20 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Xylazine, Acepromazine and Medetomidine with Ketamine for General Anaesthesia in Rabbits

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    A randomized, prospective, blinded experimental study was conducted in 32 rabbits of either sex to compare  the anaesthetic and physiological effects of ketamine with different pre-anaesthetics. Rabbits were  randomly divided into 4 equal groups. Xylazine 6 mg/kg in animals of group xylazine-ketamine (XK), acepromazine  2 mg/kg in animals of group acepromazine-ketamine (AK), medetomidine 125 μg/kg in group  medetomidine-ketamine 1 (MK1) or medetomidine 250 μg/kg in group medetomidine-ketamine 2 (MK2)  were administered by intramuscular injection (IM). Five minutes later, ketamine 60 mg/kg was administered  intramuscularly to all the groups. The rabbits were observed for the onset of weak time, down time,  the time to loss of righting reflex, pedal reflexes and response to surgical stimuli. Heart rate, respiratory  rate and rectal temperature and arterial oxygen saturation of haemoglobin (SpO2) were recorded up to 60  min. Weak time, down time and time to loss of righting reflex were the shortest in animals of group MK2  as compared to the other groups. Pedal reflexes remained intact in all the animals of XK group, but were  abolished in 50% of the AK group, 75% of the MK1 group and 100% of animals in the MK2 group. Pain  was evinced during surgery by all the animals in group XK, 5 animals in group AK and 4 animals in group  MK1. The best analgesia was achieved in the animals of group MK2, where none of the animals showed  pain on surgical stimulation. Heart rate and SpO2 decreased significantly (P<0.01) in the animals of groups  XK, MK1 and MK2 but respiratory rate and rectal temperature decreased significantly (P<0.01) in all the  groups. However, all the animals recovered from anaesthesia without complications. It was concluded that  medetomidine 250 µg/kg and ketamine 60 mg/kg produced excellent anaesthesia to allow pain free surgery  and may be considered suitable for anaesthesia in New Zealand White rabbits.

    Usporedna analiza učinkovitosti kombinacije ropivakaina, bupivakaina i ksilazin-ketamina za epiduralnu analgeziju u koza.

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    The study was conducted on eighteen healthy non-descript male goats divided into 3 groups: A, B and C, having 6 animals in each. Lumbosacral epidural ropivacaine (0.6 mg/kg), bupivacaine (0.5 mg/kg) and xylazine and ketamine (0.025 mg/kg and 2.5 mg/kg) were administered in groups A, B and C, respectively. The treatments were compared using clinical, physiological, haematological, biochemical and acid base/blood gas parameters. The earliest onset of analgesia was produced by epidural xylazine and ketamine combination. Xylazine and ketamine, bupivacaine and ropivacaine produced complete analgesia of the tail, perineum, inguinal region and thighs for variable intervals. The xylazine and ketamine combination produced analgesia of a greater extent and longer duration, followed by bupivacaine and ropivacaine. Mild sedation was produced by the xylazine and ketamine combination alone. Recovery was faster with ropivacaine, followed by bupivacaine and the xylazine and ketamine combination. The xylazine and ketamine combination produced a non-significant decrease in the heart rate and respiratory rate of the animals. There were insignificant fluctuations in pCO2, pO2, SO2, pH and HCO-3 values from base line at different intervals in all the groups. The changes in haematobiochemical and blood electrolyte values were transient, and hence of little significance in all the groups. The results of this study suggest that all these drugs could be considered safe for epidural analgesia in the administered doses for healthy goats.Istraživanje je provedeno na 18 zdravih jaraca podijeljenih u tri skupine (A, B i C). U svakoj skupini bilo je po 6 jaraca. U svrhu lumbosakralne epiduralne analgezije, skupini A bio je primijenjen ropivakain (0,6 mg/kg), skupini B bupivakain (0,5 mg/kg), a skupini C ksilazin i ketamin (0,025 mg/kg i 2,5 mg/kg). Učinci su bili uspoređeni na osnovi kliničkih, fizioloških, hematoloških, biokemijskih i acidobaznih pokazatelja te statusa plinova u krvi. Najbrži početak analgezije postignut je epiduralnom primjenom kombinacije ksilazina i ketamina. Ksilazin i ketamin, bupivakain te ropivakain izazvali su potpunu analgeziju repa, perineuma, ingvinalnog i bedrenog područja u različitim vremenskim razmacima. Najjača i najduža analgezija postignuta je kombinacijom ksilazina i ketamina. Zatim je po jačini i dužini slijedila analgezija bupivakainom pa ropivakainom. Srednje jaka sedacija postignuta je zasebnom primjenom ksilazina i ketamina. Oporavak nakon analgezije bio je najbrži pri uporabi ropivakaina, zatim bupivakaina te na posljetku kombinacije ksilazinketamina. Kombinacija ksilazina i ketamina izazvala je nesignifi kantan pad frekvencije bila i disanja. Kod svih skupina jaraca, u različitim vremeskim razmacima, opažena su i nesignifikantna odstupanja od početnih vrijednosti za pCO2, pO2, SO2, pH i HCO–3. Promjene hematoloških i biokemijskih pokazatelja kao i elektrolita u krvi bile su kratkotrajne i od malog značenja u svim promatranim skupinama. Rezultati pokazuju da se svi istraženi analgetici, u upotrijebljenim dozama, mogu smatrati sigurnima za epiduralnu analgeziju zdravih koza

