10 research outputs found
Potensi Dan Strategi Pengembangan Kawasan Peternakan Ruminansia Dan Pemanfaatan Limbah Tanaman Pangan Di Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara Barat (Mtb)
The area development to be animal husbandry area should be directed in the increasing of natural resources using efficiency, and environment preservation. In this case, its development is done with use and manage natural resources in the form of land, livestock, and livestock woof, with other production factors in the form ofemployee and working capital. Local animal husbandry is genetic resources which have high potency to be used as prime seed forming source or other sources which are used to community necessity example meat production. West-South East Maluku Regency is the regency for livestock development in Maluku. A number ofruminant livestock populations in MTB regency are 40.215 ST, in detail, beef cattles are 5.392 ST, buffalo are 21.511 ST, goats are 11.376 ST, and sheeps are 1.936 ST. One offactors to determine animal husbandry development success in Maluku especially in MTB Regency is availability of woof resources and wastes for livestock. Dry material production total (ton BK) offood plant wastes in MTB Regency is 62855 ton, it is alternative woof source which is given for livestock besides of natural grass. If food plant intensification increases, so food plant waste production will be high. Corn strllW is food plant waste which has high support power that is 21530 ST or about 78 percent, it is compared with otherfood plant wastes in MTB Regency
Pemesanan komputer yang dilakukan secara online masih menggunakan web ber-arsitektur tradisional, yang memiliki kelemahan yaitu lama dalam merespon request yang datang dari client, padahal kemampuan server dalam merespon request yang datang dari client merupakan salah satu kriteria yang menentukan tingkat kepuasan pelanggan terhadap layanan yang disediakan oleh retailer secara online ARKAJAX adalah web retail pemesanan komputer yang dibangun untuk membantu untuk mengatasi kelemahan yang muncul dari sisi server dalam menganggapi request dari client.ARKAJAX dibangundengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman ASP.NET sebagai bahasa pemrograman sisi server, javascript sebagai bahasa pemrograman AJAX serta SQL Server 2000 sebagai basis datanya
Studi Kelayakan Pengembangan Usaha Tani Tebu Di Kabupaten Sampang
Dalam mendukung pencapaian swasembada gula, Pulau Madura menjadi salah satu sasaran lokasi pengembangan tebu. Di Kabupaten Sampang pengembangan USAha tani tebu dimulai sejak tahun 2009. Program inididukung oleh masuknya Perusahaan perkebunan serta bantuan penganggaran dari APBN. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui kelayakan secara sosial dan ekonomi serta potensi pengembangan USAha tani tebu ke depan dan untuk mengetahui peluang dari USAha tani tebu ini bagi masyarakat di Pulau Madura secara umum. Penelitian dilaksanakan mulai September sampai Desember 2013 di lokasi-lokasi kecamatan pengembangan tebu Kabupaten Sampang. Informasi dikumpulkan dengan memanfaatkan data sekunder dan data primer melalui wawancara dengan individu maupun grup/kelompok masyarakat, dinas/institusi terkait. Data dianalisa menggunakan analisis deskriptif untuk memperoleh gambaran kondisi yang dihadapi dan pemecahan dari masalah yang dihadapi di wilayah yang diamati. Analisis aspek USAha tani meliputi data input-output komoditas existing dengan analisis finansial. Untuk melihat kelayakan USAha tani digunakan R/C Ratio. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kelayakan USAha tani tebu adalah kepemilikan lahan, insentif rangsangan dana bantuan sosial (Bansos) APBN dan subsidi pengembangan Tebu Madura (Dinas Perkebunan Provinsi), serta kerja sama kemitraaan dengan pabrik gula (PTPN X) yang menawarkan bantuan modal, subsidi saprotan, alat/mesin pertanian, serta jaminan pasar. Kemitraan yang telah ada antara PTPN X dengan petani tebu di Sampang dapat dikategorikan dalam tipe kemitraan subkontrak dan layak diteruskan. Skema yang sudah diterapkan dalam kontrak ini adalah pola kemitraan antara pemerintah daerah, swasta (PTPN X), dan petani tebu. Usaha tani tebu dengan R/C ratio sebesar 1,05 dan 1,68 dan pendapatan bersih Rp1.358.920,00/ha dan Rp14.024.360,00/ha pada USAha tani tebu awal dan tebu kepras I, membuktikan USAha tani tebu di lokasi penelitian sangat layak untuk diusahakan dan menguntungkan. Selain peluang bagi masyarakat memanfaatkan potensi lahan tidur dan sub-optimal untuk pengembangan USAha tani tebu yang memberikan manfaat ekonomi bagi masyarakat di Kabupaten Sampang. In order to achieve self-sufficient in sugar consumption, the Madura Island became one of the targets of sugar cane development area. In Sampang Regency, the development of sugar cane agribusiness have been started since 2009. This program was supported by the companies as well as financial supported from national budget (APBN). The study aims to determine the feasibility of social and economic as well as the potentialfor future development of sugar cane farming and to understand the opportunities of the farming for community in Madura Island on the whole. The study was conducted from September to December 2013 at 14 districts of sugar cane developing area in Sampang. Information was collected by using secondary data and primary data through interviews with individual and group/community groups, agencies/institutions concerned. