25 research outputs found

    Chlamydia pneumoniae is present in the dental plaque of periodontitis patients and stimulates an inflammatory response in gingival epithelial cells

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    Chlamydia pneumoniae is an airborne, Gram-negative, obligate intracellular bacterium which causes human respiratory infections and has been associated with atherosclerosis. Because individuals with periodontitis are at greater risk for atherosclerosis as well as respiratory infections, we in-vestigated the role of C. pneumoniae in inflammation and periodontal dis-ease. We found that C. pneumoniae was more frequently found in subgingival dental plaque obtained from periodontally diseased sites of the mouth versus healthy sites. The known periodontal pathogens, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, were also found in the plaque. In addition, C. pneumoniae could efficiently invade human gingival epithelial cells (GECs) in vitro, causing translocation of NF-κB to the nucleus along with increased secretion of mature IL-1β cytokine. Supernatants collected from C. pneumoniae-infected GECs showed increased activation of caspase-1 protein, which was significantly reduced when nlrp3 gene expression was silenced using shRNA lentiviral vectors. Our results demonstrate that C. pneumoniae was found in higher levels in periodontitis patients compared to control pa-tients. Additionally, C. pneumoniae could infect GECs, leading to inflammation caused by activation of NF-κB and the NLRP3 inflammasome. We propose that the presence of C. pneumoniae in subgingival dental plaque may contribute to periodontal disease and could be used as a potential risk indicator of perio-dontal disease

    Оценка эффективности и безопасности комбинации хондроитина сульфата и глюкозамина сульфата при остеоартрите коленного и тазобедренного суставов в реальной клинической практике

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    A combination of chondroitin and glucosamine is widely used in clinical practice as both a symptomatic and structure-modifying agent for the treatment of osteoarthritis (OA). The emergence of new drugs based on this combination substantially expands treatment options for OA therapy.Objective: to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Artroflex® that is a combination of chondroitin sulfate 400 mg and glucosamine sulfate 500 mg (CS + GS) to support joint health in patients with knee and/or hip OA.Patients and methods. When implementing an open observational research program, the results of using the CS + GS complex were assessed in 644 OA patients (74.7% women) (mean age, 58.0±14.6 years) who experienced moderate/severe pain and required to continuously take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The CS + GS complex was prescribed in a dose of 2 capsules per day for 3 months. The investigators estimated changes in pain on movement by a 0 to 10 verbal pain scale, general health (GH) by a 0–10 visual analogue scale), the Lequesne index, the need for NSAIDs, and patient satisfaction with treatment and its tolerance.Results and discussion. After 3-month therapy, there were decreases in pain intensity by 49.2±16.8%, GH scores by 45.6±18.1%, the Lequesne index from 9.0 [6.0; 13.0] to 5.0 [3.0; 9.0]; less than half (45.2%) of the patients still needed for NSAIDs. 82.2% of patients were satisfied or completely satisfied with treatment results; 89.6% reported good treatment tolerance.Adverse events (apparently associated with NSAID use) were recorded in 2.2% of cases. There were no serious complications that required CS + GS treatment discontinuation or hospitalization.Conclusion. The findings have indicated that Artroflex® used to support joint health is an effective agent that controls OA symptoms and has a good safety level.Комбинация хондроитина и глюкозамина широко применяется в клинической практике как симптоматическое и структурно-модифицирующее средство для лечения остеоартрита (ОА). Появление новых препаратов на основе данной комбинации существенно расширяет возможности терапии ОА.Цель исследования – оценка эффективности и безопасности комплекса для поддержания здоровья суставов Артрофлекс®, представляющего собой комбинацию хондроитина сульфата 400 мг и глюкозамина сульфата 500 мг (ХС + ГС), у пациентов с ОА коленного и/или тазобедренного суставов.Пациенты и методы. В ходе наблюдательной открытой исследовательской программы были оценены результаты применения комплекса ХС + ГС у 644 больных ОА (средний возраст 58,0±14,6 года, 74,7% женщины), испытывающих умеренную/выраженную боль и нуждающихся в постоянном приеме нестероидных противовоспалительных препаратов (НПВП). Комплекс ХС + ГС назначали в дозе 2 капсулы в сутки сроком на 3 мес. Оценивали динамику боли при движении (по вербальной шкале боли 0–10), общего состояния здоровья (ОСЗ, по визуальной аналоговой шкале 0–10), индекса Лекена, потребность в приеме НПВП, удовлетворенность больных лечением и переносимостью терапии.Результаты и обсуждение. Через 3 мес применения выраженность боли снизилась на 49,2±16,8%, оценка ОСЗ – на 45,6±18,1%, индекс Лекена – с 9,0 [6,0; 13,0] до 5,0 [3,0; 9,0], необходимость в приеме НПВП осталась менее чем у половины больных (45,2%). Удовлетворены или полностью удовлетворены результатами лечения были 82,2% больных, хорошую переносимость терапии отметили 89,6%. Нежелательные явления (по-видимому, связанные с приемом НПВП) зафиксированы в 2,2% случаев. Серьезных осложнений, потребовавших прерывания лечения ХС + ГС или госпитализации, не выявлено.Заключение. Согласно полученным данным, комплекс для поддержания здоровья суставов Артрофлекс® – эффективное средство для контроля симптомов ОА, обладающее хорошим уровнем безопасности

