237 research outputs found

    A Computer Code For Evaluation of Design Parameters of Concrete Piercing Earth Shock Missile Warhead

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    A simple and reliable computer code has been devised for evaluating various design parameters, and predicting the penetration performance of concrete piercing earth shock missile-warhead and will be useful to the designers of earth penetrating weapon system


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    The quality in the pharmaceutical industry has become a very important topic. Pharmaceutical industry has been emerging rapidly for the last decade by focusing on product Quality, Safety, and Efficacy. The guidelines of ICH from Q8 to Q11 have discussed QbD implementation in pharmaceutical product formulation development. ICH Q11 is a clear discussion about QbD approach for API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) synthesis with examples. Pharmaceutical firms increased the number of product development by using different scientific tools such as QbD (Quality by Design) and PAT (Process Analytical Technology). The main key tools of AQbD are identification of ATP (Analytical Target Profile), CQA (Critical Quality Attributes) with risk assessment, Method Optimization and Development with DoE, MODR (method operable design region), Control Strategy, AQbD Method Validation, and Continuous Method Monitoring (CMM), TQM (Total Quality Management), DOE (Design of Experiments). Implementation of AQbD simultaneously in analytical development will improve the ability of production of high quality products which will minimize the risks during every step of manufacturing and analysis of products

    Micorwave Energy Aided Mineral Comminution

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    Mineral liberation during beneficiation is essentially through comminution. However, the fact that the major slice (up to 50 percent) in the pie for total energy requirements during beneficiation is occupied by comminution, dictates us to look into various possi-bilities to render comminution more energy-efficient. In the early 1900s, efforts for reduction in the crushing and grinding energies based on the concept, 'thermally assisted liberation' (T A L) were made but could not be commercially exploited. With the advent of microwave energy and applications in different commercial operat-ions based on its property of heat generation in materials encouraged it in utilizing as an aid during comminution. Microwave energy heats individual phases in an ore matrix to different heat levels as per individual microwave absorption characteristics. Exposure to microwave energy over discrete time intervals prior to comminution results in development of micro fractures due to differential heating. Weakening of interspatial bonding in the ore matrix helps in lesser energy requirements. Numerous studies on microwave energy applications in the field of mineral processing and extractive metallurgy are under-taken in many parts of the world in recent years

    New Colorimetric Method Development And Validation Of Sulfacetamide In Bulk And Formulation By Different Analytical Reagents

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    Four simple, sensitive and reproducible spectrophotometric methods (Method A, Method B, Method C and Method D) were developed for the determination of sulfacetamide (SA) and its pharmaceutical formulation. Method A was developed based on diaziatation of the SA by sodium nitrite in acidic medium followed by coupling with B.M reagent having absorption maximum at 530 nm. Method B was developed based on reaction of NQS with primary amine in SA in presence of alkaline medium having maximum absorption at 466nm. Method C was based on reaction of primary amine with MBTH in presence of FeCl3 having maximum absorption at 562nm. Method D was developed based on reduction of phosphomolybdotungstic acid in presence of alkali medium having an absorption maximum at 760 nm. Beers law was obeyed in the range of 1 to 3 g/ml for Method A, 5 to 30 g/ml for Method B, 10 to 50 g/ml for Method C, and 100 to 300 g/ml for Method D. These methods were successfully validated and estimated in bulk and pharmaceutical formulations

    A new privacy policy mechanisim for user images in content sharing places

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    We propose a two-level structure which as indicated by the client's accessible history on the site, decides the best accessible security approach for the client's pictures being transferred. Our answer depends on a picture characterization structure for picture classifications which might be related with comparative approaches, and on an arrangement expectation calculation to naturally create a strategy for each recently transferred picture, additionally as per clients' social highlights. After some time, the created arrangements will pursue the development of clients' protection state of mind

    Retroperitoneal inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor

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    BACKGROUND: Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (IMT) is a neoplasm of unknown etiology occurring at various sites. By definition, it is composed of spindle cells (myofibroblasts) with variable inflammatory component, hence the name is IMT. CASE PRESENTATION: The present case is of a 46 years old woman presented with a history of flank pain, abdominal mass and intermittent hematuria for last 6 months. The initial diagnosis was kept as renal cell carcinoma. Finally, it turned out to be a case of retroperitoneal IMT. The patient was managed by complete surgical resection of the tumor. CONCLUSION: IMT is a rare neoplasm of uncertain biological potential. Complete surgical resection remains the mainstay of the treatment


