440 research outputs found

    Kajian Potensi Sumberdaya Air untuk Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikrohidro di Kali Suci, Dusun Jetis, Semanu, Gunungkidul

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    Kali Suci yang terletak di Kabupaten Gunung Kidul merupakan wilayah dengan potensi sumberdaya air yang melimpah, akan tetapi memiliki keterbatasan akses terhadap energi listrik. Melihat dari kondisi tersebut sangat penting adanya tindakan pemanfaatan sumberdaya air guna pemenuhan listrik di sekitar wilayah Kali Suci. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui karakteristik hidrologis wilayah Kali Suci dan mengetahui jumlah energi listrik yang mampu dihasilkan dari sumberdaya air Kali Suci. Besarnya energi listrik yang mampu dihasilkan dari sumberdaya air di Kali Suci dilakukan berdasarkan analisis debit andalan 80% dengan memperhatikan besar debit dan tinggi terjunan pada bendungan yang akan dipasang generator. Berdasarkan perhitungan debit andalan, daya yang mampu dihasilkan sebesar 3688 Watt

    Implikatur Percakapan Sebagai Tindak Komunikatif Pada Novel Hidamari No Kanojo

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    In the pragmatics, meaning or purpose that appear in a speech called implicatures. Implicatures that appear of two or more people who is conversing with each other called conversational implicature. The purpose of this research is to describe the implicatures of conversations in the Hidamari No Kanojo novel. Besides that, it also aimed to explain the purpose of the communicative acts on it. Theory that used were Grice (1975) to find out kind of implicatures conversational according to flouting of maxim in the coorperative principle and Brown (1980) about communicative acts. This research is a qualitative descriptive method to decribing the data in the Hidamari No Kanojo novel. The results of this study were (1) found general conversational implicatures as much as 12 data, the special conversational implicatures as many as 8 data (2) mean of conversational implicatures by the speakers explained through the communicative acts which is classified into 15 types according to their intended purpose

    Code-Mixing and Code-Switching of Indonesian Celebrities: a Comparative Study

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    Foreign language skill presents a language variety called code-mixing and code-switching. The purpose of this study was to get some information to identify the types of code mixing and code switching frequently used by Indonesian celebrities. The study was divided into two groups. Group I was inclusive of the celebrities with native speakers parents and Group II comprised celebrities capable of speaking two or more languages. The qualitative and quantitative methods were used to analyze the code mixing and code switching with different frequency. It can be concluded that Group II use code-mixing and code-switching with a different frequency and speak foreign language more active

    Efek Sinergitas Ekstrak Kulit Jeruk (Citrus Sinensis L) pada Patch Bioselulosa dalam Meningkatkan Penyembuhan Luka Bakar: Synergetic Effect Of Orange Peel Extract In Biocellulose Patch Toward Burn Wound Healing

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    Burns is one of the incidents that can lead to death (mortality). One of the natural products that have  potential to serve as an alternative treatment of burns is orange peel. Orange peel has a chemical composition such as ascorbic acid, vitamin E, vitamin A, and polyphenols as antioxidants that inhibit free radicals responsible in the pathogenesis of both acute and chronic inflammatory. In this study, formulation was made in the form of biocellulose which is the primary metabolism product of bacteria.  The purpose of this research was to obtain the concentration of the extract of orange peel on bioselullose that have the effect of decreasing the burn wound in rats. Orange peel was extracted then fortified into biocellulose with a concentration of 3%, 6%, and 9%. After that, the wound healing was tested on animals in the form of decreasing the wound diameter.  The results showed that the concentration of extract of orange peel 3% on the fortification of biocellulose showed the good percentage of burn wound decreasing i.e. 45.52% with diameter average of 18.35 mm. This result indicates the concentration of extract of orange peel 3% is better than others

    Teorema Cayley-Hamilton pada Matriks Atas Ring Komutatif

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    Dalam artikel ini akan dikemukakan Teorema Cayley Hamilton pada matriks atas ring komutatif R sebagai perluasan dari matriks atas lapangan F yang telah dikenal pada Aljabar Linear. Pembahasan Teorema Cayley Hamilton akan terkait dengan suatu polinomial karakteristik dari matriks yang diberikan. Tentu saja, pendefinisian polinomial karakteristik dari matriks atas R tidak berbeda dengan pendefinisian polinomial karakteristik dari matriks atas F yang telah dikenal pada Aljabar Linear. Dalam Aljabar Linear, Teorema Cayley Hamilton mengatakan bahwa . Ternyata, Teorema Cayley Hamilton masih tetap berlaku pada matriks atas ring komutatif R. Jika diberikan ring komutatif R maka dapat dibentuk ring komutatif yaitu himpunan polinomial-polinomial atas R . Selain itu, dapat dibentuk juga ring yaitu himpunan matriks yang semua entrinya merupakan polinomial atas R. Selanjutnya, jika diberikan yaitu himpunan polinomial–polinomial dengan koefisiennya berupa matriks atas R, maka dapat dibentuk suatu pemetaan , sehingga diperoleh . Adanya isomorfisma melalui pemetaan sangat berguna untuk menunjukkan Teorema Cayley Hamilton pada matriks atas R. Salah satu aplikasi Teorema Cayley Hamilton yaitu invers dari suatu matriks A atas ring R merupakan suatu bentuk polinomial atas R dalam A. Lebih lanjut sebagai akibat dari Teorema Cayley Hamilton diperoleh bahwa radikal dan prima minimal dari ideal null A sama dengan radikal dan prima minimal dari ideal yang dibangun oleh polinomial karakteristik dari matriks

    Reversible Cortical Blindness as a Prominent Manifestation of Cerebral Embolism due to Infective Endocarditis