    Prosudba učinkovitosti celomske tekućine kišne gujavice na cijeljenje rana u punoj debljini kože kunića.

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    The present study was conducted on 16 New Zealand White rabbits of 10-12 months of age, to evaluate the healing potential of earthworm coelomic fluid in full thickness skin wounds. Under xylazine-ketamine anaesthesia, four rectangular full thickness excisional skin wounds, measuring 2×2 cm2 were created on the dorsum of each animal and designated as groups I, II, III and IV. Wounds were treated by topical coelomic fluid (I), 0.5 % povidone-iodine and coelomic fluid (II), 0.5 % povidone-iodine (III) and normal saline (IV). Healing was evaluated on the basis of gross and histomorphological parameters. The mean wound area was significantly lesser (P<0.05) in the wounds of groups I and II as compared to groups III and IV, up to 21 days. Out of 16 wounds, nine wounds in group I (56.25 %) and 11 wounds in group II (68.75 %) healed completely by day 21, but none in groups III and IV. Histomorphological studies showed more mature and densely placed collagen and better epithelialization in groups I and II as compared to groups III and IV. It was concluded that coelomic fluid of the earthworm Eisenia foetida can accelerate healing of full-thickness skin wounds in rabbits.Istraživanje je provedeno na 16 novozelandskih bijelih kunića u dobi od 10 do 12 mjeseci s ciljem da se prosudi mogući učinak celomske tekućine kišne gujavice na cijeljenje rana u punoj debljini kože u kunića. Kunići su bili podijeljeni u četiri skupine označene I, II, III i IV. Četiri pravokutne ekscizijske kožne rane u punoj debljini veličine 2x2 cm načinjene su na leđima svake životinje pod anestezijom ksilazin-ketaminom. Rane su bile obrađene celomskom tekućinom (skupina I), 0,5 %-tnim povidon-jodom i celomskom tekućinom (skupina II), 0,5 %-tnim povidon-jodom (skupina III) i fiziološkom otopinom (skupina IV). Cijeljenje rana bilo je prosuđivano na osnovi patoanatomskih i patohistoloških nalaza. Prosječna površina rana 21 dan nakon ekscizije bila je značajno manja (P<0,05) u skupinama I i II u usporedbi s površinom skupina III i IV. Devet od 16 rana u skupini I (56,25 %) i 11 u skupini II (68,75 %) u potpunosti su zacijelile 21 dan nakon ekscizije, dok nijedna nije zacijelila u skupini III i IV. Patohistološki nalaz pokazao je više zrelog i gušće raspoređenog kolagena te bolju epitelizaciju u skupinama I i II u usporedbi sa skupinama III i IV. Može se zaključiti da celomska tekućina kišne gujavice Eisenia foetida može ubrzati cijeljenje rana u punoj debljini kože u kunića

    Prosudba učinka midazolam-ketamina s deksmedetomidinom i fentanilom za injekcijsku anesteziju u pasa.

