360 research outputs found

    Morphology-dependent trends of galaxy age with environment in Abell 901/902 seen with COMBO-17

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    We investigate correlations between galaxy age and environment in the Abell 901/2 supercluster for separate morphologies. Using COMBO-17 data, we define a sample of 530 galaxies, complete at MV5logh<18M_V -5\log h<-18 on an area of 3.5×3.53.5\times 3.5 (Mpc/hh)2^2. We explore several age indicators including an extinction-corrected residual from the colour-magnitude relation (CMR). As a result, we find a clear trend of age with density for galaxies of all morphologies that include a spheroidal component, in the sense that galaxies in denser environments are older. This trend is not seen among Scd/Irr galaxies since they all have young ages. However, the trend among the other types is stronger for fainter galaxies. While we also see an expected age-morphology relation, we find no evidence for a morphology-density relation at fixed age.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS (Letters

    Environmental dependence of AGN activity in the supercluster A901/2

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    We present XMM data for the supercluster A901/2, at z ~ 0.17, which is combined with deep imaging and 17-band photometric redshifts (from the COMBO-17 survey), 2dF spectra and Spitzer 24um data, to identify AGN in the supercluster. The 90ksec XMM image contains 139 point sources, of which 11 are identified as supercluster AGN with L_X(0.5-7.5keV) > 1.7x10^41 erg/cm2/s. The host galaxies have M_R < -20 and only 2 of 8 sources with spectra could have been identified as AGN by the detected optical emission lines. Using a large sample of 795 supercluster galaxies we define control samples of massive galaxies with no detected AGN. The local environments of the AGN and control samples differ at >98 per cent significance. The AGN host galaxies lie predominantly in areas of moderate projected galaxy density and with more local blue galaxies than the control sample, with the exception of one very bright Type I AGN very near the centre of a cluster. These environments are similar to, but not limited to, cluster outskirts and blue groups. Despite the large number of potential host galaxies, no AGN are found in regions with the highest galaxy density (excluding some cluster cores where emission from the ICM obscures moderate luminosity AGN). AGN are also absent from the areas with lowest galaxy density. We conclude that the prevalence of cluster AGN is linked to their environment.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures. MNRAS accepted. Version with full resolution figures, including Figure 14, is available at http://www.sc.eso.org/~rgilmour

    The merger rate of massive galaxies

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    We calculate the projected two point correlation function for samples of luminous and massive galaxies in the COMBO-17 photometric redshift survey, focusing particularly on the amplitude of the correlation function at small projected radii and exploring the constraints such measurements can place on the galaxy merger rate. For nearly volume-limited samples with 0.4<z<0.8, we find that 4+/-1% of luminous M_B<-20 galaxies are in close physical pairs (with real space separation of <30 proper kpc). The corresponding fraction for massive galaxies with M_*>2.5e10 M_sun is 5+/-1%. Incorporating close pair fractions from the literature, the 2dFGRS and the SDSS, we find a fairly rapid evolution of the merger fraction of massive galaxies between z=0.8 and the present day. Assuming that the major merger timescale is of order the dynamical timescale for close massive galaxy pairs, we tentatively infer that ~50% (70%) of all galaxies with present-day masses M_*>5e10 M_sun (remnants of mergers between galaxies with M_*>2.5e10 M_sun) have undergone a major merger since z=0.8(1): major mergers between massive galaxies are a significant driver of galaxy evolution over the last eight billion years.Comment: ApJ, in press. 8 pages, 3 figures. Expanded discussion section with explicit discussion of merger fraction vs. close pair fraction. Change of typical close pair timescale results in increased inferred merger rat

