31,526 research outputs found

    The Demographics of Long-Period Comets

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    The absolute magnitude and perihelion distributions of long-period comets are derived, using data from the Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR) survey. The results are surprising in three ways. Firstly, the flux of comets through the inner solar system is much lower than some previous estimates. Secondly, the expected rise in comet numbers to larger perihelia is not seen. Thirdly, the number of comets per unit absolute magnitude does not significantly rise to fainter magnitudes. These results imply that the Oort cloud contains many fewer comets than some previous estimates, that small long-period comets collide with the Earth too infrequently to be a plausible source of Tunguska-style impacts, and that some physical process must have prevented small icy planetesmals from reaching the Oort cloud, or have rendered them unobservable. A tight limit is placed on the space density of interstellar comets, but the predicted space density is lower still. The number of long-period comets that will be discovered by telescopes such as SkyMapper, Pan-Starrs and LSST is predicted, and the optimum observing strategy discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal. 22pages, 14 figure

    The spiritual revolution and suicidal ideation: an empirical enquiry among 13- to 15-year-old adolescents in England and Wales

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    The association between conventional religiosity and suicide inhibition has been well explored and documented since the pioneering work of Durkheim. Commentators like Heelas and Woodhead point to ways in which conventional religiosity is giving way in England and Wales to a range of alternative spiritualities, including renewed interest in paranormal phenomena. Taking a sample of 3095 13- to 15-year-old adolescents, the present study examines the association between suicidal ideation and both conventional religiosity and paranormal beliefs, after controlling for individual differences in sex, age and personality (extraversion, neuroticism and psychoticism). The data demonstrate that, while conventional religiosity is slightly associated with lower levels of suicidal ideation, paranormal beliefs are strongly associated with higher levels of suicidal ideation

    The psychological-type profile of lay church leaders in Australia

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    A sample of 845 lay church leaders (444 women and 401 men) from a range of 24 different denominations and movements (including house churches and independent churches) completed the Francis Psychological-Type Scales within the context of the 2006 Australian National Church Life Survey. The psychological-type profiles of these lay church leaders were almost identical to the type profiles of 1527 Australian churchgoers (936 women and 591 men) published in an earlier study by Robbins and Francis. The predominant types among female lay church leaders were ISFJ (21%), ESFJ (21%), and ISTJ (18%). The predominant types among male lay church leaders were ISTJ (28%), ISFJ (17%), ESTJ (13%), and ESFJ (12%). The SJ temperament accounted for 67% of the female lay church leaders and for 70% of the male lay church leaders. The strengths and weaknesses of the SJ leadership style are discussed

    A Group of Red, Ly-alpha Emitting, High Redshift Galaxies

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    We have discovered two new high redshift (z=2.38) galaxies, near the previously known z=2.38 galaxy 2139-4434 B1 (Francis et al. 1996). All three galaxies are strong Ly-alpha emitters, and have much redder continuum colors (I-K about 5) than other optically-selected high redshift galaxies. We hypothesize that these three galaxies are QSO IIs; radio-quiet counterparts of high redshift radio galaxies, containing concealed QSO nuclei. The red colors are most easily modelled by an old (> 0.5 Gyr), massive (> 10E11 solar masses) stellar population. If true, this implies that at least one galaxy cluster of mass much greater than 3E11 solar masses had collapsed before redshift five.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, uses aaspp4 style file. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Christianity, paranormal belief and personality: a study among 13- to 16-year-old pupils in England and Wales

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    Studies concerning the changing landscapes of religiosity and spirituality in the lives of young people in England and Wales draw attention to decline in traditional religiosity and to growth in alternative spiritualities. The present study examined whether such alternative spiritualities occupy the same personality space as traditional religiosity. A sample of 2,950 13- to 16-year-old pupils attending 11 secondary schools in England and Wales completed the Francis Scale of Attitude toward Christianity and an index of paranormal belief, alongside the abbreviated-form Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised. The data demonstrated that these two forms of belief were related in different ways to Eysenck's dimensional model of personality space. While attitude toward Christianity occupied the space defined by low psychoticism scores (tendermindedness) and high lie scale scores (social conformity), paranormal belief was related to high psychoticism scores (toughmindedness) and was independent of lie scale scores. These findings support the view that alternative spiritualities may be associated with different personalities

    The teenage religion and values survey in England and Wales : an overview

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    The Teenage Religion and Values Survey was conducted throughout the 1990s among young people between the ages of 13 and 15 years. A total of 33,982 young people took part in the survey. As the next phase of this research begins for the twenty-first century this paper looks back at the survey conducted in the 1990s and considers two aspects of the research. First, this paper considers the methodology behind designing such a survey. Second, this paper considers some of the insights generated by the survey under five headings: personality, spiritual health, religious affiliation, belonging without believing, and church leaving

    The Oswald Clergy Burnout Scale: reliability, factor structure and preliminary application among Australian clergy

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    This study assesses the Oswald Clergy Burnout Scale (OCBI), the psychometric properties of which have not been previously described. Analysis of responses from a large number (N  = 3,012) of ministers in charge of Australian congregations showed that the scale’s internal reliability was satisfactory, and that the scale could be represented by two factors, identified, respectively, as the personal and social aspects of burnout. This structure was supported by confirmatory factor analysis. Several demographic and job-related variables that might relate to burnout were regressed on the total, personal and social factor scores. Age is the predominant (negative) predictor of burnout as measured by the total scale and the personal factor scores. All variables predict burnout as measured by the social factor. However, in all models, the predictor variables account for no more than 5% of the total variance. These findings suggest that demographic factors and working conditions are poor predictors of burnout among clergy

    Reversible signal transmission in an active mechanical metamaterial

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    Mechanical metamaterials are designed to enable unique functionalities, but are typically limited by an initial energy state and require an independent energy input to function repeatedly. Our study introduces a theoretical active mechanical metamaterial that incorporates a biological reaction mechanism to overcome this key limitation of passive metamaterials. Our material allows for reversible mechanical signal transmission, where energy is reintroduced by the biologically motivated reaction mechanism. By analysing a coarse grained continuous analogue of the discrete model, we find that signals can be propagated through the material by a travelling wave. Analysis of the continuum model provides the region of the parameter space that allows signal transmission, and reveals similarities with the well-known FitzHugh-Nagumo system. We also find explicit formulae that approximate the effect of the timescale of the reaction mechanism on the signal transmission speed, which is essential for controlling the material.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure