535 research outputs found

    Clypeogethes elongatus (Rosenhauer, 1856) in Sardinia (Coleoptera. Nitidulidae, Meligethinae)

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    Clypeogethes elongatus (Rosenhauer, 1856) is a pollen-beetle occurring in SW Mediterranean areas, from Southern Iberian Peninsula to most of the North Africa; in Italy, this uncommon species was thus far known only from the Island of Pantelleria (southern Sicily). Recent researches in S Sardinia allowed to find a small relic population of this species in Cagliari (San Michele hill), where it is cer-tainly associated with early-flowering Brassicaceae, on chalk-based rocks

    Monitoring of the pre-equilibrium step in the alkyne hydration reaction catalyzed by au(Iii) complexes: A computational study based on experimental evidences

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    The coordination ability of the [(ppy)Au(IPr)]2+ fragment [ppy = 2-phenylpyridine, IPr = 1,3-bis(2,6-di-isopropylphenyl)-imidazol-2-ylidene] towards different anionic and neutral X ligands (X = Cl 12, BF4 12, OTf 12, H2 O, 2-butyne, 3-hexyne) commonly involved in the crucial pre-equilibrium step of the alkyne hydration reaction is computationally investigated to shed light on unexpected experimental observations on its catalytic activity. Experiment reveals that BF4 12 and OTf 12 have very similar coordination ability towards [(ppy)Au(IPr)]2+ and slightly less than water, whereas the alkyne complex could not be observed in solution at least at the NMR sensitivity. Due to the steric hindrance/dispersion interaction balance between X and IPr, the [(ppy)Au(IPr)]2+ fragment is computationally found to be much less selective than a model [(ppy)Au(NHC)]2+ (NHC = 1,3-dimethylimidazol-2-ylidene) fragment towards the different ligands, in particular OTf 12 and BF4 12, in agreement with experiment. Effect of the ancillary ligand substitution demonstrates that the coordination ability of Au(III) is quantitatively strongly affected by the nature of the ligands (even more than the net charge of the complex) and that all the investigated gold fragments coordinate to alkynes more strongly than H2 O. Remarkably, a stabilization of the water-coordinating species with respect to the alkyne-coordinating one can only be achieved within a microsolvation model, which reconciles theory with experiment. All the results reported here suggest that both the Au(III) fragment coordination ability and its proper computational modelling in the experimental conditions are fundamental issues for the design of efficient catalysts

    Persistent Dystrophin Protein Restoration 90 Days after a Course of Intraperitoneally Administered Naked 2′OMePS AON and ZM2 NP-AON Complexes in mdx Mice

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    In Duchenne muscular dystrophy, the exon-skipping approach has obtained proof of concept in animal models, myogenic cell cultures, and following local and systemic administration in Duchenne patients. Indeed, we have previously demonstrated that low doses (7.5 mg/Kg/week) of 2 -O-methyl-phosphorothioate antisense oligoribonucleotides (AONs) adsorbed onto ZM2 nanoparticles provoke widespread dystrophin restoration 7 days after intraperitoneal treatment in mdx mice. In this study, we went on to test whether this dystrophin restoration was still measurable 90 days from the end of the same treatment. Interestingly, we found that both western blot and immunohistochemical analysis (up to 7% positive fibres) were still able to detect dystrophin protein in the skeletal muscles of ZM2-AON-treated mice at this time, and the level of exon-23 skipping could still be assessed by RT real-time PCR (up to 10% of skipping percentage). In contrast, the protein was undetectable by western blot analysis in the skeletal muscles of mdx mice treated with an identical dose of naked AON, and the percentage of dystrophin-positive fibres and exon-23 skipping were reminiscent of those of untreated mdx mice. Our data therefore demonstrate the long-term residual efficacy of this systemic low-dose treatment and confirm the protective effect nanoparticles exert on AON molecules

    Persistent Dystrophin Protein Restoration 90 Days after a Course of Intraperitoneally Administered Naked 2′OMePS AON and ZM2 NP-AON Complexes in mdx Mice

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    In Duchenne muscular dystrophy, the exon-skipping approach has obtained proof of concept in animal models, myogenic cell cultures, and following local and systemic administration in Duchenne patients. Indeed, we have previously demonstrated that low doses (7.5 mg/Kg/week) of 2  -O-methyl-phosphorothioate antisense oligoribonucleotides (AONs) adsorbed onto ZM2 nanoparticles provoke widespread dystrophin restoration 7 days after intraperitoneal treatment in mdx mice. In this study, we went on to test whether this dystrophin restoration was still measurable 90 days from the end of the same treatment. Interestingly, we found that both western blot and immunohistochemical analysis (up to 7% positive fibres) were still able to detect dystrophin protein in the skeletal muscles of ZM2-AON-treated mice at this time, and the level of exon-23 skipping could still be assessed by RT real-time PCR (up to 10% of skipping percentage). In contrast, the protein was undetectable by western blot analysis in the skeletal muscles of mdx mice treated with an identical dose of naked AON, and the percentage of dystrophin-positive fibres and exon-23 skipping were reminiscent of those of untreated mdx mice. Our data therefore demonstrate the long-term residual efficacy of this systemic low-dose treatment and confirm the protective effect nanoparticles exert on AON molecules