    Stochastic Acceleration in Relativistic Parallel Shocks

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    (abridged) We present results of test-particle simulations on both the first and the second order Fermi acceleration at relativistic parallel shock waves. We consider two scenarios for particle injection: (i) particles injected at the shock front, then accelerated at the shock by the first order mechanism and subsequently by the stochastic process in the downstream region; and (ii) particles injected uniformly throughout the downstream region to the stochastic process. We show that regardless of the injection scenario, depending on the magnetic field strength, plasma composition, and the employed turbulence model, the stochastic mechanism can have considerable effects on the particle spectrum on temporal and spatial scales too short to be resolved in extragalactic jets. Stochastic acceleration is shown to be able to produce spectra that are significantly flatter than the limiting case of particle energy spectral index -1 of the first order mechanism. Our study also reveals a possibility of re-acceleration of the stochastically accelerated spectrum at the shock, as particles at high energies become more and more mobile as their mean free path increases with energy. Our findings suggest that the role of the second order mechanism in the turbulent downstream of a relativistic shock with respect to the first order mechanism at the shock front has been underestimated in the past, and that the second order mechanism may have significant effects on the form of the particle spectra and its evolution.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures (9 black/white and 2 color postscripts). To be published in the ApJ (accepted 6 Nov 2004

    The origins of X-ray emission from the hotspots of FRII radio sources

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    We use new and archival Chandra data to investigate the X-ray emission from a large sample of compact hotspots of FRII radio galaxies and quasars from the 3C catalogue. We find that only the most luminous hotspots tend to be in good agreement with the predictions of a synchrotron self-Compton model with equipartition magnetic fields. At low hotspot luminosities inverse-Compton predictions are routinely exceeded by several orders of magnitude, but this is never seen in more luminous hotspots. We argue that an additional synchrotron component of the X-ray emission is present in low-luminosity hotspots, and that the hotspot luminosity controls the ability of a given hotspot to produce synchrotron X-rays, probably by determining the high-energy cutoff of the electron energy spectrum. It remains plausible that all hotspots are close to the equipartition condition.Comment: 49 pages, 16 figures. ApJ accepted. Revised version fixes a typo in one of the Tables and corrects a statement about 3C27

    Particle Diffusion and Acceleration by Shock Wave in Magnetized Filamentary Turbulence

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    We expand the off-resonant scattering theory for particle diffusion in magnetized current filaments that can be typically compared to astrophysical jets, including active galactic nucleus jets. In a high plasma beta region where the directional bulk flow is a free-energy source for establishing turbulent magnetic fields via current filamentation instabilities, a novel version of quasi-linear theory to describe the diffusion of test particles is proposed. The theory relies on the proviso that the injected energetic particles are not trapped in the small-scale structure of magnetic fields wrapping around and permeating a filament but deflected by the filaments, to open a new regime of the energy hierarchy mediated by a transition compared to the particle injection. The diffusion coefficient derived from a quasi-linear type equation is applied to estimating the timescale for the stochastic acceleration of particles by the shock wave propagating through the jet. The generic scalings of the achievable highest energy of an accelerated ion and electron, as well as of the characteristic time for conceivable energy restrictions, are systematically presented. We also discuss a feasible method of verifying the theoretical predictions. The strong, anisotropic turbulence reflecting cosmic filaments might be the key to the problem of the acceleration mechanism of the highest energy cosmic rays exceeding 100 EeV (10^{20} eV), detected in recent air shower experiments.Comment: 39 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Sub-Arcsecond Imaging of 3C123:108-GHz Continuum Observations of the Radio Hotspots

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    We present the results of sub-arcsecond 108 GHz continuum interferometric observations toward the radio luminous galaxy 3C123. Using multi-array observations, we utilize the high u,v dynamic range of the BIMA millimeter array to sample fully spatial scales ranging from 0.5" to 50". This allows us to make one-to-one comparisons of millimeter-wavelength emission in the radio lobes and hotspots to VLA centimeter observations at 1.4, 4.9, 8.4, and 15 GHz. At 108 GHz, the bright, eastern double hotspot in the southern lobe is resolved. This is only the second time that a multiple hotspot region has been resolved in the millimeter regime. We model the synchrotron spectra of the hotspots and radio lobes using simple broken power-law models with high energy cutoffs, and discuss the hotspot spectra and their implications for models of multiple hotspot formation.Comment: 16 pages, 3 Figures, ApJ Accepte

    The Electron Energy Distribution in the Hotspots of Cygnus A: Filling the Gap with the Spitzer Space Telescope

