled belite cement clinker production from pd-AAC that has been successfully demonstrated on technology readiness level 4–5 and its associated lifecycle assessment. Different supply chains for pd-AAC and energy are examined. The closed-loop pd-AAC recycling via the belite route that aims for Portland cement clinker substitution shows significant potential savings in environmental impacts. These savings could reach 0.77 kg CO2-Eq/kg pd-AAC compared to the status quo (landfilling) by using renewable electricity, and 0.34 kg CO2-Eq/kg pd-AAC by using natural gas. The gained reduction of around 13.5 % is significant considering that it is the result of substituting only 15.5 % of the overall input material

    Comparison of different post-demolition autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) recycling options

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    Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) is used as masonry blocks and prefabricated reinforced elements preferably in residential buildings. Due to its porous structure and mineral composition, it combines low thermal conductivity and fire resistance properties. Consequently, the popularity of AAC increases. However, due to significant AAC production volumes in many European countries since the 1960s and 1970s and given building lifetimes, strongly increasing post-demolition AAC waste volumes can be expected in the following decades. Recycling these post-demolition AAC wastes could protect primary resources and landfill capacities and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. But, recycling of post-demolition AAC is not yet established. The majority of the waste is landfilled even though landfill capacities have decreased and the legal framework conditions in Europe regarding a circular economy are becoming stricter. Therefore, new recycling options are needed. Current research approaches propose different open-loop recycling routes for post-demolition AAC, e.g. lightweight aggregate concrete, lightweight mortar, no-fines concrete, floor screed, animal bedding, oil- and chemical binders, and insulating fills for voids and interstitial spaces. Additionally, closed-loop recycling is possible and under research. Finely ground post-demolition AAC powder can be directly used in AAC production or can be chemically converted to belite (C2S) clinker to substitute primary cement in AAC production. These promising recycling options are compared regarding environmental and economic aspects. We find that the resource consumption is lower in all recycling options since post-demolition AAC helps to save primary resources. Furthermore, greenhouse gas emissions associated with the substituted primary resources are saved - especially when substituting primary cement in closed-loop recycling. In economic terms, increasing landfill costs could be avoided, which leaves a considerable margin for the cost of pre-processing, transport and recycling. The results can help decision-makers to implement circular management for AAC by fostering post-demolition AAC recycling and reducing its landfilling

    Wearable accelerometry-based technology capable of assessing functional activities in neurological populations in community settings: a systematic review

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    Background: Integrating rehabilitation services through wearable systems has the potential to accurately assess the type, intensity, duration, and quality of movement necessary for procuring key outcome measures. Objectives: This review aims to explore wearable accelerometry-based technology (ABT) capable of assessing mobility-related functional activities intended for rehabilitation purposes in community settings for neurological populations. In this review, we focus on the accuracy of ABT-based methods, types of outcome measures, and the implementation of ABT in non-clinical settings for rehabilitation purposes. Data sources: Cochrane, PubMed, Web of Knowledge, EMBASE, and IEEE Xplore. The search strategy covered three main areas, namely wearable technology, rehabilitation, and setting. Study selection: Potentially relevant studies were categorized as systems either evaluating methods or outcome parameters. Methods: Methodological qualities of studies were assessed by two customized checklists, depending on their categorization and rated independently by three blinded reviewers. Results: Twelve studies involving ABT met the eligibility criteria, of which three studies were identified as having implemented ABT for rehabilitation purposes in non-clinical settings. From the twelve studies, seven studies achieved high methodological quality scores. These studies were not only capable of assessing the type, quantity, and quality measures of functional activities, but could also distinguish healthy from non-healthy subjects and/or address disease severity levels. Conclusion: While many studies support ABT’s potential for telerehabilitation, few actually utilized it to assess mobility-related functional activities outside laboratory settings. To generate more appropriate outcome measures, there is a clear need to translate research findings and novel methods into practice

    Q&A Europese aanlandplicht visserij

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    Tussen 2015 en 2019 wordt in het Europese Visserijbeleid gefaseerd een zogenaamde aanlandplicht ingevoerd. Wat houdt die aanlandplicht precies in? Deze vraag en nog 17 andere veelgestelde vragen worden in deze Q&A behandeld

