1,091 research outputs found

    The StarView intelligent query mechanism

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    The StarView interface is being developed to facilitate the retrieval of scientific and engineering data produced by the Hubble Space Telescope. While predefined screens in the interface can be used to specify many common requests, ad hoc requests require a dynamic query formulation capability. Unfortunately, logical level knowledge is too sparse to support this capability. In particular, essential formulation knowledge is lost when the domain of interest is mapped to a set of database relation schemas. Thus, a system known as QUICK has been developed that uses conceptual design knowledge to facilitate query formulation. By heuristically determining strongly associated objects at the conceptual level, QUICK is able to formulate semantically reasonable queries in response to high-level requests that specify only attributes of interest. Moreover, by exploiting constraint knowledge in the conceptual design, QUICK assures that queries are formulated quickly and will execute efficiently

    Integrating a local database into the StarView distributed user interface

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    A distributed user interface to the Space Telescope Data Archive and Distribution Service (DADS) known as StarView is being developed. The DADS architecture consists of the data archive as well as a relational database catalog describing the archive. StarView is a client/server system in which the user interface is the front-end client to the DADS catalog and archive servers. Users query the DADS catalog from the StarView interface. Query commands are transmitted via a network and evaluated by the database. The results are returned via the network and are displayed on StarView forms. Based on the results, users decide which data sets to retrieve from the DADS archive. Archive requests are packaged by StarView and sent to DADS, which returns the requested data sets to the users. The advantages of distributed client/server user interfaces over traditional one-machine systems are well known. Since users run software on machines separate from the database, the overall client response time is much faster. Also, since the server is free to process only database requests, the database response time is much faster. Disadvantages inherent in this architecture are slow overall database access time due to the network delays, lack of a 'get previous row' command, and that refinements of a previously issued query must be submitted to the database server, even though the domain of values have already been returned by the previous query. This architecture also does not allow users to cross correlate DADS catalog data with other catalogs. Clearly, a distributed user interface would be more powerful if it overcame these disadvantages. A local database is being integrated into StarView to overcome these disadvantages. When a query is made through a StarView form, which is often composed of fields from multiple tables, it is translated to an SQL query and issued to the DADS catalog. At the same time, a local database table is created to contain the resulting rows of the query. The returned rows are displayed on the form as well as inserted into the local database table. Identical results are produced by reissuing the query to either the DADS catalog or to the local table. Relational databases do not provide a 'get previous row' function because of the inherent complexity of retrieving previous rows of multiple-table joins. However, since this function is easily implemented on a single table, StarView uses the local table to retrieve the previous row. Also, StarView issues subsequent query refinements to the local table instead of the DADS catalog, eliminating the network transmission overhead. Finally, other catalogs can be imported into the local database for cross correlation with local tables. Overall, it is believe that this is a more powerful architecture for distributed, database user interfaces

    Spectral Polarization and Spectral Phase Control of Time and Energy Entangled Photons

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    We demonstrate a scheme to spectrally manipulate a collinear, continuous stream of time and energy entangled photons to generate beamlike, bandwidth-limited fuxes of polarization-entangled photons with nearly-degenerate wavelengths. Utilizing an ultrashort-pulse shaper to control the spectral phase and polarization of the photon pairs, we tailor the shape of the Hong-Ou-Mandel interference pattern, demonstrating the rules that govern the dependence of this interference pattern on the spectral phases of the photons. We then use the pulse shaper to generate all four polarization Bell states. The singlet state generated by this scheme forms a very robust decoherence-free subspace, extremely suitable for long distance fiber-optics based quantum communication.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    The LeChatelier principle: The long and the short of it

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    Using ordinary calculus techniques, we investigate the conditions under which LeChatelier effects are signable for finite changes in parameter values. We show, for example, that the short run demand for a factor is always less responsive to price changes than the long run demand, provided that the factor of production and the fixed factor do not switch from being substitutes to being complements (or vice versa) over the relevant range of the price change. The absence of a sign change in the complementarity/substitutability relation holds under conditions that are considerably more general than supermodularity of the production function.postprin

    Nonlinear interactions with an ultrahigh flux of broadband entangled photons

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    We experimentally demonstrate sum-frequency generation (SFG) with entangled photon-pairs, generating as many as 40,000 SFG photons per second, visible even to the naked eye. The nonclassical nature of the interaction is exhibited by a linear intensity-dependence of the nonlinear process. The key element in our scheme is the generation of an ultrahigh flux of entangled photons while maintaining their nonclassical properties. This is made possible by generating the down-converted photons as broadband as possible, orders of magnitude wider than the pump. This approach is readily applicable for other nonlinear interactions, and may be applicable for various quantum-measurement tasks.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Accepted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Fast high-efficiency integrated waveguide photodetectors using novel hybrid vertical/butt coupling geometry

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    We report a novel coupling geometry for integrated waveguide photodetectors−a hybrid vertical coupling/butt coupling scheme that allows the integration of fast, efficient, photodetectors with conventional double heterostructure waveguides. It can be employed to yield a planar, or pseudo-planar, surface that supports further levels of integration. The approach is demonstrated with a 25-µm-long p-i-n detector integrated with an InP/InGaAsP/InP waveguide, which displays a high (~90%) efficiency and large (~15 GHz) bandwidth. This is the fastest high-efficiency integrated waveguide photodetector reported to date

    Slow-light optical bullets in arrays of nonlinear Bragg-grating waveguides

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    We demonstrate how to control independently both spatial and temporal dynamics of slow light. We reveal that specially designed nonlinear waveguide arrays with phase-shifted Bragg gratings demonstrate the frequency-independent spatial diffraction near the edge of the photonic bandgap, where the group velocity of light can be strongly reduced. We show in numerical simulations that such structures allow a great flexibility in designing and controlling dispersion characteristics, and open a way for efficient spatiotemporal self-trapping and the formation of slow-light optical bullets.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; available from http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v97/e23390

    Spontaneously generated X-shaped light bullets

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    We observe the formation of an intense optical wavepacket fully localized in all dimensions, i.e. both longitudinally (in time) and in the transverse plane, with an extension of a few tens of fsec and microns, respectively. Our measurements show that the self-trapped wave is a X-shaped light bullet spontaneously generated from a standard laser wavepacket via the nonlinear material response (i.e., second-harmonic generation), which extend the soliton concept to a new realm, where the main hump coexists with conical tails which reflect the symmetry of linear dispersion relationship.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Realization of quantum walks with negligible decoherence in waveguide lattices

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    Quantum random walks are the quantum counterpart of classical random walks, and were recently studied in the context of quantum computation. Physical implementations of quantum walks have only been made in very small scale systems severely limited by decoherence. Here we show that the propagation of photons in waveguide lattices, which have been studied extensively in recent years, are essentially an implementation of quantum walks. Since waveguide lattices are easily constructed at large scales and display negligible decoherence, they can serve as an ideal and versatile experimental playground for the study of quantum walks and quantum algorithms. We experimentally observe quantum walks in large systems (similar to 100 sites) and confirm quantum walks effects which were studied theoretically, including ballistic propagation, disorder, and boundary related effects

    Spatiotemporal pulses in a liquid crystal optical oscillator

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    A nonlinear optical medium results by the collective orientation of liquid crystal molecules tightly coupled to a transparent photoconductive layer. We show that such a medium can give a large gain, thus, if inserted in a ring cavity, it results in an unidirectional optical oscillator. Dynamical regimes with many interacting modes are made possible by the wide transverse size and the high nonlinearity of the liquid crystals. We show the generation of spatiotemporal pulses, coming from the random superposition of many coexisting modes with different frequencies