163 research outputs found

    Unintended Consequences: The Potential Impact of Medicare Part D on Dual Eligibles with Disabilities in Medicaid Work Incentive Programs

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    Common sense suggests that a safety net is required for situations in which enrollees are unable to obtain critical or life-sustaining medications. Such situations can arise when either the drug is not on formulary and/or is being used off-label and the appeals process has been exhausted, or when patients cannot afford the co-payments for the numerous medications they need. Given the vulnerability of this population, immediate action is needed to address these issues in the short time remaining before Part D is implemented

    Medicaid’s expenditures for newer pharmacotherapies for adults with disabilities

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    Medicaid's drug expenditures have grown at double-digit inflation rates since 2000. These prescription drug costs are important contributors to increasing health care costs for disabled persons. In spite of this knowledge, little has been reported about specific patterns of medication use among disabled enrollees. We analyzed Kansas Medicaid data to describe trend in medication use patterns across 3 years among disabled beneficiaries. The marked shifts toward newer medications and disproportionate contributions of newer, more expensive medications to overall prescription costs for antipsychotics, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, antiulcer medications, anti-inflammatory agents, and opioids have implications for both policy and practice

    Medicaid's Expenditures for Newer Pharmacotherapies for Adults with Disabilities

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://www.cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Research/HealthCareFinancingReview/List-of-Past-Articles-Items/CMS1206484.html?DLPage=1&DLFilter=2007&DLSort=2&DLSortDir=descending.Medicaid's drug expenditures have grown at double-digit inflation rates since 2000. These prescription drug costs are important contributors to increasing health care costs for disabled persons. In spite of this knowledge, little has been reported about specific patterns of medication use among disabled enrollees. We analyzed Kansas Medicaid data to describe trends in medication use patterns across 3 years among disabled beneficiaries.The authors are with the University of Kansas. The research in this article was supported by the Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services under Contract Number KAN30700/30705. Sally K. Rigler received salary support from the National Institute on Aging under Contract Number K08 AG019516. The statements expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the University of Kansas, Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services, the National Institute on Aging, or the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

    Medicaid managed care: Issues for beneficiaries with disabilities

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    Background: States are increasingly turning to managed care arrangements to control costs in their Medicaid programs. Historically, such arrangements have excluded people with disabilities who use long-term services and supports (LTSS) due to their complex needs. Now, however, some states are also moving this population to managed care. Little is known about the experiences of people with disabilities during and after this transition. Objective: To document experiences of Medicaid enrollees with disabilities using long-term services and supports during transition to Medicaid managed care in Kansas. Methods: During the spring of 2013, 105 Kansans with disabilities using Medicaid long-term services and supports (LTSS) were surveyed via telephone or in-person as they transitioned to managed care. Qualitative data analysis of survey responses was conducted to learn more about the issues encountered by people with disabilities under Medicaid managed care. Results: Respondents encountered numerous disability-related difficulties, particularly with transportation, durable medical equipment, care coordination, communication, increased out of pocket costs, and access to care. Conclusions: As more states move people with disabilities to Medicaid managed care, it is critically important to address these identified issues for a population that often experiences substantial health disparities and a smaller margin of health. It is hoped that the early experiences reported here can inform policy-makers in other states as they contemplate and design similar programs

    Plasminogen activator levels are influenced by location and varicosity in greater saphenous vein

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    AbstractPurpose: The plasminogen system, which includes tissue type plasminogen activator (tPA), urokinase type plasminogen activator (uPA), and their main inhibitor, plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1), plays a major role in both fibrinolysis and tissue remodeling. This study compares the levels of tPA, uPA, and PAI-1 at the groin and ankle in normal and varicose greater saphenous vein (GSV).Methods: GSV was collected from patients undergoing varicose vein (VV) removal and from normal vein (NV) from arterial bypass procedures. Portions of the GSV at the groin and the ankle were minced and placed in serum-free media for 48 hours. Assays of the supernatants were obtained for tPA, uPA, and PAI-1 protein by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Cyclohexamide and actinomycin D were also added to the media of the VV tissue explant supernatants to inhibit protein and RNA synthesis, respectively.Results: Levels of tPA were significantly higher at the groin (11 ± 2) than the ankle (5 ± 1) in the VV ( p < 0.005), and this trend was also seen in the NV (groin 10 ± 2 and ankle 7 ± 3). Levels of uPA were significantly higher in the groin VV (14 ± 4.3) than in NV (3.0 ± 0.8, p < 0.05). This difference, although not statistically significant, applied to the ankle as well (VV 14.5 ± 6.3 and NV 5.3 ± 2.7). No significant difference was seen between NV and VV for PAI-1 (NV, groin 155 ± 73 and ankle 113 ± 53, VV, groin 161 ± 20 and ankle 142 ± 38) or tPA. Inhibitor studies revealed no significant difference among control, cyclohexamide, and actinomycin D supernatants for tPA, suggesting release of protein rather than active synthesis. In contrast, inhibitor supernatants were significantly lower for uPA and PAI-1 than control supernatants ( p < 0.05), suggesting that uPA and PAI-1 were actively synthesized.Conclusions: In the tissue explant supernatant model uPA and PAI-1 are actively synthesized, but tPA is not. Levels of PAI-1 were comparable in all four groups. Levels of uPA in the varicose GSV were higher than in NV, suggesting a role for uPA in the pathologic makeup of VV. Levels of tPA were higher at the groin versus the ankle position, potentially explaining the previously described increased fibrinolytic activity seen at the groin. (J Vasc Surg 1996;24:719-24.