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    A prospective randomized blinded study was conducted on 12 clinically healthy adult dogs of both sexes (mean weight of 18.34 ± 0.78 kg) divided into three groups (n = 4). The animals received 0.4 mg/kg midazolam and 10 μg/kg dexmedetomidine (group A), 0.4 mg/kg midazolam and 20 μg/kg dexmedetomidine (group B) and 0.4 mg/kg midazolam + 20 μg/kg dexmedetomidine + 4 μg/kg fentanyl (group C) intramuscularly, using separate syringes. Ten minutes later Ketamine was administered intravenously in all the groups. A significantly (P<0.05) shorter weak time (onset of sedation) and down time (onset of recumbency) were recorded in animals in group C as compared to the animals of groups A and B. Muscle relaxation was excellent in group C. The pedal reflex was abolished up to 30 min in groups A and B and up to 60 min in group C. Intubation was only possible in groups B and C. The anaesthetic induction dose of ketamine was minimal in group C. Standing recovery time was shortest in the animals of group C. Respiratory rate (RR) decreased significantly (P<0.05) throughout the observation period, but rectal temperature (RT) decreased significantly (P<0.05) towards the end of the observation period in all the groups. Heart rate decreased significantly (P<0.05) in the animals of group B. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) was maintained within the physiological range in all the groups. It was concluded that dexmedetomidine (10 μg/kg)-midazolam-ketamine can produce anaesthesia for about 20 min in dogs. Increasing the dose of dexmedetomidine did not enhance the duration of anaesthesia, but the further addition of fentanyl not only reduced the induction dose of ketamine but also increased the duration of anaesthesia up to 50 min. Dexmedetomidine-midazolam-fentanyl-ketamine can be used for prolonged duration of injectable anaesthesia in dogs.Poduzeto je prospektivno istraživanje na 12 slučajno odabranih klinički zdravih pasa i kuja (prosječne tjelesne mase 18,34 ± 0,78 kg) podijeljenih u tri skupine (n = 4). Životinjama skupine A bio je intramuskularno primijenjen midazolam u dozi od 0,4 mg/kg i deksmedetomidin u dozi od 10 μg/kg. Životinjama skupine B bio je i/m primijenjen midazolam u dozi od 0,4 mg/kg i deksmedetomidin 20 μg/kg, a životinje skupine C primile su i/m 0,4 mg/kg midazolama, 20 μg/kg deksmedetomidina i 4 μg/kg fentanila. Deset minuta nakon toga svim je životinjama intravenski bio ubrizgan ketamin. Značajno (P<0,05) kraće vrijeme smirivanja (nastup sedacije) i vrijeme lijeganja ustanovljeno je u životinja skupine C u usporedbi sa skupinama A i B. Opuštanje mišićja bilo je izvrsno u skupini C. Nožni refleks nestao je nakon 30 minuta u skupinama A i B, a nakon 60 minuta u skupini C. Intubacija je bila moguća samo u životinja skupine B i C. Doza ketamina potrebna za početak anestezije bila je najmanja u životinja skupine C. Vrijeme potrebno za ponovno ustajanje bilo je najkraće u životinja skupine C. Frekvencija disanja značajno se smanjila (P<0,05) u čitavom razdoblju promatranja, dok se rektalna temperatura u svih životinja značajno smanjila (P<0,05) na kraju razdoblja promatranja. Frekvencija bila znatno se smanjila (P<0,05) u životinja skupine B. Srednji arterijski tlak bio je u fiziološkim granicama u svih životinja. Može se zaključiti da kombinacija deksmedetomidin (10 μg/kg)-midazolam-ketamin može u pasa dovesti do anestezije za oko 20 minuta. Povećanje doze deksmedetomidina nije povećalo trajanje anestezije. Ipak, daljnja primjena fentanila ne samo da je smanjila početnu dozu ketamina već je povećala trajanje anestezije na 50 minuta. Deksmedetomidin-midazolam-fentanil-ketamin mogu se rabiti za produženo trajanje injekcijske anestezije u pasa

    Analgesic and cardiopulmonary effects of intrathecally administered romifidine or romifidine and ketamine in goats (Capra hircus)

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    The study was conducted to evaluate the effects of romifidine alone (50 µg/kg) and a combination of romifidine (50 µg/kg) and ketamine (2.5 mg/kg) after intrathecal administration in goats. Ten adult goats of either sex weighing between 15 and 20 kg were randomly placed in 2 groups (groups I and II). The agents were administered at the lumbosacral subarachnoid space. Clinico-physiological parameters such as analgesia, motor incoordination, sedation, salivation, heart rate, respiratory rate, arterial pressure, central venous pressure and rectal temperature were studied. Other haematobiochemical parameters monitored were packed cell volume, haemoglobin, plasma proteins, glucose, urea and creatinine. The onset of analgesia was faster in group II (35.5 ±6.25 s) compared to that of group I (5.2 ±0.54 min). Analgesia of the tail, perineum, hind limbs, flank and thorax was mild to moderate in group I, but complete analgesia of tail, perineum and hind limbs was recorded in group II. Motor incoordination was mild in group I and severe in group II. Significant reduction in heart rate (more pronounced in group I) and respiratory rate (more pronounced in group II), and a significant increase in central venous pressure were recorded in both groups. Mean arterial pressure was reduced in both groups, but more markedly in group I. Sedation, electro-cardiogram, rectal temperature and haemato-biochemical parameters did not show significant differences between the 2 groups. The results of this study indicated a possible synergistic analgesic interaction between intrathecally administered romifidine and ketamine, without causing any marked systemic effects in goats

    Cartilage tissue engineering: Role of mesenchymal stem cells along with growth factors & scaffolds