    Hypoxia‐induced pulmonary hypertension – utilising experiments of nature

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    An increase in pulmonary artery pressure is a common observation in adult mammals exposed to global alveolar hypoxia. It is considered a maladaptive response that places an increased workload on the right ventricle. The mechanisms initiating and maintaining the elevated pressure are of considerable interest to understanding pulmonary vascular homeostasis. There is an expectation that identifying the key molecules in the integrated vascular response to hypoxia will inform potential drug targets. One strategy is to take advantage of experiments of nature; specifically, to understand the genetic basis for the inter-individual variation in the pulmonary vascular response to acute and chronic hypoxia. To date, detailed phenotyping of highlanders has focused on haematocrit and oxygen saturation rather that cardiovascular phenotypes. This review explores what we can learn from those studies with respect to the pulmonary circulation

    Chlamydia pneumoniae is present in the dental plaque of periodontitis patients and stimulates an inflammatory response in gingival epithelial cells

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    Periodontitis is the most common oral inflammatory disease. It involves inflammation and destruction of the attachment apparatus of the teeth. Bacterial invasion of the gingiva elicits a host immune response which begins with inflammation of the gingiva, progressing to destruction of deep periodontal tissues and loss of alveolar bone. Even though over 600 species of bacteria are present in the human oral microbiome, only about ten have been identified as putative pathogens causing periodontal disease. Chlamydiae are obligate, intracellular bacteria that have a biphasic developmental cycle. C. pneumoniae has also been linked to asthma, arthritis, atherosclerosis, stroke, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease. Currently, it is still not known whether C. pneumoniae infects gingival epithelium and subsequently promotes a host-mediated immune response that leads to periodontitis

    Chlamydia pneumoniae is present in the dental plaque of periodontitis patients and stimulates an inflammatory response in gingival epithelial cells

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    Periodontitis is the most common oral inflammatory disease. It involves inflammation and destruction of the attachment apparatus of the teeth. Bacterial invasion of the gingiva elicits a host immune response which begins with inflammation of the gingiva, progressing to destruction of deep periodontal tissues and loss of alveolar bone. Even though over 600 species of bacteria are present in the human oral microbiome, only about ten have been identified as putative pathogens causing periodontal disease. Chlamydiae are obligate, intracellular bacteria that have a biphasic developmental cycle. C. pneumoniae has also been linked to asthma, arthritis, atherosclerosis, stroke, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease. Currently, it is still not known whether C. pneumoniae infects gingival epithelium and subsequently promotes a host-mediated immune response that leads to periodontitis