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    Here we present Spitzer Space Telescope imaging of Cyg A with the Infrared Array Camera, resulting in the detection of the high-energy tails or cut-offs in the synchrotron spectra for all four hotspots of this archetype radio galaxy. When combined with the other data collected from the literature, our observations allow for detailed modeling of the broad-band emission for the brightest spots A and D. We confirm that the X-ray flux detected previously from these features is consistent with the synchrotron self-Compton radiation for the magnetic field intensity 170 muG in spot A, and 270 muG in spot D. We also find that the energy density of the emitting electrons is most likely larger by a factor of a few than the energy density of the hotspots' magnetic field. We construct energy spectra of the radiating ultrarelativistic electrons. We find that for both hotspots A and D these spectra are consistent with a broken power-law extending from at least 100 MeV up to 100 GeV, and that the spectral break corresponds almost exactly to the proton rest energy of 1 GeV. We argue that the shape of the electron continuum reflects two different regimes of the electron acceleration process at mildly relativistic shocks, rather than resulting from radiative cooling and/or absorption effects. In this picture the protons' inertia defines the critical energy for the hotspot electrons above which Fermi-type acceleration processes may play a major role, but below which the operating acceleration mechanism has to be of a different type. At energies >100 GeV, the electron spectra cut-off/steepen again, most likely as a result of spectral aging due to radiative loss effects. We discuss several implications of the presented analysis for the physics of extragalactic jets.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures and 2 tables included. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Star Formation and the Growth of Stellar Mass

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    Recent observations have demonstrated a significant growth in the integrated stellar mass of the red sequence since z=1, dominated by a steadily increasing number of galaxies with stellar masses M* < 10^11 M_sun. In this paper, we use the COMBO-17 photometric redshift survey in conjunction with deep Spitzer 24 micron data to explore the relationship between star formation and the growth of stellar mass. We calculate `star formation rate functions' in four different redshift slices, splitting also into contributions from the red sequence and blue cloud for the first time. We find that the growth of stellar mass since z=1 is consistent with the integrated star formation rate. Yet, most of the stars formed are in blue cloud galaxies. If the stellar mass already in, and formed in, z<1 blue cloud galaxies were to stay in the blue cloud the total stellar mass in blue galaxies would be dramatically overproduced. We explore the expected evolution of stellar mass functions, finding that in this picture the number of massive M* > 3x10^10 M_sun blue galaxies would also be overproduced; i.e., most of the new stars formed in blue cloud galaxies are in the massive galaxies. We explore a simple truncation scenario in which these `extra' blue galaxies have their star formation suppressed by an unspecified mechanism or mechanisms; simple cessation of star formation in these extra blue galaxies is approximately sufficient to build up the red sequence at M*<10^11 M_sun.Comment: 9 Pages; ApJ in pres

    X-ray Emission Properties of Large Scale Jets, Hotspots and Lobes in Active Galactic Nuclei

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    We examine a systematic comparison of jet-knots, hotspots and radio lobes recently observed with Chandra and ASCA. This report will discuss the origin of their X-ray emissions and investigate the dynamics of the jets. The data was compiled at well sampled radio (5GHz) and X-ray frequencies (1keV) for more than 40 radio galaxies. We examined three models for the X-ray production: synchrotron (SYN), synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) and external Compton on CMB photons (EC). For the SYN sources -- mostly jet-knots in nearby low-luminosity radio galaxies -- X-ray photons are produced by ultrarelativistic electrons with energies 10-100 TeV that must be accelerated in situ. For the other objects, conservatively classified as SSC or EC sources, a simple formulation of calculating the ``expected'' X-ray fluxes under an equipartition hypothesis is presented. We confirmed that the observed X-ray fluxes are close to the expected ones for non-relativistic emitting plasma velocities in the case of radio lobes and majority of hotspots, whereas considerable fraction of jet-knots is too bright at X-rays to be explained in this way. We examined two possibilities to account for the discrepancy in a framework of the inverse-Compton model: (1) magnetic field is much smaller than the equipartition value, and (2) the jets are highly relativistic on kpc/Mpc scales. We concluded, that if the inverse-Compton model is the case, the X-ray bright jet-knots are most likely far from the minimum-power condition. We also briefly discuss the other possibility, namely that the observed X-ray emission from all of the jet-knots is synchrotron in origin.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, vol.62