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    Articular cartilage injury poses a major challenge for both the patient and orthopaedician. Articular cartilage defects once formed do not regenerate spontaneously, rather replaced by fibrocartilage which is weaker in mechanical competence than the normal hyaline cartilage. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) along with different growth factors and scaffolds are currently incorporated in tissue engineering to overcome the deficiencies associated with currently available surgical methods and to facilitate cartilage healing. MSCs, being readily available with a potential to differentiate into chondrocytes which are enhanced by the application of different growth factors, are considered for effective repair of articular cartilage after injury. However, therapeutic application of MSCs and growth factors for cartilage repair remains in its infancy, with no comparative clinical study to that of the other surgical techniques. The present review covers the role of MSCs, growth factors and scaffolds for the repair of articular cartilage injury

    Effects of xylazine, lignocaine and their combination for lumbar epidural analgesia in water buffalo calves (Bubalus bubalis)

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    The study was conducted to evaluate the effects of xylazine alone (0.05 mg/kg), lignocaine alone (2.0 mg/kg) and a combination of xylazine and lignocaine (0.05 mg/kg and 2.0 mg/kg, respectively) after lumbar epidural administration in water buffalo calves. Fifteen nondescript, male water buffalo calves of 6-8 months of age and weighing between 55 and 75 kg were randomly placed in 3 groups (A, B and C). The agents were administered at the 1st lumbar epidural space. Clinico-physiological parameters such as analgesia, ataxia, sedation, salivation, heart rate, respiratory rate and rectal temperature were studied. Other haematological and biochemical parameters monitored were haemoglobin, packed cell volume, total leukocyte count, plasma glucose, cortisol, protein albumin, globulin, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, ALT, sodium, potassium and chloride. The onset of analgesia was faster in groupC(3.0 + 0.44 min) compared with that of group B (4.4 + 0.40 min) and group A (34.0 + 1.86 min). Analgesia of the thorax, flank, inguinal region, hind limbs, perineum and tail was complete in group C, but mild to moderate in groupsAand B.Ataxia was severe in groups B and C and mild in group A. Mild to deep sedation were produced by groups A and C animals. Longer duration and greater depth of analgesia was produced in animals in group C. Heart rate, respiratory rate and rectal temperature decreased in groups A and C. The haematological parameters decreased in all the groups. The biochemical parameters like glucose, cortisol, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, ALTincreased in all the animals. However, total proteins and albumin decreased in the 3 groups. The plasma electrolytes sodium, potassium and chloride did not show any significant change. The results of this study indicated a possible additive analgesic interaction between epidurally administered xylazine and lignocaine, without causing any marked systemic effects in water buffalo calves

    Comparative evaluation of halothane anaesthesia in medetomidine–butorphanol and midazolam–butorphanol premedicated water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)

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    Six clinically healthy male water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) 2–3 years of age and weighing 290–325 kg were used for 2 different treatments (H1 andH2). The animals of groupH1 were premedicated with medetomidine (2.5 g/kg, i.v.) and butorphanol (0.05 mg/kg, i.v.), while in groupH2 midazolam (0.25 mg/kg) and butorphanol (0.05 mg/kg) were used intravenously. Induction of anaesthesia was achieved by 5%thiopental sodium inH1 (3.85±0.63 mg/kg) and H2 (6.96 ± 0.45 mg/kg) groups. The anaesthesia was maintained with halothane in 100 % oxygen through a large animal anaesthetic machine. Better analgesia and sedation with a significantly lower dose of thiopental for induction and significantly higher values of sternal recumbency time and standing time were recorded in group H1 than in group H2 , whereas no significant (P > 0.05) difference for the halothane concentration was observed between groups H1 and H2. Significant decrease in heart rate was observed in group H1 whereas it significantly increased in group H2. In both groups, RR decreased during the preanaesthetic period, which increased significantly (P<0.01) after halothane administration. In both groups a significant (P<0.01) fall in RT was recorded from 20 min to the end of observation period. A significant (P < 0.05) fall in MAP was observed in group H1 from 15 min until the end, while in group H2 MAP increased nonsignificantly (P > 0.05) after premedication and a significant (P<0.05) occurredafter thiopental administration. In both groups a significant (P<0.01) increase in CVP and a significant (P<0.01) decrease in SpO2 were observed after premedication which persisted up to 120 min. ECG changes included significant (P<0.01) decrease and increase in QRS amplitudes in groupsH1 andH2 respectively, a significant (P < 0.05) increase in PR interval was recorded at 15 min in group H1, a significant (P<0.05) decrease in PR interval in groupH2 , a significant (P<0.05) decrease in T wave amplitude in groupH1, and a significant (P<0.01) increase in duration of T wave in groupH1 . It is concluded that both combinations can be used safely in buffaloes for surgery of 2 h duration but better sedation, analgesia and muscular relaxation and more dose sparing effect on anaesthetics and shorter recovery times were observed in group H1