262 research outputs found

    Argon excimer emission from high-pressure microdischarges in metal capillaries

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    We report on argon excimer emission from high-pressure microdischarges formed inside metal capillaries with or without gas flow. Excimer emission intensity from a single tube increases linearly with gas pressure between 400 and 1000 Torr. Higher discharge current also results in initial intensity gains until gas heating causes saturation or intensity drop. Argon flow through the discharge intensifies emission perhaps by gas cooling. Emission intensity was found to be additive in prealigned dual microdischarges, suggesting that an array of microdischarges could produce a high-intensity excimer source

    Mechanism for Membrane Electroporation Irreversibility Under High-Intensity, Ultrashort Electrical Pulse Conditions

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    An improved electroporation model is used to address membrane irreversibility under ultrashort electric pulse conditions. It is shown that membranes can survive a strong electric pulse and recover provided the pore distribution has a relatively large spread. If, however, the population consists predominantly of larger radii pores, then irreversibility can result. Physically, such a distribution could arise if pores at adjacent sites coalesce. The requirement of close proximity among the pore sites is more easily satisfied in smaller organelles than in outer cell membranes. Model predictions are in keeping with recent observations of cell damage to intracellular organelles (e.g., mitochondria), without irreversible shock at the outer membranes, by a nanosecond, high-intensity electric pulse. This mechanism also explains the greater damage from multiple electric shocks

    Electroporation Dynamics in Biological Cells Subjected to Ultrafast Electrical Pulses: A Numerical Simulation Study

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    A model analysis of electroporation dynamics in biological cells has been carried out based on the Smoluchowski equation. Results of the cellular response to short, electric pulses are presented, taking account of the growth and resealing dynamics of transient aqueous pores. It is shown that the application of large voltages alone may not be sufficient to cause irreversible breakdown, if the time duration is too short. Failure to cause irreversible damage at small pulse widths could be attributed to the time inadequacy for pores to grow and expand beyond a critical threshold radius. In agreement with earlier studies, it is shown that irreversible breakdown would lead to the formation of a few large pores, while a large number of smaller pores would appear in the case of reversible breakdown. Finally, a pulse width dependence of the applied voltage for irreversible breakdown has been obtained. It is shown that in the absence of dissipation, the associated energy input necessary reduces with decreasing pulse width to a limiting value. However, with circuit effects taken into account, a local minima in the pulse dependent energy function is predicted, in keeping with previously published experimental reports

    Impact of Field-Dependent Electronic Trapping Across Coulomb Repulsive Potentials on Low Frequency Charge Oscillations

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    We have performed Monte Carlo simulations to obtain the field dependence of electronic trapping across repulsive potentials in GaAs. Such repulsive centers are associated with deep level impurities having multiply charged states. Our results reveal a field‐dependent maxima in the electronic capture coefficient, and the overall shape is seen to depend on the background electron density due to the effects of screening. Based on the Monte Carlo calculations, we have examined the stability of compensated semiconductors containing such repulsive centers. Our analysis indicates a potential for low frequency charge oscillations which is in keeping with available experimental data

    Simulations of Nanopore Formation and Phosphatidylserine Externalization in Lipid Membranes Subjected to a High-Intensity, Ultrashort Electric Pulse

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    A combined MD simulator and time dependent Laplace solver are used to analyze the electrically driven phosphatidylserine externalization process in cells. Time dependent details of nanopore formation at cell membranes in response to a high-intensity (100kV∕cm), ultrashort (10ns) electric pulse are also probed. Our results show that nanosized pores could typically be formed within about 5ns. These predictions are in very good agreement with recent experimental data. It is also demonstrated that defect formation and PS externalization in membranes should begin on the anode side. Finally, the simulations confirm that PS externalization is a nanopore facilitated event, rather than the result of molecular translocation across the trans-membrane energy barrier

    Improved Energy Model for Membrane Electroporation in Biological Cells Subjected to Electrical Pulses

