69 research outputs found

    Distribution of wetlands in Argentina estimated from soil charts

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    We generated a map of wetlands in Argentina from the digital edition of the National Soil Inventory made by the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (Instituto Nacional de TecnologĂ­a Agropecuaria, INTA). Potencial wetland areas were extracted from the map after an exhaustive analysis of the database and reassignment of the soil classes, by taking into account 1) soil taxonomic classes; 2) constraining factors (waterlogging, flooding, drainage impairment); and 3) cartographic categories, including lakes, lagoons, marshes and salt lakes. Estimated wetland area is about 600,000 km2, representing 21.5% of the national territory; it increases to 23% when considering salt lakes and deepwater bodies, but their surface is underestimated in the INTA database. Finally, we analyzed the distribution and abundance of wetland areas from different eco-regions of Argentina, and compared our results with current global wetland databases.Fil:Kandus, P. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina.Fil:MalvĂĄrez, A.I. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina

    Current optical technologies for wireless access

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    The objective of this paper is to describe recent activities and investigations on free-space optics (FSO) or optical wireless and the excellent results achieved within SatNEx an EU-framework 6th programme and IC 0802 a COST action. In a first part, the FSO technology is briefly discussed. In a second part, we mention some performance evaluation criterions for the FSO. In third part, we briefly discuss some optical signal propagation experiments through the atmosphere by mentioning network architectures for FSO and then discuss the recent investigations in airborne and satellite application experiments for FSO. In part four, we mention some recent investigation results on modelling the FSO channel under fog conditions and atmospheric turbulence. Additionally, some recent major performance improvement results obtained by employing hybrid systems and using some specific modulation and coding schemes are presented

    Primordial magnetic fields from inflation?

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    The hot plasma above the electroweak scale contains (hyper) charged scalar particles which are coupled to Abelian gauge fields. Scalars may interact with gravity in a non-conformally invariant way and thus their fluctuations can be amplified during inflation. These fluctuations lead to creation of electric currents and produce inhomogeneous distribution of charge density, resulting in the generation of cosmological magnetic fields. We address the question whether these fields can be coherent at large scales so that they may seed the galactic magnetic fields. Depending upon the mass of the charged scalar and upon various cosmological (critical fraction of energy density in matter, Hubble constant) and particle physics parameters we found that the magnetic fields generated in this way are much larger than vacuum fluctuations. However, their amplitude on cosmological distances is found to be too small for seeding the galactic magnetic fields.Comment: 32 pages in RevTex styl

    Ohm's Law for Plasma in General Relativity and Cowling's Theorem

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    The general-relativistic Ohm's law for a two-component plasma which includes the gravitomagnetic force terms even in the case of quasi-neutrality has been derived. The equations that describe the electromagnetic processes in a plasma surrounding a neutron star are obtained by using the general relativistic form of Maxwell equations in a geometry of slow rotating gravitational object. In addition to the general-relativistic effect first discussed by Khanna \& Camenzind (1996) we predict a mechanism of the generation of azimuthal current under the general relativistic effect of dragging of inertial frames on radial current in a plasma around neutron star. The azimuthal current being proportional to the angular velocity ω\omega of the dragging of inertial frames can give valuable contribution on the evolution of the stellar magnetic field if ω\omega exceeds 2.7×1017(n/σ)s−12.7\times 10^{17} (n/\sigma) \textrm{s}^{-1} (nn is the number density of the charged particles, σ\sigma is the conductivity of plasma). Thus in general relativity a rotating neutron star, embedded in plasma, can in principle generate axial-symmetric magnetic fields even in axisymmetry. However, classical Cowling's antidynamo theorem, according to which a stationary axial-symmetric magnetic field can not be sustained against ohmic diffusion, has to be hold in the general-relativistic case for the typical plasma being responsible for the rotating neutron star.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    Superadiabatic-type magnetic amplification in conventional cosmology

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    We consider the evolution of cosmological magnetic fields in FRW models and outline a geometrical mechanism for their superadiabatic amplification on large scales. The mechanism operates within standard electromagnetic theory and applies to FRW universes with open spatial sections. We discuss the general relativistic nature of the effect and show how it modifies the adiabatic magnetic evolution. Assuming a universe that is only marginally open today, we estimate the main features of the superadiabatically amplified residual field.Comment: Minor changes. Published versio

    Supersymmetry Breaking through Transparent Extra Dimensions

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    We propose a new framework for mediating supersymmetry breaking through an extra dimension. It predicts positive scalar masses and solves the supersymmetric flavor problem. Supersymmetry breaks on a ``source'' brane that is spatially separated from a parallel brane on which the standard model matter fields and their superpartners live. The gauge and gaugino fields propagate in the bulk, the latter receiving a supersymmetry breaking mass from direct couplings to the source brane. Scalar masses are suppressed at the high scale but are generated via the renormalization group. We briefly discuss the spectrum and collider signals for a range of compactification scales.Comment: 20 page

    Primordial magnetic fields induced by cosmological particle creation

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    We study the primordial magnetic field generated by stochastic currents produced by scalar charged particles created at the beginning of the radiation dominated epoch. We find that for the mass range 10^(-6)GeV \leq m \leq 10^2 GeV, a field of sufficient intensity to seed different mechanisms of galactic magnetic field generation, while still consistent with observational and theoretical constraints, is created coherently over a galactic scale.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Magnetogenesis and the dynamics of internal dimensions

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    The dynamical evolution of internal space-like dimensions breaks the invariance of the Maxwell's equations under Weyl rescaling of the (conformally flat) four-dimensional metric. Depending upon the number and upon the dynamics of internal dimensions large scale magnetic fields can be created. The requirements coming from magnetogenesis together with the other cosmological constraints are examined under the assumption that the internal dimensions either grow or shrink (in conformal time) prior to a radiation dominated epoch. If the internal dimensions are growing the magnitude of the generated magnetic fields can seed the galactic dynamo mechanism.Comment: 27 in RevTex style, four figure

    Self consistent estimates of magnetic fields from reheating

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    We investigate the generation of primordial magnetic fields from stochastic currents created by the cosmological transition from inflation to reheating. We consider N charged scalar fields coupled to the electromagnetic field in a curved background and derive self-consistent equations for the evolution of the two point functions of the fields, which in the large N limit give a decoupled set for the scalar and the electromagnetic functions. The main contribution to the electric current comes from the infrared portion of the spectrum of created particles, and in this limit the damping of the magnetic field is not due to normal conductivity but to London currents in the scalar field. For a given set of the physical parameters of the problem, we solved this equation numerically and found that, due to the fact that the London currents are oscillating, the field actually grows exponentially during the time interval in which our large-N limit equations are valid. Although for the chosen parameters the induced field is weak, the present uncertainties on their actual values leave open the possibility for higher intensities.Comment: 25 pages, three figures. One figure added, discussion on non adiabatic induction of the magnetic field improved. References added. Final version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
