1,179 research outputs found

    A Company Profile: a Way to Get More Customers for Irama Mas Yamaha Music School Surabaya

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    The absence of the Company Profile at Irama Mas Yamaha Music School (IMYMS) is a problem that can lead to several problems in convincing and attracting customers about its credibility and its uniqueness. Most customers only know that Irama Mas is a Yamaha Music School, while actually, it is more than just a music school. As a music company, Irama Mas needs to have more customers to support its successful in a business world. Therefore, the bilingual company profile with some chosen features is made to help IMYMS clearly explain and attract customers about its products and services and market IMYMS. This company profile can also be used as a guidance in making its website since it does not have a website

    Digital Watermarking as Content Protection Scheme

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    Nowadays, as the Internet grows rapidly, the copyright laws are not effective anymore, since a lot of copyrighted products (picture, audio, video, document, etc.) are available as digital data. Any unauthorized parties able to produce identical copies of digital data without degrading the original contents and to distribute the copies over the network. This condition has led to a strong demand for reliable and secure distribution of digital data over networks. Such a technique developed to overcome this problem is digital watermarking. Digital watermarking is a process in digital domain, which embeds a watermark into a copyrighted digital data, to protect its value, so that it cannot be used by unauthorized parties. This paper is intended to give an overview on digital watermarking. First, three application fields of watermarking are described and illustrated with some scenarios, namely watermarking for copyright protection, watermarking for copy protection, and watermarking for image authentication. Then watermarking techniques are discussed, starting from the basic watermarking procedure, followed by review of some watermarking techniques. And later, some attacks and obstacles to watermarking are highlighted. In conclusion, digital watermarking technology plays important role in content protection issues. Attacks and obstacles are also had to be faced by this technology. The main obstacle is that there is no standard available for watermarking techniques. Without any specific standard, it is difficult to determine how robust a watermarking technique should be

    In the NAME of DEMOCRACY: Commoditization of Religions by Political Parties in Indonesia

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    Religion plays an important but problematic role in complying with the prevailing global standard of liberal democracy. The root of the problem is actually the shortcut in institutionalizing political party as a modern set up for individual participation in public affairs. Despite its institutional defect, political parties officially serve as the only legitimate channel to enter the state through open competition. Hence, the need to win election resulted in mobilization of religious-based support, and religion serves more as commodity for solidarity making, rather than set of fundamental values. This paper examines the political pactices in bringing the principles of both democracy and religion into daily real life. It particularly focuses on the exercises of commoditizing religion by political parties. This commoditization of religion can be taken as clear evidence, the paper argues, that religion is ill-treated by the underperforming political parties

    Cross-Cultural Learning for Securing Decentralisation and Democratisation: Assessing Indonesia's Response to Globalisation

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    Drawn by globalization, Indonesia's governance has been transformed into a more decentralised and democratically shaped one in the past decade. Given the scale of the challenges, its achievement deserves admiration. Yet, the remaining challenges, namely to ensure that decentralised democratic governance remains culturally deep-seated in Indonesia politics is enormous. The stage of the transformation has hardly reached the fundamentally required cultural change due to the lack of cultural understanding within the process of transformation. Since democratisation and decentralisation are, essentially, forms of cultural engagement of global political-economic powers, the article proposes to reframe those two processes as the kings of cultural transformation. Analysing along this line of thought allows us to uncover the fact of the stubborn obstacle that Indonesia has been facing to reconcile the intangible, yet, continuously-embedded clashes of sub-cultures. A kind of cross-cultural learning strategy is important for Indonesia to secure that agenda

    Studi Banding Penggunaan Format Djvu Dan Format Jpg Untuk Penyimpanan Dokumen Dalam Bentuk Elektronik

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    Nowadays, most of the information is still in printed format. To reproduce it in the electronic form, we need an efficient way to save the scanned document. For this purpose, AT & T Labs has been developing a new technology called DjVu. In this paper, we try to compare DjVu and JPG format. The goal is to decide whether DjVu is better or not. To achieve the goal, we try to scan the document and save it in DjVu and JPG format, make comparison between these two based on file size and image quality. Comparison is done for three types of document, such as b/w photo, document with text, and document in colour. The conclusion is, DjVu format is better than JPG in file size and quite good in image quality. So, DjVu have a chance to become a new standart

    Isolasi Dan Karakterisasi Senyawa Flavonoid Dari Kulit Akar Tumbuhan Sukun Artocarpus Altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg

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    Isolation of flavonoid compounds from Plants Roots Leather Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg) that grow in the village of Banjar District State Tanggamus Wonosobo regency of Lampung Province has been conducted. Isolation of flavonoid compounds is done by maceration method using the solvent ethyl acetate. Stages of purification of samples carried out by chromatographic methods include vacuum liquid chromatography (VLC), thin layer chromatography (TLC), gravity column chromatography (GCC), and flash chromatography. As for the characterization of flavonoid compounds used infrared spectroscopy (IR), ultaviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis), nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), and test the melting point. Based on the  results  of research that has been done, pure flavonoid compounds obtained amorphous form of yellow crystals with a melting point of 247,5-249 0C. Based on the analysis of ultraviolet-visible  spectroscopy, infrared, and nuclear magnetic resonance can be concluded that the isolation of these compounds is artonin E

    Ilmu Sosial Transformatif

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    Social science which is intended in this paper covers a variety of disciplines, including sociology, political science, economics, anthropology, history, law and so on. The term transformative in the sense used here are loose, just to indicate how the scientists are not only struggling to answer the questions themselves, but the bother and in turn devote his dedication to the community to answer the questions. Development of a transformative social science requires expertise in three-dimensional philosophy of science: the ontology, epistemology, and axiology. Transformative character is also determined by the axiology choice. Social science were developed not only for development or accumulation of theory but also to improve the social relations that existed, to produce a social reality which was considered better