4,358 research outputs found

    Observation of Mixed Alkali Like Behaviour by Fluorine Ion in Mixed Alkali Oxyfluro Vanadate Glasses: Analysis from Conductivity Measurements

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    In this communication we report the fluorine ion dynamics in mixed alkali oxyfluro vanadate glasses. We have measured the electrical conductivity using impedance spectroscopy technique Room temperature conductivity falls to 5 orders of magnitude from its single alkali values at 33 mol% of rubidium concentration. We have also estimated the distance between similar mobile ions using the density values. Assuming this distance as the hopping distance between the similar ions we have estimated the anionic (Fluorine ion in our case) conductivity. It is observed that the fluorine ion dynamics mimics the mixed alkali effect and scales as the onset frequency f0.Comment: submitted to DAE-SSDP 2018 Indi

    An Overview of The Ferro Alloys Industry in India

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    Ferro alloys are essential inputs in quality steelmaking and are used as deoxidizers and, more importantly, as alloying additions to impart desired properties. The growth of the ferro alloy industry as such is closely linked with the development of the steel industry

    Fictitious Photon Mass in Radiative Bhabha Scattering

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    This thesis consists of four chapters. The first chapter is devoted to introduction. In the second chapter fundamental definitions and results required in the sequal are given. In the third chapter an Opial type inequalities involving fractional derivatives. The later chapter includes Opial type inequalities involving Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives of two functions.Bu tez, dört bölümden oluşmaktadır. İlk bölüm giriş kısmına ayrılmıştır. İkinci bölümde çalışmamız için gerekli olan temel kavramlar verilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde, kesirli türevler içeren Opial tipli eşitsizlikler için bazı sonuçlar verildi. Son bölümde iki değişkenli fonksiyonlar için Riemann-Liouville kesirli türevlerini içeren Opial tipli eşitsizliklerin bazı sonuçları verildi

    Seismic Code Analysis of Multi-Storey Asymmetric Buildings

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    Static torsional provisions in most seismic codes require that the lateral force at each floor level be applied at some distance from the reference centre at that floor. However, codes do not specify how to determine the locations of these centres. As a result, several different definitions of the reference centres are being used to implement the code analysis. This investigation examined how the results using various reference centres differ and which of these centres would lead to results that are in agreement with those of dynamic analysis. For this purpose three different buildings ranging form torsionally stiff to torsionally flexible were analysed. It was shown that for the class of buildings studied in this investigation that although the locations of the reference centres were quite different, the results were very similar and nearly independent of the reference centre. Comparison of results calculated from static code equivalent lateral force procedures and results from dynamic response spectrum analyses showed that the static code procedures led to design forces very close (flexible wall) or slightly conservative (stiff wall) when compared to the dynamic analysis for the torsionally stiff building. However, the static code procedures significantly underestimated the design forces of the stiff walls and significantly overestimated the design forces of the flexible walls for the torsionally flexible buildings

    University small satellite program-ANUSAT

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    Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) over the last 3 decades has steadily progressed towards establishment of space system for communication, Earth observation and disaster warning for national development. Also, the launchers for placing both Earth observation and communication satellites have been developed. While these efforts are being sustained on a continuous basis, ISRO initiated Small Satellite Program few years ago for demonstration of new technologies that can be adopted to operational mission as well as Small Satellite Earth Observation program to complement the existing earth observation mission. Also realizing the importance of steady flow of engineers and scientists in Space Technology, ISRO has been pursuing to promote development of micro-satellite at Indian universities that will provide hands-on experience to the university students in Space Technology and also developing new technologies for the future. Anna University at Chennai, India, has taken up the first micro-satellite program within the university environment. The micro-satellite development will be carried out at Aerospace Research Centre in Anna University with review and funding support from ISRO. The project will be implemented through involvement of students, researchers and faculty staff. The satellite is a simple spinning satellite carrying store and forward payload being the first mission and weighs less than 50 kg. The Project has commenced in January 2002. The preliminary design review of the satellite has been completed in December 2002. The micro-satellite is scheduled for launch in 2005 as an auxiliary payload in ISRO's launcher PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle)

    Cerebral Palsy: Still A Social Problem

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    Research Problem: What arc the social aspects of cerebral palsy? Objective: To determine the extent and severity of neuromuscular involvement in cases of cerebral palsy and to find out the associated defects among these children. Study Design: Cross sectional study. Setting: Tertiary care hospital, outdoor patients. Participants: Children in the age group of 0 - 12 years. Sample Size: 120 children suffering from cerebral palsy. Study Variables: Social factors, neuromuscular involvement. Statistical Analysis: By proportions Result: Out of 120 cases, maximum number of cases (66.6%) were in the age group of 1- 4 years. 83 cases ( 69.16%) were males. Among the various types, spastic type was the commonest (87.5%). Of these spastic cases, 52 (49.52%) had quadriplegia. No case of tremor and rigidity was seen. Delayed milestones was the commonest associated disorder, seen in 107 (89.16%) cases, followed by speech defect in 58(48.3%) cases, visual defect in 34(28.3%) cases and convulsions in 24 (20.0%) cases. Hearing defect was seen in 5 cases (4.16%) only. Conclusion: More concerted efforts arc required to identify children with cerebral palsy and rehabilitate them for the betterment of society

    Selective removal of phosphorus from high carbon ferromanganese - an improved process

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    The presence of phosphorus is known to deteriorate the mechanical properties of cast steel and other metallic products. Ferromanganese, used as the last additive during steel making, is one of the main sources of phosphorus contamination. Therefore phosphorus has to be removed from the ferromanganese before it is used as a deoxidizing and alloying agent. The bulk of high carbon ferromanganese produced in India continues to have more than 0.35% phosphorus since they are produced by carbothermic reduction process. A systematic study by NML showed that it was possible to remove phosphorus from high carbon liquid ferromanganese successfully from 0.56% to 0.18% using BaCO3 based fluxes at the rate of 16-wt% of the ferromanganese charged. However, the Mn loss varied in the range of 2-5%. The objective of the present study was to optimize the flux consumption as well as minimize the Mn loss with effective dephosphorization by using BaO based calcined pellets instead of BaCO3 based powders. It is easier to handle pellets under plant conditions and eliminate the loss of flux as a dust, which occurs when powder is added. These pellets can be forced towards the bottom of the melt for better efficiency. Another advantage of using pellets is that it utilizes manganese ore fines, which is a waste material in the ferromanganese industry. The results have shown that the addition of moderate amount of MnO into the pellets reduces the Mn loss while it helps dephosphorization. The results achieved indicate that it is possible to achieve more than 60% phosphorus removal using flux addition at 5% by weight of the ferromanganese charged