41 research outputs found

    Cytotoxic targeting of F9 teratocarcinoma tumours with anti-ED-B fibronectin scFv antibody modified liposomes

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    We prepared small unilamellar liposomes derivatised with single chain antibody fragments specific for the ED-B domain of B-fibronectin. This extracellular matrix associated protein is expressed around newly forming blood vessels in the vicinity of many types of tumours. The single chain antibody fragments were functionalised by introduction of C-terminal cysteines and linked to liposomes via maleimide groups located at the terminal ends of poly(ethylene glycol) modified phospholipids. The properties of these anti-ED-B single chain antibody fragments-liposomes were analysed in vitro on ED-B fibronectin expressing Caco-2 cells and in vivo by studying their biodistribution and their therapeutic potential in mice bearing subcutanous F9 teratocarcinoma tumours. Radioactively labelled (114mIndium) single chain antibody fragments-liposomes accumulated in the tumours at 2–3-fold higher concentrations during the first 2 h after i.v. injection compared to unmodified liposomes. After 6–24 h both liposome types were found in similar amounts (8–10% injected dose g−1) in the tumours. Animals treated i.v. with single chain antibody fragments-liposomes containing the new cytotoxic agent 2′-deoxy-5-fluorouridylyl-N4-octadecyl-1-β-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine (30 mg kg-1 per dose, five times every 24 h) showed a reduction of tumour growth by 62–90% determined on days 5 and 8, respectively, compared to animals receiving control liposomes. Histological analysis revealed a marked reduction of F9 tumour cells and excessive deposition of fibronectin in the extracellular matrix after treatment with single chain antibody fragments-2-dioxy-5-fluorouridylyl-N4-octadecyl-1-β-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine-liposomes. Single chain antibody fragments-liposomes targeted to ED-B fibronectin positive tumours therefore represent a promising and versatile novel drug delivery system for the treatment of tumours

    Distribution of laminin and fibronectin isoforms in oral mucosa and oral squamous cell carcinoma

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    The expression of laminin and fibronectin isoforms varies with cellular maturation and differentiation and these differences may well influence cellular processes such as adhesion and motility. The basement membrane (BM) of fetal oral squamous epithelium contains the laminin chains, α2, α3, α5, β1, β2, β3, γ1 and γ2. The BM of adult normal oral squamous epithelium comprises the laminin chains, α3, α5, β1, β3, γ1 and γ2. A re-expression of the laminin α2 and β2 chains could be shown in adult hyperproliferative, dysplastic and carcinomatous lesions. In dysplasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), multifocal breaks of the BM are present as indicated by laminin chain antibodies. These breaks correlate to malignancy grade in their extent. Moreover, in the invasion front the α3 and γ2 chain of laminin-5 can immunohistochemically be found outside the BM within the cytoplasm of budding carcinoma cells and in the adjacent stroma. The correlation between the morphological pattern of invasive tumour clusters and a laminin-5 immunostaining in the adjacent stroma may suggest, first, that a laminin-5 deposition outside the BM is an immunohistochemical marker for invasion and second, that OSCC invasion is guided by the laminin-5 matrix. Expression of oncofetal fibronectins (IIICS de novo glycosylated fibronectin and ED-B fibronectin) could be demonstrated throughout the stromal compartment. However, the ED-B fibronectin synthesizing cells (RNA/RNA in situ hybridization) are confined to small stroma areas and to single stroma and inflammatory cells in the invasion front. A correlation of the number of ED-B fibronectin synthesizing cells to malignancy grade could not be seen. ED-B fibronectin mRNA-positive cells seem to be concentrated in areas of fibrous stroma recruitment with a linear alignment of stromal fibro-/myofibroblasts (desmoplasia). Double staining experiments (ED-B fibronectin in situ hybridization and α-smooth muscle actin immunohistochemistry) indicated that the stroma myofibroblasts are a preferential source of ED-B fibronectin. In conclusion, in OSCC, a fetal extracellular matrix conversion is demonstrable. Tumour cells (laminin α2 and β2 chain) and recruited stromal myofibroblasts (oncofetal ED-B fibronectin) contribute to the fetal extracellular matrix milieu. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Nf2/Merlin: a coordinator of receptor signalling and intercellular contact

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    This review explores possible mechanisms by which the neurofibromatosis type-2 tumour suppressor Merlin regulates contact-dependent inhibition of proliferation. Starting from an evolutionary perspective, the concurrent emergence of intercellular contacts and proliferation control in multicellular organisms is first considered. Following a brief survey of the molecular and subcellular milieus in which merlin performs its function, the importance of different cellular and biological contexts in defining the function of merlin is discussed. Finally, an integrated model for merlin and the Ezrin, Radixin, and Moesin (ERM) proteins functioning in the regulation of cellular interfaces is proposed