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    A self-consistent model analysis of electroporation in biological cells has been carried out based on an improved energy model. The simple energy model used in the literature is somewhat incorrect and unphysical for a variety of reasons. Our model for the pore formation energy E(r) includes a dependence on pore population and density. It also allows for variable surface tension, incorporates the effects of finite conductivity on the electrostatic correction term, and is dynamic in nature. Self-consistent calculations, based on a coupled scheme involving the Smoluchowski equation and the improved energy model, are presented. It is shown that E(r) becomes self-adjusting with variations in its magnitude and profile, in response to pore population, and inhibits uncontrolled pore growth and expansion. This theory can be augmented to include pore-pore interactions to move beyond the independent pore picture

    Bistable Behavior of the Dark Current in Copper-Doped Semi-Insulating Gallium Arsenide

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    The dark current characteristics of gallium arsenide doped with silicon and compensated with diffused copper were found to have a pronounced region of current controlled negative differential conductivity (ndc) similar to the characteristics of a thyristor. The resistivity of the semi‐insulating semiconductor was measured to be 105 Ω cm for applied voltages up to 2.2 kV, which corresponds to an average electric field of 38 kV/cm. At higher voltages, a transition to a stable high current state was observed with a current rate of rise exceeding 1011 A/s. There is evidence of the formation of at least one current filament during this transition. A theoretical model based on drift diffusion and boundary conditions that allows double carrier injection at the contacts has been used to show that the observed negative differential resistance is due to the filling of deep copper acceptors. The model also shows that the ndc curves may be tailored by adjusting the copper concentration. Doping of GaAs with various concentrations of copper was shown to change the dark current characteristics in a way predicted by the model

    Predicted Properties of Microhollow Cathode Discharges in Xenon

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    A fluid model has been developed and used to help clarify the physical mechanisms occurring in microhollow cathode discharges (MHCD). Calculated current-voltage (I-V) characteristics and gas temperatures in xenon at 100 Torr are presented. Consistent with previous experimental results in similar conditions, we find a voltage maximum in the I-V characteristic. We show that this structure reflects a transition between a low-current, abnormal discharge localized inside the cylindrical hollow cathode to a higher-current, normal glow discharge sustained by electron emission from the outer surface of the cathode. This transition, due to the geometry of the device, is a factor contributing to the well-known stability of MHCDs

    Theoretical Predictions of Electromechanical Deformation of Cells Subjected to High Voltages for Membrane Electroporation

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    An electromechanical analysis based on thin-shell theory is presented to analyze cell shape changes in response to external electric fields. This approach can be extended to include osmotic-pressure changes. Our calculations demonstrate that at large fields, the spherical cell geometry can be significantly modified, and even ellipsoidal forms would be inappropriate to account for the deformation. Values of the surface forces obtained from our calculations are in very good agreement with the 1–10 mN/m range for membrane rupture reported in the literature. The results, in keeping with reports in the literature, demonstrate that the final shape depends on membrane thickness. This has direct implications for tissues in which significant molecular restructuring can occur. It is also shown that, at least for the smaller electric fields, both the cellular surface area and volume change roughly in a quadratic manner with the electric field. Finally, it is shown that the bending moments are generally quite small and can be neglected for a simpler analysis

    Conductivity in Jurkat cell suspension after ultrashort electric pulsing

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    Ultrashort electric pulses applied to similar cell lines such as Jurkat and HL-60 cells can produce markedly different results , which have been documented extensively over the last few years. We now report changes in electrical conductivity of Jurkat cells subjected to traditional electroporation pulses (50 ms pulse length) and ultrashort pulses (10 ns pulse length) using time domain dielectric spectroscopy (TDS). A single 10 ns, 150 kV/cm pulse did not noticeably alter suspension conductivity while a 50 ms, 2.12 kV/cm pulse with the same energy caused an appreciable conductivity rise. These results support the hypothesis that electroporation pulses primarily interact with the cell membrane and cause conductivity rises due to ion transport from the cell to the external media, while pulses with nanosecond duration primarily interact with the membranes of intracellular organelles. However, multiple ultrashort pulses have a cumulative effect on the plasma membrane, with five pulses causing a gradual rise in conductivity up to ten minutes post-pulsing
