774 research outputs found

    Comparative Economics of Maize Grain and Seed Production in Okhaldhunga District, Nepal

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    Maize cultivation is the one the major farm activities among Nepalese farmers. Basically, in the rural hills of Nepal like Okhaldhunga, it dominates any other crop production. The study was conducted for comparative assessment of economics, marketing and identification of major problems of maize seed and grain production in the hilly eastern district, Okhaldhunga during June of 2017. The data were obtained through the interview of 66 producers (33 each of maize grain and seed producers) with a pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and parametric tests (-test, t-test) were applied. Both the grain and the seed producers were similar in terms of socio-demographic characteristics, marketing accessibilities but the seed producers were significantly benefited from the training, the extension services, credit facilities despite having 0.14 ha lesser landholding than grain producers. The inputs (manures, fertilizers and the seed) contributed 48% and 50% of the total cost incurred for grain and seed production respectively and the pre-sowing and sowing activities contributed more than 77% of cost in both cases. Despite higher cost for seed production (NRs. 24,969 more than grain production), the benefit-cost ratio of seed production was found higher (1.31) than grain production (1.05). Only 24% of the total harvest was processed and marketed as seed and using optimum quantity (66% middle portion of the cob) for seed production could further increase the income by 23.35%, the improved B:C ratio being 1.51 . The major production problems were scarce farm labor followed by lack of infrastructures while low seasonal price followed by low volume of production ranked the first and second most important marketing related problems

    Asymmetrical Vortex over Slender Body A Computational Approach

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    Computational investigations were carried out on an ogive-cylinder configuration having a slenderness ratio of 7.5. The geometry of the nose tip was generated based on the physical geometry of the nose tip observed under a scanning electron microscope. Time-dependent simulations were performed on the slender body at a diameter Reynolds number of 3.0×104. Results indicated that the onset of vortex asymmetry was mainly due to the micro-tip imperfection existing at the tip. It was also observed that the variation in the roll angle of the model affected the flow physics largely which has been experimentally observed by several researchers in the past. The computed results were in better agreement with the referenced experimental data

    Diverse Spatial, Temporal, and Sexual Expression of Recently Duplicated Androgen-Binding Protein Genes in \u3ci\u3eMus musculus\u3c/i\u3e

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    Background The genes for salivary androgen-binding protein (ABP) subunits have been evolving rapidly in ancestors of the house mouse Mus musculus, as evidenced both by recent and extensive gene duplication and by high ratios of nonsynonymous to synonymous nucleotide substitution rates. This makes ABP an appropriate model system with which to investigate how recent adaptive evolution of paralogous genes results in functional innovation (neofunctionalization). Results It was our goal to find evidence for the expression of as many of the Abp paralogues in the mouse genome as possible. We observed expression of six Abpa paralogues and five Abpbg paralogues in ten glands and other organs located predominantly in the head and neck (olfactory lobe of the brain, three salivary glands, lacrimal gland, Harderian gland, vomeronasal organ, and major olfactory epithelium). These Abp paralogues differed dramatically in their specific expression in these different glands and in their sexual dimorphism of expression. We also studied the appearance of expression in both late-stage embryos and postnatal animals prior to puberty and found significantly different timing of the onset of expression among the various paralogues. Conclusion The multiple changes in the spatial expression profile of these genes resulting in various combinations of expression in glands and other organs in the head and face of the mouse strongly suggest that neofunctionalization of these genes, driven by adaptive evolution, has occurred following duplication. The extensive diversification in expression of this family of proteins provides two lines of evidence for a pheromonal role for ABP: 1) different patterns of Abpa/Abpbg expression in different glands; and 2) sexual dimorphism in the expression of the paralogues in a subset of those glands. These expression patterns differ dramatically among various glands that are located almost exclusively in the head and neck, where the sensory organs are located. Since mice are nocturnal, it is expected that they will make extensive use of olfactory as opposed to visual cues. The glands expressing Abp paralogues produce secretions (lacrimal and salivary) or detect odors (MOE and VNO) and thus it appears highly likely that ABP proteins play a role in olfactory communication

    Rapid Bursts of \u3ci\u3eAndrogen-Binding Protein (Abp)\u3c/i\u3e Gene Duplication Occurred Independently in Diverse Mammals