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    ABSTRACT Diesel engines are well adapted by mankind because of their low fuel consumption and better efficiency. In recent times researchers have focused more on alternate fuels, with the depleting trend of petro diesel. Biodiesel is the one of such alternate fuel whose calorific value nearer to diesel. Most of the researchers concluded that with the usage of biodiesels the emissions can be reduced maintaining the consistency in efficiency, compared to diesel. In the present era of Nano technology there is the scope to improve the efficiency of engines using Nano additives in blended fuels. In this work single cylinder 4 stroke DI diesel engine is selected. The performance of different blends of mahua oil methyl esters for which cerium oxide (CeO2) Nano additives of size 30-50 nm is added in different proportions in blended fuel. The experiment has been conducted with neat diesel fuel and diesel-biodiesel blends (addition of cerium oxide (CeO2) Nano additive) in a four stroke single cylinder direct injection (DI) diesel engine. Those results are compared with conventional diesel fuel, diesel-biodiesel blends showed good performance, lower carbon monoxide (CO), and hydro carbons(HC) but higher oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emission.

    How general practitioners and patients discuss type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases concerns during consultations: Implications for digital health

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    Objective: To analyse general practitioner–patient consultations about type 2 diabetes mellitus or cardiovascular diseases and describe (i) the nature of self-management discussions; (ii) actions required from patients during and after consultation regarding self-management; and (iii) implications for digital health to support patients during (and after) consultation. Method: This study screened 281 general practitioner consultations conducted in 2017 within the UK general practice setting from an existing dataset containing videos and transcripts of consultations between GPs and patients. Secondary analysis was conducted using a multi-method approach, including descriptive, content, and visualisation analysis, to inform the nature of self-management discussions, what actions are required from patients, and whether digital technology was mentioned during the consultation to support self-management. Results: Analysis of eligible 19 consultations revealed a discord between what self-management actions are required of patients during and after consultations. Lifestyle discussions are often discussed in depth, but these discussions rely heavily on subjective inquiry and recall. Some patients in these cohorts are overwhelmed by self-management, to the detriment of their personal health. Digital support for self-management was not a major topic of discussion, however, we identified a number of emergent gaps where digital technology can support self-management concerns. Conclusion: There is potential for digital technology to reconcile what actions are required of patients during and after consultations. Furthermore, a number of emergent themes around self-management have implications for digitalisation

    Improved production technology in rainfed groundnut helps reap rich benefits by resource-poor farmers of Andhra Pradesh.

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    Thirty on-farm trials were conducted during the rainy seasons of 2002 and 2003 in the drought-prone districts of Andhra Pradesh, India, to demonstrate the beneficial effects of improved groundnut production technologies. Improved production technologies gave higher yields at all the locations. The pod yield was 1.22 t/ha in 2002 and 1.64 t/ha in 2003 compared to 0.77 t/ha and 1.02 t/ha, respectively, with farmers' practice. The additional mean cost incurred in the improved package was US25(1US25 (1 US=Rs 45) compared to an increased mean income of US$158 with a benefit-cost ratio of 1.6

    Participatory selection of groundnut genotypes under rainfed conditions in Kurnool District of Andhra Pradesh.

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    The performance of 3 drought-tolerant groundnut cultivars (ICGS 11, ICGS 76 and ICGV 86590) and TMV 2 as control was evaluated under rainfed conditions in on-farm participatory trials conducted in Kurnool district, Andhra Pradesh, India, during the rainy season of 2002. The pod yields of the improved cultivars (1.8-2.4 t/ha) were higher by 40-85% than the pod yield of TMV 2 (1.3 t/ha). Among the improved cultivars, ICGS 76 had the highest pod yield (2.4 t/ha), harvest index (0.46), 100-seed weight (39.2 g) and number of developed pods per plant (18.8). This cultivar was the most preferred by farmers based on drought tolerance and high yield potential, followed by ICGS 11
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