357 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Media Foto Keluarga untuk Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Cerita pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    Berdasarkan hasil observasi terdapat masalah pada pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia pada materi menulis cerita. Masalah yang dialami siswa yaitu belum mampu memunculkan ide, belum mampu mengembangkan kerangka cerita, keefektifan penggunaan media, serta kurangnya pemberian contoh aktivitas menulis cerita dari guru. Sehubungan dengan permasalahan tersebut, peneliti malakukan penelitian dengan menggunakan media foto keluarga untuk meningkatkan keteampilan menulis cerita. Tujuan penelitan ini adalah untuk mengetahui hasil belajar menulis cerita dengan menggunakan media foto keluarga. Metode penelitian menggunakan rancangan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) Teknik pegumpulan data yang digunakan adalah tes. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan media foto keluarga dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Dengan demikian materi menulis cerita dapat diajarkan dengan menggunakan media foto keluarga

    Indikator Tawadhu dalam Keseharian

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    Character in islam known with the term akhlaq, namely the condition of being born and human inner. Akhlaq divided into akhlaq good and bad akhlaq. Akhlaq good or akhlaq mahmudah, as patient, thanksgiving, sincere, received, humble or tawadhu, honest or sidiq, philanthropist or jud, mandate, excusing, and gracefully. Akhlaq bad as petulant , do not give thanks , showy , voracious , arrogant , stingy , perfidious , revenge , and blasphemy. Indicators group this character quantitatively can be developed by involving the various the theory community close to support restrictions character good and bad above. Individual character behold a reflection of what is in individual self. individuals can be expressing what is his power. The process of actual potential itself up to individual have to of domestic which need to actualized and which need to controlled. This factor more played by psychologists or counselor to map potential individuals and stretches, so formed to individuals characterless

    Analisis Tingkat Pemahaman Mahasiswa Terhadap Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan Syariah Psak-syariah

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    Sharia financial industries have grown rapidly in the last one decade. It causes the need of arranging sharia accounting standard and human resources who understand the context of sharia based business becomes urgently required. Universities conducting high education services provide the students to meet the need of sharia financial industries. Related to the provision of human resources with the understanding of sharia accounting, Islamic Universities of 45 (Unisma) Bekasi gives two choices for the students to take either Islamic Banking or Accounting department focusing on sharia accounting. The research method employed in this study was descriptive quantitative. The primary data source was the written test containing 25 items consisted of 20 multiple choices and 5 essays. The sample was 23 students: 8 were from sharia accounting department and 15 were from Islamic Banking in the academic year of 2012. The sample was taken by using purposive sampling technique since the sample was only those having taken sharia PSAK. The method used for data analysis was by scoring the test result and converting it to the score based on the standard scoring of UNISMA. Based on the average score of the test done by the students of Sharia Accounting which was 72.93, the students "understand" sharia PSAK while the students of 2012 academic year majoring in Islamic Banking have the average score was 77 which also means that the students "understand" sharia PSAK. The hypothesis was tested by using Mann Whitney Test with the Sig value (p value) of 0.084 >0.05 meaning that there is no difference between the understanding of the students who were focusing in Shariah Accounting and majoring in shareea banking belonging to the academic year of 2012 on sharia PSAK. It means that H alternative is rejected while H0 is accepted

    Evaluasi Afektif dalam Pembelajaran

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    Dalam taksonomi Benjamin S.Bloom ada tiga ranah pendidikan, yaitu ranah berpikir (cognative domain), ranah nilai atau sikap (affective domain), dan ranah keterampilan (psychomotor domain). Tiga ranah pendidikan ini yang menjadi tujuan dari pendidikan di Indonesia, sebagaimana disebutkan dalam Undang-Undang RI nomor 20 tahun 2003 tentang sistem pendidikan nasional bertujuaan untuk mengembangkan potensi peserta didik agar menjadi manusia yang beriman, dan bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berahlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri, dan menjadi warga negara yang demokratis serta bertanggung jawab, jadi dapat kita simpulkan ranah kognitifnya adalah berilmu. Ranah afektifnya adalah beriman dan bertaqwa, berahlak mulia, mandiri, demokratis, bertanggung jawab. Ranah psikomotoriknya adalah sehat, cakap, kreatif. Ketiga ranah ini harus dijadikan sasaran dalam setiap kegiatan evaluasi belajar.Dalam mengukur hasil belajar kawasan afektif termasuk sukar karena menyangkut kawasan sikap dan apresiasi. Evaluasi afektif berkaitan dengan pembentukan dan Perubahan sikap

    Kinerja Baitul Maal Wa At-tamwil (Bmt) Maslahah Lil Ummah-pondok Pesantren Sidogiri Menggunkan Balance Scorecard Modifikasian

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    Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) has a significant role in the development of the nation when it can optimize its potential. Pesantren which can be considered as the miniature of a nation. It can be the agent of social piety by spreading the Islamic teaching on economy based on the fulfillment of sharia. BMT Maslahah Mursalah lil Ummah tries to prove that pesantren can apply the role in improving the life of the people around the pesantren. This research is aimed to measure the working performance of BMT MMU which is pesantren based using modified Balanced Scorecard and to find out the solution of the problem, also to show the best practice made by BMT MMU in developing Islamic Micro Financial Institution. The research design is parallel mixed method. The result shows that the working performance of BMT MMU is in an excellent level. The most influential performance is economic empowerment and social legitimation. To solve several problems related to the development of BMT MMU, the management developed the quality of human resource and involved other people outside of the pesantren in its operational activities

    Balcony and Jalousi Effectiveness Review to Promote Daylight in Interior for Tropical Country

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    City growth will eventually affect its people lifestyle. Higher buildings, which serve higher economic value, will need to be supported with open area for social interaction. The three principal of sustainable design is not only to embrace the economic growth, but also to consider social interaction and ecology in it. Since the colonial era Balconies and jalousies are well known as architectural elements that provide more space for interaction, economically possible to make use of, and provide shading for the space underneath. This research will investigate how these elements efficiency will affect the introduction of daylight into interior space to save energy. This quantitative research was conducted with IES-VE 2012 software with embedded suncast, Flucs-DL, and Radiance software in it to calculate the depth of daylight penetration and glare potential. The simulation was set in tropical country (Singapore)

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan dan Harga terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Serta Dampaknya pada Loyalitas Konsumen Wedding Organizer di Kota Prabumulih

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    Purpose: This study aimed to determine the effect of service quality andprice to customer satisfaction and its impact on consumer loyality in the cityPrabumulih wedding organizer. Formulation of the problem is whether thereis influence service quality and price to customer satisfaction and its impacton consumer loyalty Prabumulih wedding organizer in the city?Design/Methodelogy/Approach: The data used in this study are primary data89 respondent reply. Models analysis used analysis and by testing thevalidity and reliability of instruments. Test charactistics data that is test ofnormality and linearity test. Test model consist of multicolinearity test andheterokesdatisitas test.Implications: The test results of path analysis showed that there werepositive and significant impact variable quality of service significantlyinfluence consumer satisfaction 0,000. Price variables significantly influenceconsumer satisfaction 0,000. Variable service quality signifintly consumerloyalty 0,000. Price variables dont have significantly influence consumerloyality 0,205. and Variable customer satisfaction dont have significantlyinfluence consumer loyalty 0,188.Findings: Their suitability to the theory and there is a match and supportprevious research. Increased service quality, price and customerssatisfaction and customer loyality
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