33,769 research outputs found

    Domain wall dynamics in a two-component Bose-Mott insulator

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    We model the dynamics of two species of bosonic atoms trapped in an optical lattice within the Mott regime by mapping the system onto a spin model. A field gradient breaks the cloud into two domains. We study how the domain wall evolves under adiabatic and diabatic changes of this gradient. We determine the timescales for adiabaticity, and study how temperature evolves for slow ramps. We show that after large, sudden changes of the field gradient, the system does not equilibrate on typical experimental timescales. We find interesting spin dynamics even when the initial temperature is large compared to the super-exchange energy. We discuss the implication of our results for experiments wishing to use such a two-component system for thermometry, or as part of a cooling scheme.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures Minor typographical errors corrected. Figure labels changed. Added concluding statement

    Generalized form factors, generalized parton distributions and the spin contents of the nucleon

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    With a special intention of clarifying the underlying spin contents of the nucleon, we investigate the generalized form factors of the nucleon, which are defined as the nn-th xx-moments of the generalized parton distribution functions, within the framework of the chiral quark soliton model. A particular emphasis is put on the pion mass dependence of final predictions, which we shall compare with the predictions of lattice QCD simulations carried out in the so-called heavy pion region around mπ(700900)MeVm_\pi \simeq (700 \sim 900) {MeV}. We find that some observables are very sensitive to the variation of the pion mass. It will be argued that the negligible importance of the quark orbital angular momentum indicated by the LHPC and QCDSF lattice collaborations might be true in the unrealistic heavy pion world, but it is not necessarily the case in our real world close to the chiral limit.Comment: Final version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Cosmology with Twisted Tori

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    We consider the cosmological role of the scalar fields generated by the compactification of 11-dimensional Einstein gravity on a 7D elliptic twisted torus, which has the attractive features of giving rise to a positive semi-definite potential, and partially fixing the moduli. This compactification is therefore relevant for low energy M-theory, 11D supergravity. We find that slow-roll inflation with the moduli is not possible, but that there is a novel scaling solution in Friedmann cosmologies in which the massive moduli oscillate but maintain a constant energy density relative to the background barotropic fluid

    Exploring molecular complexity with ALMA (EMoCA): Detection of three new hot cores in Sagittarius B2(N)

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    The SgrB2 molecular cloud contains several sites forming high-mass stars. SgrB2(N) is one of its main centers of activity. It hosts several compact and UCHII regions, as well as two known hot molecular cores (SgrB2(N1) and SgrB2(N2)), where complex organic molecules are detected. Our goal is to use the high sensitivity of ALMA to characterize the hot core population in SgrB2(N) and shed a new light on the star formation process. We use a complete 3 mm spectral line survey conducted with ALMA to search for faint hot cores in SgrB2(N). We report the discovery of three new hot cores that we call SgrB2(N3), SgrB2(N4), and SgrB2(N5). The three sources are associated with class II methanol masers, well known tracers of high-mass star formation, and SgrB2(N5) also with a UCHII region. The chemical composition of the sources and the column densities are derived by modelling the whole spectra under the assumption of LTE. The H2 column densities are computed from ALMA and SMA continuum emission maps. The H2 column densities of these new hot cores are found to be 16 up to 36 times lower than the one of the main hot core Sgr B2(N1). Their spectra have spectral line densities of 11 up to 31 emission lines per GHz, assigned to 22-25 molecules. We derive rotational temperatures around 140-180 K for the three new hot cores and mean source sizes of 0.4 for SgrB2(N3) and 1.0 for SgrB2(N4) and SgrB2(N5). SgrB2(N3) and SgrB2(N5) show high velocity wing emission in typical outflow tracers, with a bipolar morphology in their integrated intensity maps suggesting the presence of an outflow, like in SgrB2(N1). The associations of the hot cores with class II methanol masers, outflows, and/or UCHII regions tentatively suggest the following age sequence: SgrB2(N4), SgrB2(N3), SgrB2(N5), SgrB2(N1). The status of SgrB2(N2) is unclear. It may contain two distinct sources, a UCHII region and a very young hot core.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 24 pages, 23 figure

    Chiral-odd generalized parton distributions, transversity decomposition of angular momentum, and tensor charges of the nucleon

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    The forward limit of the chiral-odd generalized parton distributions (GPDs) and their lower moments are investigated within the framework of the chiral quark soliton model (CQSM), with particular emphasis upon the transversity decomposition of nucleon angular momentum proposed by Burkardt. A strong correlation between quark spin and orbital angular momentum inside the nucleon is manifest itself in the derived second moment sum rule within the CQSM, thereby providing with an additional support to the qualitative connection between chiral-odd GPDs and the Boer-Mulders effects. We further confirm isoscalar dominance of the corresponding first moment sum rule, which indicates that the Boer-Mulders functions for the uu- and dd-quarks have roughly equal magnitude with the same sign. Also made are some comments on the recent empirical extraction of the tensor charges of the nucleon by Anselmino et al. We demonstrate that a comparison of their result with any theoretical predictions must be done with great care, in consideration of fairly strong scale dependence of tensor charges, especially at lower renormalization scale.Comment: version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The Chandra X-Ray Observatory's Radiation Environment and the AP-8/AE-8 Model

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    The Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO) was launched on July 23, 1999 and reached its final orbit on August 7, 1999. The CXO is in a highly elliptical orbit, approximately 140,000 km x 10,000 km, and has a period of approximately 63.5 hours (~ 2.65 days). It transits the Earth's Van Allen belts once per orbit during which no science observations can be performed due to the high radiation environment. The Chandra X-ray Observatory Center (CXC) currently uses the National Space Science Data Center's ``near Earth'' AP-8/AE-8 radiation belt model to predict the start and end times of passage through the radiation belts. However, our scheduling software uses only a simple dipole model of the Earth's magnetic field. The resulting B, L magnetic coordinates, do not always give sufficiently accurate predictions of the start and end times of transit of the Van Allen belts. We show this by comparing to the data from Chandra's on-board radiation monitor, the EPHIN (Electron, Proton, Helium Instrument particle detector) instrument. We present evidence that demonstrates this mis-timing of the outer electron radiation belt as well as data that also demonstrate the significant variablity of one radiation belt transit to the next as experienced by the CXO. We also present an explanation for why the dipole implementation of the AP-8/AE-8 model is not ideally suited for the CXO. Lastly, we provide a brief discussion of our on-going efforts to identify a model that accounts for radiation belt variability, geometry, and one that can be used for observation scheduling purposes.Comment: 12 pgs, 6 figs, for SPIE 4012 (Paper 76