346 research outputs found

    Pressure in an exactly solvable model of active fluid

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    We consider the pressure in the steady-state regime of three stochastic models characterized by self-propulsion and persistent motion and widely employed to describe the behavior of active particles, namely the Active Brownian particle (ABP) model, the Gaussian colored noise (GCN) model and the unified colored noise model (UCNA). Whereas in the limit of short but finite persistence time the pressure in the UCNA model can be obtained by different methods which have an analog in equilibrium systems, in the remaining two models only the virial route is, in general, possible. According to this method, notwithstanding each model obeys its own specific microscopic law of evolution, the pressure displays a certain universal behavior. For generic interparticle and confining potentials, we derive a formula which establishes a correspondence between the GCN and the UCNA pressures. In order to provide explicit formulas and examples, we specialize the discussion to the case of an assembly of elastic dumbbells confined to a parabolic well. By employing the UCNA we find that, for this model, the pressure determined by the thermodynamic method coincides with the pressures obtained by the virial and mechanical methods. The three methods when applied to the GCN give a pressure identical to that obtained via the UCNA. Finally, we find that the ABP virial pressure exactly agrees with the UCNA and GCN result.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure Submitted for publication 23rd of January 2017 The introduction has been modifie

    Higher Order Corrections to Density and Temperature of Fermions from Quantum Fluctuations

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    A novel method to determine the density and temperature of a system based on quantum Fermionic fluctuations is generalized to the limit where the reached temperature T is large compared to the Fermi energy {\epsilon}f . Quadrupole and particle multiplicity fluctuations relations are derived in terms of T . The relevant Fermi integrals are numerically solved for any values of T and compared to the analytical approximations. The classical limit is obtained, as expected, in the limit of large temperatures and small densities. We propose simple analytical formulas which reproduce the numerical results, valid for all values of T . The entropy can also be easily derived from quantum fluctuations and give important insight for the behavior of the system near a phase transition. A comparison of the quantum entropy to the entropy derived from the ratio of the number of deuterons to neutrons gives a very good agreement especially when the density of the system is very low

    Microstructure and velocity of field-driven solid-on-solid interfaces moving under stochastic dynamics with local energy barriers

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    We study the microscopic structure and the stationary propagation velocity of (1+1)-dimensional solid-on-solid interfaces in an Ising lattice-gas model, which are driven far from equilibrium by an applied force, such as a magnetic field or a difference in (electro)chemical potential. We use an analytic nonlinear-response approximation [P.A. Rikvold and M. Kolesik, J. Stat. Phys. 100, 377 (2000)] together with kinetic Monte Carlo simulations. Here we consider interfaces that move under Arrhenius dynamics, which include a microscopic energy barrier between the allowed Ising/lattice-gas states. Two different dynamics are studied: the standard one-step dynamic (OSD) [H.C. Kang and W. Weinberg, J. Chem. Phys. 90, 2824 (1992)] and the two-step transition-dynamics approximation (TDA) [T. Ala-Nissila, J. Kjoll, and S.C. Ying, Phys. Rev. B 46, 846 (1992)]. In the OSD the effects of the applied force and the interaction energies in the model factorize in the transition rates (a soft dynamic), while in the TDA such factorization is not possible (a hard dynamic). In full agreement with previous general theoretical results we find that the local interface width under the TDA increases dramatically with the applied force. In contrast, the interface structure with the OSD is only weakly influenced by the force, in qualitative agreement with the theoretical expectations. Results are also obtained for the force-dependence and anisotropy of the interface velocity, which also show differences in good agreement with the theoretical expectations for the differences between soft and hard dynamics. Our results confirm that different stochastic interface dynamics that all obey detailed balance and the same conservation laws nevertheless can lead to radically different interface responses to an applied force.Comment: 18 pages RevTex. Minor revisions. Phys. Rev. B, in pres

    The virial expansion of a classical interacting system

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    We consider N particles interacting pair-wise by an inverse square potential in one dimension (Calogero-Sutherland-Moser model). When trapped harmonically, its classical canonical partition function for the repulsive regime is known in the literature. We start by presenting a concise re-derivation of this result. The equation of state is then calculated both for the trapped and the homogeneous gas. Finally, the classical limit of Wu's distribution function for fractional exclusion statistics is obtained and we re-derive the classical virial expansion of the homogeneous gas using this distribution function.Comment: 9 pages; added references to some earlier work on this problem; this has led to a significant shortening of the paper and a changed titl

