126 research outputs found

    Angular-dependence of magnetization switching for a multi-domain dot: experiment and simulation

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    We have measured the in-plane angular variation of nucleation and annihilation fields of a multi-domain magnetic single dot with a microsquid. The dots are Fe/Mo(110) self-assembled in UHV, with sub-micron size and a hexagonal shape. The angular variations were quantitatively reproduced by micromagnetic simulations. Discontinuities in the variations are observed, and shown to result from bifurcations related to the interplay of the non-uniform magnetization state with the shape of the dot.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, for submission as a regular articl

    Growth modes of Fe(110) revisited: a contribution of self-assembly to magnetic materials

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    We have revisited the epitaxial growth modes of Fe on W(110) and Mo(110), and propose an overview or our contribution to the field. We show that the Stranski-Krastanov growth mode, recognized for a long time in these systems, is in fact characterized by a bimodal distribution of islands for growth temperature in the range 250-700°C. We observe firstly compact islands whose shape is determined by Wulff-Kaischev's theorem, secondly thin and flat islands that display a preferred height, ie independant from nominal thickness and deposition procedure (1.4nm for Mo, and 5.5nm for W on the average). We used this effect to fabricate self-organized arrays of nanometers-thick stripes by step decoration. Self-assembled nano-ties are also obtained for nucleation of the flat islands on Mo at fairly high temperature, ie 800°C. Finally, using interfacial layers and solid solutions we separate two effects on the preferred height, first that of the interfacial energy, second that of the continuously-varying lattice parameter of the growth surface.Comment: 49 pages. Invited topical review for J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Magnetic domain walls in constrained geometries

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    Magnetic domain walls have been studied in micrometer-sized Fe20Ni80 elements containing geometrical constrictions by spin-polarized scanning electron microscopy and numerical simulations. By controlling the constriction dimensions, the wall width can be tailored and the wall type modified. In particular, the width of a 180 degree Neel wall can be strongly reduced or increased by the constriction geometry compared with the wall in unconstrained systems.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Nanometers-thick self-organized Fe stripes: bridging the gap between surfaces and magnetic materials

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    We have fabricated 5nm-high Fe(110) stripes by self-organized (SO) growth on a slightly vicinal R(110)/Al2O3(11-20) surface, with R=Mo, W. Remanence, coercivity and domain patterns were observed at room temperature (RT). This contrasts with conventional SO epitaxial systems, that are superparamagnetic or even non-magnetic at RT due to their flatness. Our process should help to overcome superparamagnetism without compromise on the lateral size if SO systems are ever to be used in applications

    Study of the island morphology at the early stages of Fe/Mo(110) MBE growth

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    We present theoretical study of morphology of Fe islands grown at Mo(110) surface in sub-monolayer MBE mode. We utilize atomistic SOS model with bond counting, and interactions of Fe adatom up to third nearest neighbors. We performed KMC simulations for different values of adatom interactions and varying temperatures. We have found that, while for the low temperature islands are fat fractals, for the temperature 500K islands have faceted rhombic-like shape. For the higher temperature, islands acquire a rounded shape. In order to evaluated qualitatively morphological changes, we measured averaged aspect ration of islands. We calculated dependence of the average aspect ratio on the temperature, and on the strength of interactions of an adatom with neighbors.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. Proceedings of 11-th Symposium on Surface Physics, Prague 200

    Direct observation of domain-wall configurations transformed by spin currents

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    Direct observations of current-induced domain-wall propagation by spin-polarized scanning electron microscopy are reported. Current pulses move head-to-head as well as tail-to-tail walls in sub-micrometer Fe_{20}Ni_{80} wires in the direction of the electron flow, and a decay of the wall velocity with the number of injected current pulses is observed. High-resolution images of the domain walls reveal that the wall spin structure is transformed from a vortex to a transverse configuration with subsequent pulse injections. The change in spin structure is directly correlated with the decay of the velocity.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Three-dimensional magnetic flux-closure patterns in mesoscopic Fe islands

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    We have investigated three-dimensional magnetization structures in numerous mesoscopic Fe/Mo(110) islands by means of x-ray magnetic circular dichroism combined with photoemission electron microscopy (XMCD-PEEM). The particles are epitaxial islands with an elongated hexagonal shape with length of up to 2.5 micrometer and thickness of up to 250 nm. The XMCD-PEEM studies reveal asymmetric magnetization distributions at the surface of these particles. Micromagnetic simulations are in excellent agreement with the observed magnetic structures and provide information on the internal structure of the magnetization which is not accessible in the experiment. It is shown that the magnetization is influenced mostly by the particle size and thickness rather than by the details of its shape. Hence, these hexagonal samples can be regarded as model systems for the study of the magnetization in thick, mesoscopic ferromagnets.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Outcome after failure of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children with acute leukemia: a study by the Société Francophone de Greffe de Moelle et de Thérapie Cellulaire (SFGM-TC)

