1,162 research outputs found

    Group Art Therapy Clinical Intervention Program for Black Women Who Experienced Sexual Trauma in Early Adulthood

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    This theoretical clinical intervention program research paper was designed to fill the gaps between art therapy, drama therapy, sexual trauma therapy groups and black women who have been sexually assaulted in early adulthood. By creating a program specifically catered to a group of marginalized oppressed peoples, I hope to demonstrate that the thought and detail put into ones clients healing and growth process is valuable and essential. The irony of doing research about institutionalized racism in a patriarchal white supremacist society is that although I know my own and countless other black women’s’ traumas to be true, the system is inherently rigged so as to limit my ability to cite and validate my truth, so to speak, in papers such as this. The following research aims to combine and summarize to the best of my ability, the studies that have been done to date which branch my particular niche of study into one cohesive project. I feel it is important to note that this research is made possible despite reduced accessibility to resources such as the university’s library on-campus and a global pandemic or COVID-19. The abrupt end to my almost two year program in March of 2020 and the heavy wave of emotions following the eruption of the Black Lives Matter movement after the murder of innocent black man George Floyd at the hands of two Minneapolis police officers (CBC News, 2020) made for a subsequently painful yet powerful push start to the work I will be dedicating my entire career to. I hope to inspire the next generation to carry the torch until black lives, black mental health, and black futures more than matter

    Améliorer les apprentissages en sciences en milieu francophone minoritaire : résultats de l’expérimentation d’un modèle pédagogique

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    Selon les postulats théoriques, les faibles résultats scolaires chez les populations linguistiques minoritaires s’expliqueraient par des facteurs socioculturels et économiques, on recommande donc une pédagogie qui composerait avec ces éléments. Dans le cadre de cette recherche, les auteurs ont créé et expérimenté un modèle pédagogique pour enseigner les sciences en milieu minoritaire tenant compte de ces facteurs. Lors d’une intervention de deux mois, des élèves de cinquième année ont étudié les marais salés à partir de ce modèle pédagogique. L’expression écrite et orale de leurs observations demeurait une priorité. Les résultats ont révélé une attitude positive envers l’approche, un apprentissage scientifique important et une progression lexicale aux niveaux oral et écrit.Socio-cultural and economic factors may in part explain poor academic results for linguistic minorities. In such a case, pedagogical considerations in light of such factors should be put in place. This research created and experimented a pedagogical model for teaching science to minority language students, while considering socio-cultural factors. During a two-month intervention, grade five students studied salt-water marshes in a unit conceived within this model. Oral and written expression of their observations constituted an important part of the experiment. Results indicate a favourable attitude towards the pedagogical approach and progression in science and lexical learning in both written and oral language.Los postulados teóricos indican que los bajos resultados escolares en las poblaciones de lenguas minoritarias se justifican por factores socioculturales y económicos. Por lo tanto, se requiere de una pedagogía que tome en cuenta estos elementos. En el marco de esta investigación, los autores han creado y experimentado un modelo pedagógico para enseñar las ciencias en un ámbito minoritario tomando en cuenta estos factores. En una intervención de una duración de dos meses, alumnos de quinto grado estudiaron las marismas saladas a partir de un modelo pedagógico. Quedó prioritaria la expresión escrita y oral de sus observaciones. Los resultados revelaron una actitud positiva hacia el enfoque, un aprendizaje científico importante así como una progresión lexical a nivel oral y escrito

    Structural Snapshots of a Flexible Cu_2P_2 Core that Accommodates the Oxidation States Cu^ICu^I, Cu^(1.5)Cu^(1.5), and Cu^(II)Cu^(II)

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    The phosphido-bridged dicopper(I) complex {(PPP)Cu}_2 has been synthesized and structurally characterized ([PPP]^- = bis(2-di-iso-propylphosphinophenyl)phosphide). Cyclic voltammetry of {(PPP)Cu}_2 in THF shows fully reversible oxidations at −1.02 V (Cu^(1.5)Cu^(1.5)/Cu^ICu^I) and −0.423 V (Cu^(II)Cu^(II)/Cu^(1.5)Cu^(1.5)). Chemical oxidation of {(PPP)Cu}_2 by one electron yields the class III mixed-valence species [{(PPP)Cu}_2]^+ (EPR, UV−vis). Structural data establish an unexpectedly large change (0.538 Å) in the Cu•••Cu distance upon oxidation state. Oxidation of {(PPP)Cu}_2 by two electrons yields the dication [{(PPP)Cu}_2]^(2+), an antiferromagnetically coupled dicopper(II) complex. Maintenance of a pseudotetrahedral geometry that is midway between a square plane and an ideal tetrahedron at the copper centers, along with a high degree of flexibility at the phosphide hinges, allows for efficient access to Cu^ICu^I, Cu^(1.5)Cu^(1.5), and Cu^(II)Cu^(II) redox states without the need for ligand exchange, substitution, or redistribution processes

    The influence of Antarctic subglacial volcanism on the global iron cycle during the Last Glacial Maximum

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    Marine sediment records suggest that episodes of major atmospheric CO2 drawdown during the last glacial period were linked to iron (Fe) fertilisation of subantarctic surface waters. The principal source of this Fe is thought to be dust transported from southern mid-latitude deserts. However, uncertainty exists over contributions to CO2 sequestration from complementary Fe sources, such as the Antarctic ice sheet, due to the difficulty of locating and interrogating suitable archives that have the potential to preserve such information. Here we present petrographic, geochemical and microbial DNA evidence preserved in precisely dated subglacial calcites from close to the East Antarctic Ice Sheet margin, which together suggest that volcanically-induced drainage of Fe-rich waters during the Last Glacial Maximum could have reached the Southern Ocean (SO). Our results support a significant contribution of Antarctic volcanism to subglacial transport and delivery of nutrients with implications on ocean productivity at peak glacial conditions
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