    Random Walks on Stochastic Temporal Networks

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    In the study of dynamical processes on networks, there has been intense focus on network structure -- i.e., the arrangement of edges and their associated weights -- but the effects of the temporal patterns of edges remains poorly understood. In this chapter, we develop a mathematical framework for random walks on temporal networks using an approach that provides a compromise between abstract but unrealistic models and data-driven but non-mathematical approaches. To do this, we introduce a stochastic model for temporal networks in which we summarize the temporal and structural organization of a system using a matrix of waiting-time distributions. We show that random walks on stochastic temporal networks can be described exactly by an integro-differential master equation and derive an analytical expression for its asymptotic steady state. We also discuss how our work might be useful to help build centrality measures for temporal networks.Comment: Chapter in Temporal Networks (Petter Holme and Jari Saramaki editors). Springer. Berlin, Heidelberg 2013. The book chapter contains minor corrections and modifications. This chapter is based on arXiv:1112.3324, which contains additional calculations and numerical simulation

    Point process model of 1/f noise versus a sum of Lorentzians

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    We present a simple point process model of 1/fβ1/f^{\beta} noise, covering different values of the exponent β\beta. The signal of the model consists of pulses or events. The interpulse, interevent, interarrival, recurrence or waiting times of the signal are described by the general Langevin equation with the multiplicative noise and stochastically diffuse in some interval resulting in the power-law distribution. Our model is free from the requirement of a wide distribution of relaxation times and from the power-law forms of the pulses. It contains only one relaxation rate and yields 1/fβ1/f^ {\beta} spectra in a wide range of frequency. We obtain explicit expressions for the power spectra and present numerical illustrations of the model. Further we analyze the relation of the point process model of 1/f1/f noise with the Bernamont-Surdin-McWhorter model, representing the signals as a sum of the uncorrelated components. We show that the point process model is complementary to the model based on the sum of signals with a wide-range distribution of the relaxation times. In contrast to the Gaussian distribution of the signal intensity of the sum of the uncorrelated components, the point process exhibits asymptotically a power-law distribution of the signal intensity. The developed multiplicative point process model of 1/fβ1/f^{\beta} noise may be used for modeling and analysis of stochastic processes in different systems with the power-law distribution of the intensity of pulsing signals.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Urine-Derived Stem Cells Express 571 Neuromuscular Disorders Causing Genes, Making Them a Potential in vitro Model for Rare Genetic Diseases

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    Background: Neuromuscular disorders (NMDs) are a heterogeneous group of genetic diseases, caused by mutations in genes involved in spinal cord, peripheral nerve, neuromuscular junction, and muscle functions. To advance the knowledge of the pathological mechanisms underlying NMDs and to eventually identify new potential drugs paving the way for personalized medicine, limitations regarding the availability of neuromuscular disease-related biological samples, rarely accessible from patients, are a major challenge. Aim: We characterized urinary stem cells (USCs) by in-depth transcriptome and protein profiling to evaluate whether this easily accessible source of patient-derived cells is suitable to study neuromuscular genetic diseases, focusing especially on those currently involved in clinical trials. Methods: The global transcriptomics of either native or MyoD transformed USCs obtained from control individuals was performed by RNA-seq. The expression of 610 genes belonging to 16 groups of disorders (http://www.musclegenetable.fr/) whose mutations cause neuromuscular diseases, was investigated on the RNA-seq output. In addition, protein expression of 11 genes related to NMDs including COL6A, EMD, LMNA, SMN, UBA1, DYNC1H1, SOD1, C9orf72, DYSF, DAG1, and HTT was analyzed in native USCs by immunofluorescence and/or Western blot (WB). Results: RNA-seq profile of control USCs shows that 571 out of 610 genes known to be involved in NMDs, are expressed in USCs. Interestingly, the expression levels of the majority of NMD genes remain unmodified following USCs MyoD transformation. Most genes involved in the pathogenesis of all 16 groups of NMDs are well represented except for channelopathies and malignant hyperthermia related genes. All tested proteins showed high expression values, suggesting consistency between transcription and protein representation in USCs. Conclusion: Our data suggest that USCs are human cells, obtainable by non-invasive means, which might be used as a patient-specific cell model to study neuromuscular disease-causing genes and that they can be likely adopted for a variety of in vitro functional studies such as mutation characterization, pathway identification, and drug screening

    Common Scaling Patterns in Intertrade Times of U. S. Stocks

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    We analyze the sequence of time intervals between consecutive stock trades of thirty companies representing eight sectors of the U. S. economy over a period of four years. For all companies we find that: (i) the probability density function of intertrade times may be fit by a Weibull distribution; (ii) when appropriately rescaled the probability densities of all companies collapse onto a single curve implying a universal functional form; (iii) the intertrade times exhibit power-law correlated behavior within a trading day and a consistently greater degree of correlation over larger time scales, in agreement with the correlation behavior of the absolute price returns for the corresponding company, and (iv) the magnitude series of intertrade time increments is characterized by long-range power-law correlations suggesting the presence of nonlinear features in the trading dynamics, while the sign series is anti-correlated at small scales. Our results suggest that independent of industry sector, market capitalization and average level of trading activity, the series of intertrade times exhibit possibly universal scaling patterns, which may relate to a common mechanism underlying the trading dynamics of diverse companies. Further, our observation of long-range power-law correlations and a parallel with the crossover in the scaling of absolute price returns for each individual stock, support the hypothesis that the dynamics of transaction times may play a role in the process of price formation.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. Presented at The Second Nikkei Econophysics Workshop, Tokyo, 11-14 Nov. 2002. A subset appears in "The Application of Econophysics: Proceedings of the Second Nikkei Econophysics Symposium", editor H. Takayasu (Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, 2003) pp.51-57. Submitted to Phys. Rev. E on 25 June 200