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    Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (SCT) contributes to improved outcome in childhood acute leukemia (AL). However, therapeutic options are poorly defined in case of post-transplantation relapse. We aimed to compare treatment strategies in 334 consecutive children with acute leukemia relapse or progression after SCT in a recent ten-year period. Data could be analyzed in 288 patients (157 ALL, 123 AML and 8 biphenotypic AL) with a median age of 8.16 years at transplantation. The median delay from first SCT to relapse or progression was 182 days. The treatment consisted in chemotherapy alone (n=108), chemotherapy followed by second SCT (n=70), supportive/palliative care (n=67), combination of chemotherapy and DLI (n=30), or isolated reinfusion of donor lymphocytes (DLI) (n=13). The median OS duration after relapse was 164 days and differed according to therapy: DLI after chemotherapy = 385 d, second allograft = 391d, chemotherapy = 174d, DLI alone = 140d, palliative care = 43d. A second SCT or a combination of chemotherapy and donor lymphocytes infusion yielded similar outcome (HR=0.85, p=0.53) unlike chemotherapy alone (HR 1.43 p=0.04), palliative care (HR=4.24, p<0.0001) or isolated DLI (HR=1,94, p<0.04). Despite limitations in this retrospective setting, strategies including immunointervention appear superior to other approaches, mostly in AML

    Screening for Diabetes Mellitus in Patients Diagnosed with Pulmonary Tuberculosis

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    Background: The epidemic of diabetes mellitus (DM) poses a threat for global tuberculosis (TB) control. Objective: This study attempts to assess the value of screening for diabetes in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and reviews the disease burden, clinical and radiographic manifestations, rates of sputum smear positivity and time to conversion, treatment outcomes and fatality rates, in the local setting. Methods: This is a prospective observational cohort study involving adults diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis at the PTSI TB DOTS out-patient clinic, r e g a r d l e s s o f s p u t u m -s m e a r s t a t u s , f r o m J u l y 2011-November 2012. A diabetes screening tool was used and patients were screened for presence of DM. Treatment outcomes were also determined. Results: Of the 38 patients enrolled, seven (18.4%, 95% confidence interval 7.7-34.3) were diagnosed with DM. This is higher than the estimated 12.9% in 2010 and 14.4% projected estimate in 2030 in our country by a report of WHO as well as in reported prevalence of DM among patients with PTB in large studies done in China (12.4%) and India (13%). There was no significant difference noted in the basic profile, clinical and radiographic presentation, sputum conversion and treatment outcomes among patients with DM and without DM who were being treated for PTB. Conclusion: This study demonstrates the value and feasibility of screening for DM among patients with PTB. Although the findings of this study are consistent with most of previous similar studies, the estimate on the true prevalence of DM may not be very accurate because of the small sample size. Hence, a multi-center study with a larger sample size must be conducted to more accurately measure the true prevalence of DM among patients with TB and to determine associations of various clinical and radiographic presentations and clinical outcomes. Keywords: diabetes mellitus, pulmonary tuberculosis, screening Abstract Introductio

    Mesoscale flux-closure domain formation in single-crystal BaTiO3

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    Over 60 years ago, Charles Kittel predicted that quadrant domains should spontaneously form in small ferromagnetic platelets. He expected that the direction of magnetization within each quadrant should lie parallel to the platelet surface, minimizing demagnetizing fields,and that magnetic moments should be configured into an overall closed loop, or flux-closure arrangement. Although now a ubiquitous observation in ferromagnets, obvious flux-closure patterns have been somewhat elusive in ferroelectric materials. This is despite the analogous behaviour between these two ferroic subgroups and the recent prediction of dipole closure states by atomistic simulations research. Here we show Piezoresponse Force Microscopy images of mesoscopic dipole closure patterns in free-standing, single-crystal lamellae of BaTiO3. Formation of these patterns is a dynamical process resulting from system relaxation after the BaTiO3 has been poled with a uniform electric field. The flux-closure states are composed of shape conserving 90° stripe domains which minimize disclination stresses
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