316 research outputs found

    Acquisition and description of Mariner 10 television science data at Mercury

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    The Mariner 10 television science subsystem was an improved version of the Mariner 9 system, using 1500-mm-focal-length optics. An elaborate picture-taking sequence resulted in transmission of over 4000 frames back to earth during two flyby encounters with Mercury. These sequences utilized a real-time data rate of 117.6 kbit/s, resulting in coverage of about 75% of the lighted portion of Mercury's surface at a resolution of better than 2 km. The complete set of useful images, which amounted to about 3000 frames, was processed with three different types of digital image-processing enhancements

    Acquisition and description of Mariner 10 television science data at Mercury

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    The Mariner 10 television science subsystem was an improved version of the Mariner 9 system, using 1500-mm-focal-length optics. An elaborate picture-taking sequence resulted in transmission of over 4000 frames back to earth during two flyby encounters with Mercury. These sequences utilized a real-time data rate of 117.6 kbit/s, resulting in coverage of about 75% of the lighted portion of Mercury's surface at a resolution of better than 2 km. The complete set of useful images, which amounted to about 3000 frames, was processed with three different types of digital image-processing enhancements

    Earth imaging results from Galileo's second encounter

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    The recent flyby of the Galileo spacecraft en route to Jupiter contributes a unique perspective to our view of our home planet. Imaging activities conducted during the second Earth encounter provide an important opportunity to assess new methods and approaches on familiar territory. These include unique multispectral observations, low light-level imaging (searches for aurorae, lightning and artificial lights on the nightside) and experiments with multiple exposure times to extend the effective radiometric resolution and dynamic range of the camera system. Galileo imaging data has the potential to make important contributions to terrestrial remote sensing. This is because the particular set of filters included in the Solid State Imaging system are not presently incorporated in any currently operating Earth-orbiting sensor system. The visible/near-infrared bandpasses of the SSI filters are well suited to remote sensing of geological, glaciological, botanical, and meteorological phenomena. Data from this and the previous Earth encounter may provide an extremely valuable reference point in time for comparison with similar data expected from EOS or other systems in the future, contributing directly to our knowledge of global change. The highest resolution imaging (0.2 km/pixel) during the December, 1992 encounter occurred over the central Andes; a five filter mosaic of visible and near infrared bands displays the remarkable spectral heterogeneity of this geologically diverse region. As Galileo departed the Earth, cooperative imaging with the Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS) instrument targeted Antarctica, Australia, and Indonesia at 1.0 to 2.5 km/pixel resolutions in the early morning local times near the terminator. The Antarctic data are of particular interest, potentially allowing ice grain size mapping using the 889 and 968 nm filters and providing an important means of calibrating the technique for application to the Galilean satellites. As the spacecraft receded further, regional scale imaging provided data which, along with data from the previous encounter, will enable the production of global multispectral mosaics of Earth in each of the SSI filters

    Lunar multispectral mosaics from Galileo's second Earth-Moon flyby

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    Galileo's Solid-State Imaging (SSI) experiment acquired about 800 images of the Moon from the second Earth-Moon flyby (EM2) in December of 1992. Ten major sequences were acquired; each consists of mosaics of the entire or nearly entire visible and illuminated surface from each viewing geometry in at least six spectral filters (effective wavelengths for the Moon of 420, 564, 660, 756, 890, and 990 nm). The geometries of LUNMOS numbers 3, 4, 5, and 6 were designed to provide stereo data at the best possible resolutions. The purpose of this abstract is to describe the sequences, calibration, processing, and mosaicking, and to present a set of color products in a poster session

    Calibration and performance of the Galileo solid-state imaging system in Jupiter orbit

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    The solid-state imaging subsystem (SSI) on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA’s) Galileo Jupiter orbiter spacecraft has successfully completed its 2-yr primary mission exploring the Jovian system. The SSI has remained in remarkably stable calibration during the 8-yr flight, and the quality of the returned images is exceptional. Absolute spectral radiometric calibration has been determined to 4 to 6% across its eight spectral filters. Software and calibration files are available to enable radiometric, geometric, modulation transfer function (MTF), and scattered light image calibration. The charge-coupled device (CCD) detector endured the harsh radiation environment at Jupiter without significant damage and exhibited transient image noise effects at about the expected levels. A lossy integer cosine transform (ICT) data compressor proved essential to achieving the SSI science objectives given the low data transmission rate available from Jupiter due to a communication antenna failure. The ICT compressor does introduce certain artifacts in the images that must be controlled to acceptable levels by judicious choice of compression control parameter settings. The SSI team’s expertise in using the compressor improved throughout the orbital operations phase and, coupled with a strategy using multiple playback passes of the spacecraft tape recorder, resulted in the successful return of 1645 unique images of Jupiter and its satellites

    Galileo photometry of Apollo landing sites

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    As of December 1992, the Galileo spacecraft performed its second and final flyby (EM2), of the Earth-Moon system, during which it acquired Solid State Imaging (SSI) camera images of the lunar surface suitable for photometric analysis using Hapke's, photometric model. These images, together with those from the first flyby (EM1) in December 1989, provide observations of all of the Apollo landing sites over a wide range of photometric geometries and at eight broadband filter wavelengths ranging from 0.41 micron to 0.99 micron. We have completed a preliminary photometric analysis of Apollo landing sites visible in EM1 images and developed a new strategy for a more complete analysis of the combined EM1 and EM2 data sets in conjunction with telescopic observations and spectrogoniometric measurements of returned lunar samples. No existing single data set, whether from spacecraft flyby, telescopic observation, or laboratory analysis of returned samples, describes completely the light scattering behavior of a particular location on the Moon at all angles of incidence (i), emission (e), and phase angles (a). Earthbased telescopic observations of particular lunar sites provide good coverage of incidence nad phase angles, but their range in emission angle is limited to only a few degrees because of the Moon's synchronous rotation. Spacecraft flyby observations from Galileo are now available for specific lunar features at many photometric geometries unobtainable from Earth; however, this data set lacks coverage at very small phase angles (a less than 13 deg) important for distinguishing the well-known 'opposition effect'. Spectrogoniometric measurements from returned lunar samples can provide photometric coverage at almost any geometry; however, mechanical properties of prepared particulate laboratory samples, such as particle compaction and macroscopic roughness, likely differ from those on the lunar surface. In this study, we have developed methods for the simultaneous analysis of all three types of data: we combine Galileo and telescopic observations to obtain the most complete coverage with photometric geometry, and use spectrogoniometric observations of lunar soils to help distinguish the photometric effects of macroscopic roughness from those caused by particle phase function behavior (i.e., the directional scattering properties of regolith particles)
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