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis to obtain a description of the conditions encountered and the solving of problems encountered in the observed region. The analysis covers aspects of farm commodity input-output data with the existing financial analysis. To look at the feasibility of farming used the R/C ratio. The results of the study showed that some factors which influenced the farmer to plant the cane were: land ownership; the stimuli of incentives from social grants (Bansos) from APBN and subsidy from projectdevelopment (from Provincial Agricultural office); the cooperation of partners through sugar company (PTPN X) which offered grants, input subsidy, equipments/agriculture machinery as well as market assurance. The partnership among PTPN X and the sugar cane farmers in Sampang was feasible and categorized a subcontract partnership type. Meanwhile, the scheme that had been implemented in this type of contract was thepartnership pattern between local government, private (PTPN X) and the sugar cane farmers. The sugar cane farming with R/C ratio of 1.05 and 1.68, or net income recieved of Rp1,358,920/ha and Rp14,024,360/ha atthe first harvested and second period harvested, proving that the farming in the study area is feasible to carry on and profitable. In addition, it is the opportunities to develop the potential of the unused and suboptialland for sugar cane agribusiness development that provides economic benefits to the community in Sampang Regency
High Temperature Oxidation Tests on Zrnbmoge Alloy for Cladding of Nuclear Fuel Materials
Analysis of high temperature corrosion resistance on ZrNbMoGe alloys has been carried out in the research, by testing the effects of elements composition and annealing process on the materials oxidation properties. The ZrNbMoGe alloys were synthesized by using argon arc-melting furnace with varied Ge composition of 1%wt, 2%wt and 3%wt. The annealing processes were performed at temperature of 800 °C for 8 hours while dry-oxidation tests by pressurized steam water at 500 °C and 800 °C for 36 hours. The samples were characterized of their hardness and microstructure properties. The results show that there were weight increasing of alloys between 0,0035 mg/cm2 to 0,0097 mg/cm2 with the mean corrosion resistance rate between 00006 mg/cm2 hours to 0,00046 mg/cm2 hours. The increase in Ge element and temperature rise up the high temperature corossion resistance. The corossion resistance rate was also less affected by annealing process. It was obtained that the corossion resistance of the zirconium alloy with composition of Zr 96.5%wt, Nb 1.5%wt, Mo 0.5% wt and Ge 2%wt have similar properties with the zircalloy-4 which usually utilized as the cladding materials for PWR type of Nuclear Power Plants
Optimasi Sintesis Metil Oleat Menggunakan Biokatalis Lipase dari Kecambah Biji Jatropha Curcas L.
Biji jarak pagar (Jatropha curcas) menghasilkan lipase selama proses perkecambahan sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai sumber lipase yang relatif murah. Lipase ini telah digunakan untuk proses esterifikasi asam oleat dengan methanol. Namun demikian, kondisi optimum proses esterifikasi tersebut belum diketahui. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan kondisi optimum proses esterifikasi menggunakan metode Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Desain percobaan terdiri dari 3 faktor dan 3 taraf (Box-Behnken). Faktor yang dievaluasi adalah suhu, lama reaksi dan rasio molar substrat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor suhu, lama reaksi dan rasio molar substrat berpengaruh signifikan terhadap yieldmetil ester. Faktor yang paling berpengaruh adalah rasio molar substrat. Efek interaksi dari ketiga faktor tidak signifikan terhadap yield metil ester. Kondisi optimum proses esterifikasi adalah suhu reaksi 39,5oC, selama 64,4 menit dengan rasio molar asam oleat dengan methanol 2:2. Jumlah metil ester yang terbentuk adalah 522 µmol. Hasil verifikasi menunjukkan bahwa yield mendekati hasil prediksi dengan RSM. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa lipase jarak pagar berpotensi sebagai biokatalis pada sintesis metil ester.Optimization on synthesis of methyl oleate using indigenous biocatalyst from Jatropha curcas seedsJatropha seeds produce lipase during. germination. It is useful as lipase resources. Lipase is used for the esterification of oleic acid with methanol. However, the optimum conditions of the process is not yet known. The objectives of the research was to determine the optimum conditions for the synthesis of methyl oleate from oleic acid and methanol using response surface methodology (RSM), and using Box-Behnken type of design with 3 factors. Factors such as molar substrate ratio of oleic acid to methanol, temperature and reaction time were evaluated. The results show that the effect of temperature, reaction time and substrate molar ratio on the yield of methyl oleate were significant. The most significant effect on yield was substrate molar ratio. The interaction effect of the factors on methyl ester yield was not significant. The optimum conditions for methyl oleate synthesis was at temperature of 39,5oC for 64.4 minutes and the molar ratio of oleic acid to methanol of 2:2. The produced methyl oleate was 522 µmol. From the verification data, the yield was not significantly different with the predicted data using RSM. It can also be concluded that the acetone-dried germinated jatropha lipase is a potential biocatalyst for the synthesis of methyl ester