106 research outputs found

    Emulating the early phases of human tooth development in vitro

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    Functional in vitro models emulating the physiological processes of human organ formation are invaluable for future research and the development of regenerative therapies. Here, a developmentally inspired approach is pursued to reproduce fundamental steps of human tooth organogenesis in vitro using human dental pulp cells. Similar to the in vivo situation of tooth initiating mesenchymal condensation, a 3D self-organizing culture was pursued resulting in an organoid of the size of a human tooth germ with odontogenic marker expression. Furthermore, the model is capable of epithelial invagination into the condensed mesenchyme, mimicking the reciprocal tissue interactions of human tooth development. Comprehensive transcriptome analysis revealed activation of well-studied as well as rather less investigated signaling pathways implicated in human tooth organogenesis, such as the Notch signaling. Early condensation in vitro revealed a shift to the TGFß signal transduction pathway and a decreased RhoA small GTPase activity, connected to the remodeling of the cytoskeleton and actin-mediated mechanotransduction. Therefore, this in vitro model of tooth development provides a valuable model to study basic human developmental mechanisms.DFG, 414044773, Open Access Publizieren 2019 - 2020 / Technische Universität Berli

    Atomistic insight into the essential binding event of ACE2-derived peptides to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein

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    The pathogenic agent of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) enters into human cells through the interaction between the receptor binding domain (RBD) of its spike glycoprotein and the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor. Efforts have been made towards finding antivirals that block this interaction, therefore preventing infection. Here, we determined the binding affinity of ACE2-derived peptides to the RBD of SARS-CoV-2 experimentally and performed MD simulations in order to understand key characteristics of their interaction. One of the peptides, p6, binds to the RBD of SARS-CoV-2 with nM affinity. Although the ACE2-derived peptides retain conformational flexibility when bound to SARS-CoV-2 RBD, we identified residues T27 and K353 as critical anchors mediating the interaction. New ACE2-derived peptides were developed based on the p6-RBD interface analysis and expecting the native conformation of the ACE2 to be maintained. Furthermore, we found a correlation between the helicity in trifluoroethanol and the binding affinity to RBD of the new peptides. Under the hypothesis that the conservation of peptide secondary structure is decisive to the binding affinity, we developed a cyclized version of p6 which had more helicity than p6 and approximately half of its K D value

    Design and functional analysis of heterobifunctional multivalent phage capsid inhibitors blocking the entry of influenza virus

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    Multiple conjugation of virus-binding ligands to multivalent carriers is a prominent strategy to construct highly affine virus binders for the inhibition of viral entry into host cells. In a previous study, we introduced rationally designed sialic acid conjugates of bacteriophages (Q beta) that match the triangular binding site geometry on hemagglutinin spike proteins of influenza A virions, resulting in effective infection inhibition in vitro and in vivo. In this work, we demonstrate that even partially sialylated Q beta conjugates retain the inhibitory effect despite reduced activity. These observations not only support the importance of trivalent binding events in preserving high affinity, as supported by computational modeling, but also allow us to construct heterobifunctional modalities. Capsids carrying two different sialic acid ligand-linker structures showed higher viral inhibition than their monofunctional counterparts. Furthermore, capsids carrying a fluorescent dye in addition to sialic acid ligands were used to track their interaction with cells. These findings support exploring broader applications as multivalent inhibitors in the future

    Design and Functional Analysis of Heterobifunctional Multivalent Phage Capsid Inhibitors Blocking the Entry of Influenza Virus

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    Multiple conjugation of virus-binding ligands to multivalent carriers is a prominent strategy to construct highly affine virus binders for the inhibition of viral entry into host cells. In a previous study, we introduced rationally designed sialic acid conjugates of bacteriophages (Qβ) that match the triangular binding site geometry on hemagglutinin spike proteins of influenza A virions, resulting in effective infection inhibition in vitro and in vivo. In this work, we demonstrate that even partially sialylated Qβ conjugates retain the inhibitory effect despite reduced activity. These observations not only support the importance of trivalent binding events in preserving high affinity, as supported by computational modeling, but also allow us to construct heterobifunctional modalities. Capsids carrying two different sialic acid ligand–linker structures showed higher viral inhibition than their monofunctional counterparts. Furthermore, capsids carrying a fluorescent dye in addition to sialic acid ligands were used to track their interaction with cells. These findings support exploring broader applications as multivalent inhibitors in the future

    Skin and hair on-a-chip: in vitro skin models versus ex vivo tissue maintenance with dynamic perfusion

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Substantial progress has been achieved over the last few decades in the development of skin equivalents to model the skin as an organ. However, their static culture still limits the emulation of essential physiological properties crucial for toxicity testing and compound screening. Here, we describe a dynamically perfused chip-based bioreactor platform capable of applying variable mechanical shear stress and extending culture periods. This leads to improvements of culture conditions for integrated in vitro skin models, ex vivo skin organ cultures and biopsies of single hair follicular units.BMBF, 0315569, GO-Bio 3: Multi-Organ-Bioreaktoren für die prädiktive Substanztestung im ChipformatDFG, GSC 203, Berlin-Brandenburg School for Regenerative Therapie

    Synthetic α-Helical Peptides as Potential Inhibitors of the ACE2 SARS-CoV-2 Interaction