    Schrodinger equation for the one particle density matrix of thermal systems: An alternative formulation of Bose-Einstein condensation

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    We formulate a linear Schrodinger equation with the temperature-dependent potential for the one-particle density matrix and obtain the condensation temperature of the Bose-Einstein condensate from a bound-state condition for the Schrodinger equation both with and without the confining trap. The results are in very good agreement with those of the full statistical physics treatment. This is an alternative to the Bose-Einstein condensation in the standard ideal Bose gas treatment.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Thermodynamics of quantum gases for the entire range of temperature

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    We have analytically explored thermodynamics of free Bose and Fermi gases for the entire range of temperature, and have extended the same for harmonically trapped cases. We have obtained approximate chemical potentials of the quantum gases in closed forms of temperature so that the thermodynamic properties of the quantum gases become plausible specially in the intermediate regime between the classical and quantum limits.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Teaching Articl

    Thermal fluctuation field for current-induced domain wall motion

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    Current-induced domain wall motion in magnetic nanowires is affected by thermal fluctuation. In order to account for this effect, the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation includes a thermal fluctuation field and literature often utilizes the fluctuation-dissipation theorem to characterize statistical properties of the thermal fluctuation field. However, the theorem is not applicable to the system under finite current since it is not in equilibrium. To examine the effect of finite current on the thermal fluctuation, we adopt the influence functional formalism developed by Feynman and Vernon, which is known to be a useful tool to analyze effects of dissipation and thermal fluctuation. For this purpose, we construct a quantum mechanical effective Hamiltonian describing current-induced domain wall motion by generalizing the Caldeira-Leggett description of quantum dissipation. We find that even for the current-induced domain wall motion, the statistical properties of the thermal noise is still described by the fluctuation-dissipation theorem if the current density is sufficiently lower than the intrinsic critical current density and thus the domain wall tilting angle is sufficiently lower than pi/4. The relation between our result and a recent result, which also addresses the thermal fluctuation, is discussed. We also find interesting physical meanings of the Gilbert damping alpha and the nonadiabaticy parameter beta; while alpha characterizes the coupling strength between the magnetization dynamics (the domain wall motion in this paper) and the thermal reservoir (or environment), beta characterizes the coupling strength between the spin current and the thermal reservoir.Comment: 16 page, no figur

    Equation of state of an interacting Bose gas at finite temperature: a Path Integral Monte Carlo study

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    By using exact Path Integral Monte Carlo methods we calculate the equation of state of an interacting Bose gas as a function of temperature both below and above the superfluid transition. The universal character of the equation of state for dilute systems and low temperatures is investigated by modeling the interatomic interactions using different repulsive potentials corresponding to the same s-wave scattering length. The results obtained for the energy and the pressure are compared to the virial expansion for temperatures larger than the critical temperature. At very low temperatures we find agreement with the ground-state energy calculated using the diffusion Monte Carlo method.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Classical Nucleation Theory of the One-Component Plasma

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    We investigate the crystallization rate of a one-component plasma (OCP) in the context of classical nucleation theory. From our derivation of the free energy of an arbitrary distribution of solid clusters embedded in a liquid phase, we derive the steady-state nucleation rate of an OCP as a function of the Coulomb coupling parameter. Our result for the rate is in accord with recent molecular dynamics simulations, but it is greater than that of previous analytical estimates by many orders of magnitude. Further molecular dynamics simulations of the nucleation rate of a supercooled liquid OCP for several values of the coupling parameter would clarify the physics of this process.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, accepted by PR

    Continuous distribution of frequencies and deformed dispersion relations

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    The possibilities that, in the realm of the detection of the so--called deformed dispersion relation, a light source with a continuous distribution of frequencies offers is discussed. It will be proved that the presence of finite coherence length entails the emergence of a new term in the interference pattern. This is a novel trait, which renders a new possibility in the quest for bounds associated with these deformed dispersion relations.Comment: Accepted in Classical and Quantum Gravit