1,083 research outputs found

    Liberalisation of integrated energy markets and market power issues

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    Tissue remodeling macrophages morphologically dominate at the interface of polypropylene surgical meshes in the human abdomen

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    Background Mesh implants are widely used to reinforce the abdominal wall, although the inevitable inflammatory foreign body reaction (FBR) at the interface leads to complications. Macrophages are suspected to regulate the subsequent scar formation, but it is still unclear whether adequate fibrous scar formation with collagen deposition depends mainly on the presence of M1 or M2 macrophages. Methods This study investigated the FBR to seven human polypropylene meshes, which were removed after a median incorporation time of 1 year due to the primary complaint of recurrence. Using immunofluorescence, the FBR was examined in six regional zones with increasing distance from the mesh fibers up to 350 µm, based on the cell densities, macrophage M1 (CD86) and M2 (CD163, CD206) phenotypes, deposition of collagen-I and -III, and expression of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) and -8 as indicator of collagen degradation. Results All mesh–tissue complexes demonstrated a decrease in cell density and macrophages with distance to the mesh fibers. Overall, about 60% of the macrophages presented an M2 phenotype, whereas only 6% an M1 phenotype. Over 70% of macrophages showed co-expression with collagen-I or -III and over 50% with MMP-2. Conclusions The chronic FBR to polypropylene meshes is associated with an M2 macrophage response, which is accompanied by collagen deposition and MMP-2 expression. These findings challenge the idea that mainly M1 macrophages are related to inflammation and highlights that iatrogenic attempts to polarize these cells towards the M2 phenotype may not be a solution to ameliorate the long-term foreign body reaction

    On the mechanical modeling of cell components

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    Eukaryotic cells are complex systems which carry out a variety of different tasks. The current contribution gives insight into the modeling of some of their vital components and represents an overview of results achieved within the international D‐A‐CH project on computational modeling of transport processes in a cell. The first part of the contribution studies viscoelastic effects of cross‐linked actin network embedded in cytosol. The basic‐model is used to simulate the actin behavior at a microscopic level. It considers the influence of the physical length, the end‐to‐end distance and the stretch modulus in order to provide a relationship between the stretch of a single polymer chain and the applied tension force. The effective behavior of the cell cytoplasm is simulated by using the multiscale finite element method. Here, a standard large strain viscous approach is applied for the cytosol, while the generalized Maxwell model simulates viscous effects occurring in filaments due to deviatoric changes. The examples dealing with combinations of tension‐holding tests give insight into the effective behavior of the cytoplasm

    A variety of environmentally persistent chemicals, including some phthalate plasticizers, are weakly estrogenic

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    Sewage, a complex mixture of organic and inorganic chemicals, is considered to be a major source of environmental pollution. A random screen of 20 organic man-made chemicals present in liquid effluents revealed that half appeared able to interact with the estradiol receptor. This was demonstrated by their ability to inhibit binding of 17 beta-estradiol to the fish estrogen receptor. Further studies, using mammalian estrogen screens in vitro, revealed that the two phthalate esters butylbenzyl phthalate (BBP) and di-n-butylphthalate (DBP) and a food antioxidant, butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) were estrogenic; however, they were all less estrogenic than the environmental estrogen octylphenol. Phthalate esters, used in the production of various plastics (including PVC), are among the most common industrial chemicals. Their ubiquity in the environment and tendency to bioconcentrate in animal fat are well known. Neither BBP nor DBP were able to act as antagonists, indicating that, in the presence of endogenous estrogens, their overall effect would be cumulative. Recently, it has been suggested that environmental estrogens may be etiological agents in several human diseases, including disorders of the male reproductive tract and breast and testicular cancers. The current finding that some phthalate compounds and some food additives are weakly estrogenic in vitro, needs to be supported by further studies on their effects in vivo before any conclusions can be made regarding their possible role in the development of these condition

    Age-dependent resistance to Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus replication in swine

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) causes a prolonged, economically devastating infection in pigs, and immune resistance to infection appears variable. Since the porcine adaptive immune system is not fully competent at birth, we hypothesized that age influences the dynamics of PRRSV infection. Thus, young piglets, growing 16-20-week-old finisher pigs, and mature third parity sows were infected with virulent or attenuated PRRSV, and the dynamics of viral infection, disease, and immune response were monitored over time.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Virulent PRRSV infection and disease were markedly more severe and prolonged in young piglets than in finishers or sows. Attenuated PRRSV in piglets also produced a prolonged viremia that was delayed and reduced in magnitude, and in finishers and sows, about half the animals showed no viremia. Despite marked differences in infection, antibody responses were observed in all animals irrespective of age, with older pigs tending to seroconvert sooner and achieve higher antibody levels than 3-week-old animals. Interferon γ (IFN γ) secreting peripheral blood mononuclear cells were more abundant in sows but not specifically increased by PRRSV infection in any age group, and interleukin-10 (IL-10) levels in blood were not correlated with PRRSV infection status.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These findings show that animal age, perhaps due to increased innate immune resistance, strongly influences the outcome of acute PRRSV infection, whereas an antibody response is triggered at a low threshold of infection that is independent of age. Prolonged infection was not due to IL-10-mediated immunosuppression, and PRRSV did not elicit a specific IFN γ response, especially in non-adult animals. Equivalent antibody responses were elicited in response to virulent and attenuated viruses, indicating that the antigenic mass necessary for an immune response is produced at a low level of infection, and is not predicted by viremic status. Thus, viral replication was occurring in lung or lymphoid tissues even though viremia was not always observed.</p

    Clinical periodontal diagnosis.

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    Periodontal diseases include pathological conditions elicited by the presence of bacterial biofilms leading to a host response. In the diagnostic process, clinical signs such as bleeding on probing, development of periodontal pockets and gingival recessions, furcation involvement and presence of radiographic bone loss should be assessed prior to periodontal therapy, following active therapy, and during long-term supportive care. In addition, patient-reported outcomes such as increased tooth mobility, migration, and tilting should also be considered. More important to the patient, however, is the fact that assessment of signs of periodontal diseases must be followed by an appropriate treatment plan. Furthermore, it should be realized that clinical and radiographic periodontal diagnosis is based on signs which may not reflect the presence of active disease but rather represent the sequelae of a previous bacterial challenge. Hence, the aim of the present review is to provide a summary of clinical and radiographic diagnostic criteria required to classify patients with periodontal health or disease