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    During viral cell entry, the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 binds to the α1-helix motif of human angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). Thus, alpha-helical peptides mimicking this motif may serve as inhibitors of viral cell entry. For this purpose, we employed the rigidified diproline-derived module ProM-5 to induce α-helicity in short peptide sequences inspired by the ACE2 α1-helix. Starting with Ac-QAKTFLDKFNHEAEDLFYQ-NH2 as a relevant section of α1, a series of peptides, N-capped with either Ac-βHAsp-[ProM-5] or Ac-βHAsp-PP, were prepared and their α-helicities were investigated. While ProM-5 clearly showed a pronounced effect, an even increased degree of helicity (up to 63 %) was observed in sequences in which non-binding amino acids were replaced by alanine. The binding affinities of the peptides towards the spike protein, as determined by means of microscale thermophoresis (MST), revealed only a subtle influence of the α-helical content and, noteworthy, led to the identification of an Ac-βHAsp-PP-capped peptide displaying a very strong binding affinity (KD=62 nM)

    A four-organ-chip for interconnected long-term co-culture of human intestine, liver, skin and kidney equivalents

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    Systemic absorption and metabolism of drugs in the small intestine, metabolism by the liver as well as excretion by the kidney are key determinants of efficacy and safety for therapeutic candidates. However, these systemic responses of applied substances lack in most in vitro assays. In this study, a microphysiological system maintaining the functionality of four organs over 28 days in co-culture has been established at a minute but standardized microsystem scale. Preformed human intestine and skin models have been integrated into the four-organ-chip on standard cell culture inserts at a size 100000-fold smaller than their human counterpart organs. A 3D-based spheroid, equivalent to ten liver lobules, mimics liver function. Finally, a barrier segregating the media flow through the organs from fluids excreted by the kidney has been generated by a polymeric membrane covered by a monolayer of human proximal tubule epithelial cells. A peristaltic on-chip micropump ensures pulsatile media flow interconnecting the four tissue culture compartments through microfluidic channels. A second microfluidic circuit ensures drainage of the fluid excreted through the kidney epithelial cell layer. This four-organ-chip system assures near to physiological fluid-to-tissue ratios. In-depth metabolic and gene analysis revealed the establishment of reproducible homeostasis among the co-cultures within two to four days, sustainable over at least 28 days independent of the individual human cell line or tissue donor background used for each organ equivalent. Lastly, 3D imaging two-photon microscopy visualised details of spatiotemporal segregation of the two microfluidic flows by proximal tubule epithelia. To our knowledge, this study is the first approach to establish a system for in vitro microfluidic ADME profiling and repeated dose systemic toxicity testing of drug candidates over 28 days.BMBF, 0315569, GO-Bio 3: Multi-Organ-Bioreaktoren für die prädiktive Substanztestung im Chipforma

    Polysulfate hemmen durch elektrostatische Wechselwirkungen die SARS-CoV-2-Infektion

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    Wir zeigen, dass negativ geladene Polysulfate durch elektrostatische Wechselwirkungen an das Spike-Protein von SARS-CoV-2 binden. Durch einen Plaquereduktionstest verglichen wir die hemmende Wirkung von Heparin, Pentosanpolysulfat, linearem Polyglycerolsulfat (LPGS) und hyperverzweigtem Polyglycerolsulfat (HPGS) gegengber SARSCoV-2. Dabei ist das synthetische LPGS der vielversprechendste Inhibitor mit IC50=67 μgmL-1 (ca. 1,6 μm) und zeigt eine 60-fach hçhere virushemmende Aktivität als Heparin (IC50=4084 μgmL-1) bei zugleich deutlich geringerer gerinnungshemmender Aktivität. Außerdem konnten wir durch Moleküldynamiksimulationen bestätigen, dass LPGS stärker an das Spike-Protein bindet als Heparin selbst und dass LPGS sogar noch stärker an die Spike-Proteine der neuen N501Yund E484K-Varianten bindet. Unsere Studien belegen, dass die Aufnahme von SARS-CoV-2 in Wirtzellen über elektrostatische Wechselwirkungen blockiert werden kann. Deshalb kann LPGS als vielversprechender Prototyp für das Design weiterer neuartiger viraler Inhibitoren von SARS-CoV-2 herangezogen werden

    Polysulfates block SARS-CoV-2 uptake through electrostatic interactions

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    Here we report that negatively charged polysulfates can bind to the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 via electrostatic interactions. Using a plaque reduction assay, we compare inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 by heparin, pentosan sulfate, linear polyglycerol sulfate (LPGS) and hyperbranched polyglycerol sulfate (HPGS). Highly sulfated LPGS is the optimal inhibitor, with a half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 67 μg/mL (approx.1.6 μM). This synthetic polysulfates exhibit more than 60-fold higher virus inhibitory activity than heparin (IC50: 4084μg/mL), along with much lower anticoagulant activity. Furthermore, in molecular dynamics simulations, we verified that LPGS can bind stronger to the spike protein than heparin, and that LPGS can interact even morewith the spike protein of the new N501Y and E484K variants. Our study demonstrates that the entry of SARS-CoV-2 into host cells can be blocked via electrostatic interaction, therefore LPGS can serve as a blueprint for the design of novel viral inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2