78 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT Objective: The main objective of the paper is to assess the satisfaction level of investigative patients at public health facilities of Madhya Pradesh, a State of India. Methods: Data were collected from investigative patients through structured questionnaires at public health facilities in the sampled eight districts of Madhya Pradesh. Settings: Data were collected from District Hospitals, Civil Hospitals and Community Health Centers of the eight selected districts of Madhya Pradesh. esults: A total of 280 investigative patients were included in the study to know their perceptions about the services at the public health facilities. It was found that most of the respondents belong to rural areas (53.9%) and majority (82.1%) lies within the age group of 16-50. 56.4% were male having low level of literacy. 90% of the respondents who availed ultrasonography services and nearly 70% of the investigative patients who have utilized ECG facility found the problem of overcrowding but found the test facility good. However, 67.3% and 76% of the patients reported that the test facility was good who availed the services of laboratory and X-Ray. More than 80% of the total investigative patients reported the behavior of the technicians as good. Nearly 50% of the respondents who availed the services of laboratory and X-ray, reported that privacy and confidentiality was good whereas rest found it satisfactory

    Assessing Indian public health standards for community health centers: A case study with special reference to essential newborn care services

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    The main objective of the study is to identify the availability of infrastructure facility, human resources, investigative services, and facility based newborn care services with respect to Indian Public Health Standards (IPHS) at community health centers (CHC) of Bharatpur District of Rajasthan State. Data were collected from service providers at CHC through well structured questionnaire at thirteen CHCs situated at Bharatpur District of Rajasthan State. It was found that infrastructure facilities were available in almost all the CHCs, but shortage of manpower especially specialists was observed. Availability of investigative services was found quite satisfactory except ECG. It was also observed that none of the CHCs have fully equipped facility based newborn care services (including newborn corner and newborn care stabilization unit). As per IPHS suggested in the revised draft (2010) important deficiencies were revealed in the studied CHCs of Bharatpur district and by additional inputs such as recruiting staff, improving infrastructure facilities, CHCs can be upgraded

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    Preliminary Experience with OpenMP Memory Management Implementation

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    International audienceBecause of the evolution of compute units, memory hetero-geneity is becoming popular in HPC systems. But dealing with such various memory levels often requires different approaches and interfaces. For this purpose, OpenMP 5.0 defines memory-management constructs to offer application developers the ability to tackle the issue of exploiting multiple memory spaces in a portable way. This paper proposes an overview of memory-management from applications to runtimes. Thus, we describe a convenient way to tune an application to include memory management constructs. We also detail a methodology to integrate them into an OpenMP runtime supporting multiple memory types (DDR, MC-DRAM and NVDIMM). We implement our design into the MPC framework , while presenting some results on a realistic benchmark

    Aspetti energetici e ambientali di un impianto di trigenerazione

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    Vengono descritti gli aspetti energetici ed ambientali relativi alla realizzazione di un sistema per la produzione combinata di energia elettrica, calore e acqua refrigerata (tri-generazione) con un sistema basato su micro-turbina a gas, Il sistema sarà costituito da una microturbina alimentata a gas metano per la produzione di energia elettrica, dotata di uno scambiatore di recupero dell’energia termica dei fumi, in grado di fornire energia termica utilizzabile per il soddisfacimento dei fabbisogni energetici invernali o per l’alimentazione di una macchina ad assorbimento, ai fini di provvedere alle necessità di condizionamento estivo dell’aria negli ambienti tramite la produzione di acqua refrigerata. Il sistema presenta indubbi benefici economici, per il risparmio sul costo dell'energia elettrica autoprodotta e sulla potenza installata. In media l'impianto si ripaga in 4-5 anni con un utilizzo di almeno 3000 - 4000 ore l'anno) e ambientali, in quanto rispetto alla generazione separata di energia elettrica e termica, la cogenerazione riduce del 30-40% la quantità di combustibile utilizzato, e quindi le emissioni inquinanti

    Treatment of intermetatarsal neuromas with alcohol injection under US guide.

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    The cause of intermetatarsal neuromas is unclear; the pathogenesis is, most likely, a mechanically induced degenerative neuropathy or an entrapment of the intermetatarsal nerve under the transverse intermetatarsal ligament. Treatment of intermetatarsal neuromas includes very simple methods, such as changing shoe styles, or more complex conservative treatments such as orthotic devices and steroid injections until surgical therapy. This study aimed to evaluate the neuroma's intralesional treatment with alcohol sclerosing injection as a viable alternative to steroid injections or surgery in persisting symptoms

    Treatment of intermetatarsal neuromas with alcohol injection under US guide.

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    The cause of intermetatarsal neuromas is unclear; the pathogenesis is, most likely, a mechanically induced degenerative neuropathy or an entrapment of the intermetatarsal nerve under the transverse intermetatarsal ligament. Treatment of intermetatarsal neuromas includes very simple methods, such as changing shoe styles, or more complex conservative treatments such as orthotic devices and steroid injections until surgical therapy. This study aimed to evaluate the neuroma's intralesional treatment with alcohol sclerosing injection as a viable alternative to steroid injections or surgery in persisting symptoms
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