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    Background The draft mouse (Mus musculus) genome sequence revealed an unexpected proliferation of gene duplicates encoding a family of secretoglobin proteins including the androgen-binding protein (ABP) α, β and γ subunits. Further investigation of 14 α-like (Abpa) and 13 β- or γ-like (Abpbg) undisrupted gene sequences revealed a rich diversity of developmental stage-, sex- and tissue-specific expression. Despite these studies, our understanding of the evolution of this gene family remains incomplete. Questions arise from imperfections in the initial mouse genome assembly and a dearth of information about the gene family structure in other rodents and mammals. Results Here, we interrogate the latest \u27finished\u27 mouse (Mus musculus) genome sequence assembly to show that the Abp gene repertoire is, in fact, twice as large as reported previously, with 30 Abpa and 34 Abpbg genes and pseudogenes. All of these have arisen since the last common ancestor with rat (Rattus norvegicus). We then demonstrate, by sequencing homologs from species within the Mus genus, that this burst of gene duplication occurred very recently, within the past seven million years. Finally, we survey Abp orthologs in genomes from across the mammalian clade and show that bursts of Abp gene duplications are not specific to the murid rodents; they also occurred recently in the lagomorph (rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus) and ruminant (cattle, Bos taurus) lineages, although not in other mammalian taxa. Conclusion We conclude that Abp genes have undergone repeated bursts of gene duplication and adaptive sequence diversification driven by these genes\u27 participation in chemosensation and/or sexual identification

    Congenic Strain Analysis Reveals Genes That Are Rapidly Evolving Components of a Prezygotic Isolation Mechanism Mediating Incipient Reinforcement

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    Two decades ago, we developed a congenic strain of Mus musculus, called b-congenic, by replacing the androgen-binding protein Abpa27a allele in the C3H/HeJ genome with the Abpa27b allele from DBA/2J. We and other researchers used this b-congenic strain and its C3H counterpart, the a-congenic strain, to test the hypothesis that, given the choice between signals from two strains with different a27 alleles on the same genetic background, test subjects would prefer the homosubspecific one. It was our purpose in undertaking this study to characterize the segment transferred from DBA to the C3H background in producing the b-congenic strain on which a role for ABPA27 in behavior has been predicated. We determined the size of the chromosome 7 segment transferred from DBA and the genes it contains that might influence preference. We found that the “functional" DBA segment is about 1% the size of the mouse haploid genome and contains at least 29 genes expressed in salivary glands, however, only three of these encode proteins identified in the mouse salivary proteome. At least two of the three genes Abpa27, Abpbg26 and Abpbg27 encoding the subunits of androgen-binding protein ABP dimers evolved under positive selection and the third one may have also. In the sense that they are subunits of the same two functional entities, the ABP dimers, we propose that their evolutionary histories might not be independent of each other

    Synthesis of possible room temperature superconductor LK-99:Pb9_9Cu(PO4_4)6_6O

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    The quest for room-temperature superconductors has been teasing scientists and physicists, since its inception in 1911 itself. Several assertions have already been made about room temperature superconductivity but were never verified or reproduced across the labs. The cuprates were the earliest high transition temperature superconductors, and it seems that copper has done the magic once again. Last week, a Korean group synthesized a Lead Apatite-based compound LK-99, showing a Tc_c of above 400∘^\circK. The signatures of superconductivity in the compound are very promising, in terms of resistivity (R = 0) and diamagnetism at Tc_c. Although, the heat capacity (Cp_p) did not show the obvious transition at Tc_c. Inspired by the interesting claims of above room temperature superconductivity in LK-99, in this article, we report the synthesis of polycrystalline samples of LK-99, by following the same heat treatment as reported in [1,2] by the two-step precursor method. The phase is confirmed through X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements, performed after each heat treatment. The room temperature diamagnetism is not evidenced by the levitation of a permanent magnet over the sample or vice versa. Further measurements for the confirmation of bulk superconductivity on variously synthesized samples are underway. Our results on the present LK-99 sample, being synthesized at 925∘^\circC, as of now do not approve the appearance of bulk superconductivity at room temperature. Further studies with different heat treatments are though, yet underway.Comment: Short Commun.: 8pages Text + Figs: Comments/suggestion Welcom