    In Vitro Evaluation of Spider Silk Meshes as a Potential Biomaterial for Bladder Reconstruction

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    Reconstruction of the bladder by means of both natural and synthetic materials remains a challenge due to severe adverse effects such as mechanical failure. Here we investigate the application of spider major ampullate gland-derived dragline silk from the Nephila edulis spider, a natural biomaterial with outstanding mechanical properties and a slow degradation rate, as a potential scaffold for bladder reconstruction by studying the cellular response of primary bladder cells to this biomaterial. We demonstrate that spider silk without any additional biological coating supports adhesion and growth of primary human urothelial cells (HUCs), which are multipotent bladder cells able to differentiate into the various epithelial layers of the bladder. HUCs cultured on spider silk did not show significant changes in the expression of various epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and fibrosis associated genes, and demonstrated only slight reduction in the expression of adhesion and cellular differentiation genes. Furthermore, flow cytometric analysis showed that most of the silk-exposed HUCs maintain an undifferentiated immunophenotype. These results demonstrate that spider silk from the Nephila edulis spider supports adhesion, survival and growth of HUCs without significantly altering their cellular properties making this type of material a suitable candidate for being tested in pre-clinical models for bladder reconstruction

    First-Line Nivolumab in Stage IV or Recurrent Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer.

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    Nivolumab has been associated with longer overall survival than docetaxel among patients with previously treated non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). In an open-label phase 3 trial, we compared first-line nivolumab with chemotherapy in patients with programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1)-positive NSCLC. We randomly assigned, in a 1:1 ratio, patients with untreated stage IV or recurrent NSCLC and a PD-L1 tumor-expression level of 1% or more to receive nivolumab (administered intravenously at a dose of 3 mg per kilogram of body weight once every 2 weeks) or platinum-based chemotherapy (administered once every 3 weeks for up to six cycles). Patients receiving chemotherapy could cross over to receive nivolumab at the time of disease progression. The primary end point was progression-free survival, as assessed by means of blinded independent central review, among patients with a PD-L1 expression level of 5% or more. Among the 423 patients with a PD-L1 expression level of 5% or more, the median progression-free survival was 4.2 months with nivolumab versus 5.9 months with chemotherapy (hazard ratio for disease progression or death, 1.15; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.91 to 1.45; P=0.25), and the median overall survival was 14.4 months versus 13.2 months (hazard ratio for death, 1.02; 95% CI, 0.80 to 1.30). A total of 128 of 212 patients (60%) in the chemotherapy group received nivolumab as subsequent therapy. Treatment-related adverse events of any grade occurred in 71% of the patients who received nivolumab and in 92% of those who received chemotherapy. Treatment-related adverse events of grade 3 or 4 occurred in 18% of the patients who received nivolumab and in 51% of those who received chemotherapy. Nivolumab was not associated with significantly longer progression-free survival than chemotherapy among patients with previously untreated stage IV or recurrent NSCLC with a PD-L1 expression level of 5% or more. Overall survival was similar between groups. Nivolumab had a favorable safety profile, as compared with chemotherapy, with no new or unexpected safety signals. (Funded by Bristol-Myers Squibb and others; CheckMate 026 ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT02041533 .)

    Forests as Commons – Changing Traditions and Governance in Europe

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    Commons are complex institutions and exist across the world in a wide range of situations regarding locally developed governance and management systems of many different natural resources. For many people commons remain associated with Hardin’s theory concerning the “Tragedy of the Commons” (1968), in which he assumed that local users of a natural resource are unable to formulate governance and management structures concerning their own choices that took into account the long-term sustainability of the resource itself. As a result, Hardin articulated that the tragedy was that the resource would inevitably become degraded in such situations and that the solution was private or public ownership. However, across Europe many forests have for a very long period of time successfully been managed as commons, just as they have in many other parts of the world. This chapter has three main aims: It will provide an introduction to the various types of commons before going on to link the issue of commons to the traditional forest landscapes of Europe, and it will look at how the role of forests and forest landscapes has changed and how it may change further in the future