    Using "warm handoffs" to link hospitalized smokers with tobacco treatment after discharge: Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial

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    Abstract Background Post-discharge support is a key component of effective treatment for hospitalized smokers, but few hospitals provide it. Many hospitals and care settings fax-refer smokers to quitlines for follow-up; however, less than half of fax-referred smokers are successfully contacted and enrolled in quitline services. &#8220;Warm handoff&#8221; is a novel approach to care transitions in which health care providers directly link patients with substance abuse problems with specialists, using face-to-face or phone transfer. Warm handoff achieves very high rates of treatment enrollment for these vulnerable groups. Methods The aim of this study&#8212;&#8220;EQUIP&#8221; (Enhancing Quitline Utilization among In-Patients)&#8212;is to determine the effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness, of warm handoff versus fax referral for linking hospitalized smokers with tobacco quitlines. This study employs a two-arm, individually randomized design. It is set in two large Kansas hospitals that have dedicated tobacco treatment interventionists on staff. At each site, smokers who wish to remain abstinent after discharge will be randomly assigned to groups. For patients in the fax group, staff will provide standard in-hospital intervention and will fax-refer patients to the state tobacco quitline for counseling post-discharge. For patients in the warm handoff group, staff will provide brief in-hospital intervention and immediate warm handoff: staff will call the state quitline, notify them that a warm handoff inpatient from Kansas is on the line, then transfer the call to the patients&#8217; mobile or bedside hospital phone for quitline enrollment and an initial counseling session. Following the quitline session, hospital staff provides a brief check-back visit. Outcome measures will be assessed at 1, 6, and 12&#8201;months post enrollment. Costs are measured to support cost-effectiveness analyses. We hypothesize that warm handoff, compared to fax referral, will improve care transitions for tobacco treatment, enroll more participants in quitline services, and lead to higher quit rates. We also hypothesize that warm handoff will be more cost-effective from a societal perspective. Discussion If successful, this project offers a low-cost solution for more efficiently linking millions of hospitalized smokers with effective outpatient treatment&#8212;smokers that might otherwise be lost in the transition to outpatient care. Trial registration Clinical Trials Registration NCT01305928Peer Reviewe

    Using “warm handoffs” to link hospitalized smokers with tobacco treatment after discharge: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial

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    Post-discharge support is a key component of effective treatment for hospitalized smokers, but few hospitals provide it. Many hospitals and care settings fax-refer smokers to quitlines for follow-up; however, less than half of fax-referred smokers are successfully contacted and enrolled in quitline services. “Warm handoff” is a novel approach to care transitions in which health care providers directly link patients with substance abuse problems with specialists, using face-to-face or phone transfer. Warm handoff achieves very high rates of treatment enrollment for these vulnerable groups

    IQGAP1 Is Involved in Post-Ischemic Neovascularization by Regulating Angiogenesis and Macrophage Infiltration

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    Neovascularization is an important repair mechanism in response to ischemic injury and is dependent on inflammation, angiogenesis and reactive oxygen species (ROS). IQGAP1, an actin-binding scaffold protein, is a key regulator for actin cytoskeleton and motility. We previously demonstrated that IQGAP1 mediates vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-induced ROS production and migration of cultured endothelial cells (ECs); however, its role in post-ischemic neovascularization is unknown.Ischemia was induced by left femoral artery ligation, which resulted in increased IQGAP1 expression in Mac3(+) macrophages and CD31(+) capillary-like ECs in ischemic legs. Mice lacking IQGAP1 exhibited a significant reduction in the post-ischemic neovascularization as evaluated by laser Doppler blood flow, capillary density and α-actin positive arterioles. Furthermore, IQGAP1(-/-) mice showed a decrease in macrophage infiltration and ROS production in ischemic muscles, leading to impaired muscle regeneration and increased necrosis and fibrosis. The numbers of bone marrow (BM)-derived cells in the peripheral blood were not affected in these knockout mice. BM transplantation revealed that IQGAP1 expressed in both BM-derived cells and tissue resident cells, such as ECs, is required for post-ischemic neovascularization. Moreover, thioglycollate-induced peritoneal macrophage recruitment and ROS production were inhibited in IQGAP1(-/-) mice. In vitro, IQGAP1(-/-) BM-derived macrophages showed inhibition of migration and adhesion capacity, which may explain the defective macrophage recruitment into the ischemic tissue in IQGAP1(-/-) mice.IQGAP1 plays a key role in post-ischemic neovascularization by regulating, not only, ECs-mediated angiogenesis but also macrophage infiltration as well as ROS production. Thus, IQGAP1 is a potential therapeutic target for inflammation- and angiogenesis-dependent ischemic cardiovascular diseases

    Toward Innovative, Cost-Effective, and Systemic Solutions to Improve Outcomes and Well-Being of Military Families Affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    The burdens faced by military families who have a child with autism are unique. The usual challenges of securing diagnostic, treatment, and educational services are compounded by life circumstances that include the anxieties of war, frequent relocation and separation, and a demand structure that emphasizes mission readiness and service. Recently established military autism-specific health care benefits set the stage for community-viable and cost-effective solutions that can achieve better outcomes for children and greater well-being for families. Here we argue for implementation of evidence-based solutions focused on reducing age of diagnosis and improving access to early intervention, as well as establishment of a tiered menu of services, individualized to the child and family, that fit with the military ethos and system of health care. Absence of this new model of care could compromise the utility and sustainability of the autism-specific benefit