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    Introduction. Infective endocarditis in the left heart may be complicated by stroke, due to embolisation from infectious valvular vegetations. Infarction of both occipital lobes, which are supplied by the posterior cerebral arteries, is infrequent, and is the cause of cortical blindness from lesion of the visual cortex. Cortical blindness is characterized by intact pupillary reflexes, a normal fundoscopy, and, rarely, denial of visual loss. Case Presentation. We report the case of a 58-year-old woman, recipient of a mechanical aortic valve, who presented with fever, multiple organ dysfunction, and cortical blindness. Transesophageal echocardiography and blood cultures confirmed the diagnosis of infective endocarditis caused by methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus. Computed tomography of the brain without contrast revealed the presence of infarctions in both occipital lobes. It is noteworthy that the visual loss resolved after treatment of endocarditis. Conclusions. A stroke occurring in a patient presenting with fever and a history of valvular heart disease strongly suggests the presence of infective endocarditis. Bilateral thromboembolic infarcts of the occipital lobes cause cortical blindness, that can resolve after treatment of endocarditis

    Meta-halloysite to improve compactness in iron-rich laterite-based alkali activated materials

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    In this paper, the results of the experimental investigation were used to understand the effect of fine meta-halloysite on the reactivity, mechanical and microstructural properties of laterite-based geopolymers. Laterite was replaced by 0, 20, 30 and 50 wt% of meta-halloysite in order to improve the physico-chemical performance. Meta-halloysite was prepared by calcination of natural halloysite at 600 °C. The moduli (molar ratio SiO2/Na2O) of the activating solutions were 1.04, 0.92, and 0.75 with H2O/Na2O = 9.78, 10.45 and 12.04, respectively. The results indicated that calcined laterite has a high specific surface area (43.00 ± 0.12 m2/g), notwithstanding a high average particle size (d50 = 45.20 μm) compared to meta-halloysite with a smaller average particle size (d50 = 8.40 μm) and a specific surface (29.80 ± 0.16 m2/g). The compressive strength of geopolymers increased upon the addition of meta-halloysite from 12 MPa to 45 MPa at 28 days. While the setting time and water absorption decrease with increase in the of meta-halloysite content as well as with increase in Si/Al, Si/Fe, Al/Fe and Na/Al molar ratios used in the synthesis of geopolymers. The use of fine meta-halloysite resulted in better efficiency and improved mechanical performance of synthesized products

    Etiology of Anemia in Patients With Advanced Heart Failure

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    ObjectivesWe prospectively investigated the causes of anemia in patients with advanced congestive heart failure (CHF).BackgroundAnemia is common in patients with advanced CHF, and its etiology is generally considered to be multifactorial. However, despite its importance, precise information is lacking regarding the prevalence of putative etiologic factors.MethodsPatients who were hospitalized for decompensated advanced CHF and who were stabilized after their initial treatment underwent evaluation of “clinically significant” anemia, defined as a hemoglobin content <12 g/dl for men and <11.5 g/dl for women. Patients with a serum creatinine concentration >3 mg/dl or patients with concurrent diseases that are known to cause anemia were not included. The initial evaluation included measurements of vitamin B12, folic acid, thyroid-stimulating hormone, erythropoietin, lactate dehydrogenase, Coombs test, multiple fecal occult tests, and bone marrow aspiration. Patients without diagnosis by these methods underwent red cell mass measurement with 51Cr assay.ResultsThe mean age of the 37 patients was 57.9 ± 10.9 years and mean left ventricular ejection fraction 22.5 ± 5.9%. Iron deficiency anemia was confirmed by bone marrow aspiration in 27 patients (73%), 2 patients (5.4%) had dilutional anemia, and 1 patient (2.7%) had drug-induced anemia. No specific cause was identified in 7 patients (18.9%) who were considered to have “anemia of chronic disease.” Serum ferritin for the iron-deficient patients was not a reliable marker of iron deficiency in this population.ConclusionsIn this group of patients, iron deficiency was the most common cause of anemia. The iron status of patients with end-stage chronic CHF should be thoroughly evaluated and corrected before considering other therapeutic interventions

    Physical activity and health related quality of life

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    Copyright @ 2012 Anokye et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.BACKGROUND: Research on the relationship between Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) and physical activity (PA), to date, have rarely investigated how this relationship differ across objective and subjective measures of PA. The aim of this paper is to explore the relationship between HRQoL and PA, and examine how this relationship differs across objective and subjective measures of PA, within the context of a large representative national survey from England. METHODS: Using a sample of 5,537 adults (40–60 years) from a representative national survey in England (Health Survey for England 2008), Tobit regressions with upper censoring was employed to model the association between HRQoL and objective, and subjective measures of PA controlling for potential confounders. We tested the robustness of this relationship across specific types of PA. HRQoL was assessed using the summary measure of health state utility value derived from the EuroQol-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D) whilst PA was assessed via subjective measure (questionnaire) and objective measure (accelerometer- actigraph model GT1M). The actigraph was worn (at the waist) for 7 days (during waking hours) by a randomly selected sub-sample of the HSE 2008 respondents (4,507 adults – 16 plus years), with a valid day constituting 10 hours. Analysis was conducted in 2010. RESULTS: Findings suggest that higher levels of PA are associated with better HRQoL (regression coefficient: 0.026 to 0.072). This relationship is consistent across different measures and types of PA although differences in the magnitude of HRQoL benefit associated with objective and subjective (regression coefficient: 0.047) measures of PA are noticeable, with the former measure being associated with a relatively better HRQoL (regression coefficient: 0.072). CONCLUSION: Higher levels of PA are associated with better HRQoL. Using an objective measure of PA compared with subjective shows a relatively better HRQoL.This project was funded by the NIHR Health Technology Assessment programme (project number 08/72/01)