    Topological Superconductor Sn4Au: A first principle study

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    Topological semimetals such as Weyl or Dirac semimetal with superconductivity have emerged as a new class of topological materials to realize and study Majorana Fermion in its intrinsic form. This article reports the Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculated bulk electronic band structure of recently discovered topological superconductor candidate Sn4Au. This study is further extended to the calculation of Z2 invariants. The Fermi surfaces corresponding to the bands which are responsible for non-trivial band topology along with the surface states are also mapped. The complete study suggests that Sn4Au is a topological semimetal. On Sn4Au, it is the first report in the literature showing the non-trivial band topology based on first-principle calculations.Comment: 19 Pages Text + Figs: SUST - Special issue: Superconductivity Research in Indi

    Weak Antilocalization and topological edge states in PdSn4_4

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    Here we report, the successful synthesis of single crystals of topological semimetal (TSM) candidate, PdSn4_4 using the self-grown route. The synthesized crystal is well characterized through X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Detailed Rietveld analysis of the powder XRD pattern of PdSn4_4 confirmed the same to crystallize in the Aea2 space group instead of reported Ccce. A large magnetoresistance (MR) along with Subnikov-de Haas oscillations have been observed in magnetotransport measurements at 2K. The presence of a weak antilocalization (WAL) effect in synthesized PdSn4_4 crystal is confirmed and analyzed using Hikami Larkin Nagaoka (HLN) formalism, being applied on magnetoconductivity of the same at the low magnetic field. An extended Kohler rule is implemented on MR data, to determine the role of the scattering process and temperature-dependent carrier density on transport phenomenon in PdSn4_4. Further, the non-trivial band topology and presence of edge states are shown through density functional theory (DFT) based theoretical calculations. All calculations are performed considering the Aea2 space group symmetry. The calculated Z2 invariants suggest the presence of weak topological insulating properties in PdSn4_4. Clear evidence of topological edge states at the Γ\Gamma point is visible in calculated edge state spectra. This is the first report on PdSn4_4, showing the presence of SdH oscillation in magneto transport measurement.Comment: 26 PAGES TEXT + FIGS. REVISED J. APPL. PHYS. 202

    Drastic suppression of CDW (charge density wave) by Pd addition in TiSe2

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    TiSe2 is a known Topological semimetal (TSM) having both the semi-metallic and topological characters simultaneously and the Charge density wave (CDW) at below 200K. In the current short article, we study the impact of Pd addition on the CDW character of TiSe2 and the possible induction of superconductivity at low temperatures. Bulk samples of TiSe2 and Pd0.1TiSe2 are synthesized by solid-state reaction route, which is further characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), respectively, for their structural and micro-structural details. The vibrational modes of both samples are being analyzed by Raman spectroscopy, showing the occurrence of both A1g and Eg modes. CDW of pure TiSe2 seen at around 200K in electrical transport measurements, in terms of sharp semi-metallic to metallic transition peak with hysteresis in cooling/warming cycles is not seen in Pd0.1TiSe2, and rather a near metallic transport is seen down to 2K. Although superconductivity is not seen down to 2K, the CDW transition is seemingly completely suppressed in Pd0.1TiSe2. Pd addition in TiSe2 suppresses CDW drastically. Trials are underway to induce superconductivity in Pd-added TiSe2. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations show primary evidence of suppression of CDW by adding Pd in TiSe2 due to an increase in the density of states.Comment: 11 Pages Text + Figs: Accepted J. Sup. Novel Ma

    Detailed structural and topological analysis of SnBi2Te4 single crystal

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    We report herein the successful synthesis of the topological material SnBi2Te4 in single-crystal form. Phase purity and unidirectional growth are evident from X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns acquired from a powdered sample and a crystal flake. The crystalline morphology has also been visualized by acquiring a field-emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) image. The crystal has been thoroughly characterized by means of Raman spectroscopy and X ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements. The topological properties of SnBi2Te4 have been probed through magneto-transport measurements. SnBi2Te4 has been found to exhibit a small but non-saturating magneto-resistance (MR) up to 12 T. The low-field magnetoconductivity (MC) of SnBi2Te4 at 2 K can be well explained through the Hikami Larkin Nagaoka (HLN) formalism, which confirms the presence of a weak anti-localization (WAL) effect in its crystal. Moreover, the non-trivial topological character has been evidenced through first-principles calculations using density functional theory (DFT), with and without spin-orbit coupling (SOC) protocols. A significant change in the bulk electronic band structure is observed upon the inclusion of SOC parameters, signifying the topological properties of SnBi2Te4. Its topological non-trivial character has also been verified through the calculation of Z2 invariants and the surface states spectrum in the (111) plane.Comment: 24 Pages TEXT + Figs: J. Phys. Chem. Solid
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