32,351 research outputs found

    Monte Carlo Predictions of Far-Infrared Emission from Spiral Galaxies

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    We present simulations of Far Infrared (FIR) emission by dust in spiral galaxies, based on the Monte Carlo radiative transfer code of Bianchi, Ferrara & Giovanardi (1996). The radiative transfer is carried out at several wavelength in the Ultraviolet, optical and Near Infrared, to cover the range of the stellar Spectral Energy Distribution (SED). Together with the images of the galactic model, a map of the energy absorbed by dust is produced. Using Galactic dust properties, the spatial distribution of dust temperature is derived under the assumption of thermal equilibrium. A correction is applied for non-equilibrium emission in the Mid Infrared. Images of dust emission can then be produced at any wavelength in the FIR. We show the application of the model to the spiral galaxy NGC 6946. The observed stellar SED is used as input and models are produced for different star-dust geometries. It is found that only optically thick dust disks can reproduce the observed amount of FIR radiation. However, it is not possible to reproduce the large FIR scalelength suggested by recent observation of spirals at 200 um, even when the scalelength of the dust disk is larger than that for stars. Optically thin models have ratios of optical/FIR scalelengths closer to the 200um observations, but with smaller absolute scalelengths than optically thick cases. The modelled temperature distributions are compatible with observations of the Galaxy and other spirals. We finally discuss the approximations of the model and the impact of a clumpy stellar and dust structure on the FIR simulations.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, accepted by A&

    SCUBA imaging of NGC 7331 dust ring

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    We present observations of the spiral galaxy NGC 7331 using the Sub-millimetre Common User Bolometer Array (SCUBA) on the James Clark Maxwell Telescope. We have detected a dust ring of 45 arcsec radius (3.3 kpc) at wavelengths of 450 and 850-micron. The dust ring is in good correspondence with other observations of the ring in the mid-infrared (MIR), CO and radio-continuum, suggesting that the observed dust is associated with the molecular gas and star formation. A B-K colour map shows an analogous ring structure with an asymmetry about the major axis, consistent with the extinction being produced by a dust ring. The derived temperature of the dust lies between 16 and 31 K and the gas-to-dust ratio between 150 and 570, depending on the assumed dust emission efficiency index (beta=1.5 or 2.).Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, to be published in MNRA

    An unusual pi* shape resonance in the near-threshold photoionization of S(1) para-difluorobenzene

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    Previously reported dramatic changes in photoelectron angular distributions (PADs) as a function of photoelectron kinetic energy following the ionization of S1 p-difluorobenzene are shown to be explained by a shape resonance in the b(2g) symmetry continuum. The characteristics of this resonance are clearly demonstrated by a theoretical multiple-scattering treatment of the photoionization dynamics. New experimental data are presented which demonstrate an apparent insensitivity of the PADs to both vibrational motion and prepared molecular alignment, however, the calculations suggest that strong alignment effects may nevertheless be recognized in the detail of the comparison with experimental data. The apparent, but unexpected, indifference to vibrational excitation is rationalized by considering the nature of the resonance. The correlation of this shape resonance in the continuum with a virtual pi* antibonding orbital is considered. Because this orbital is characteristic of the benzene ring, the existence of similar resonances in related substituted benzenes is discussed.Bellm, SM: Davies, JA: Whiteside, PT; Guo, J: Powis, I; and Reid KL

    Optical/near-infrared colours of early-type galaxies and constraints on their star formation histories

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    (abridged) We introduce and discuss the properties of a theoretical (B-K)-(J-K) integrated colour diagram for single-age, single-metallicity stellar populations. This combination of integrated colours is able to largely disentangle the well known age-metallicity degeneracy when the age of the population is greater than ~300 Myr. We discuss in detail the effect on this colour-colour diagram of alpha-enhanced metal abundance ratios, the presence of blue horizontal branch stars unaccounted for in the theoretical calibration, and of statistical colour fluctuations in low mass stellar systems. In the case of populations with multiple stellar generations, the luminosity-weighted mean age obtained from this diagram is shown to be heavily biased towards the youngest stellar components. We apply this method to several datasets for which optical and near-IR photometry are available in the literature. For the two Local Group dwarf galaxies NGC185 and NGC6822, the mean ages derived from the integrated colours are consistent with the star formation histories inferred independently from photometric observations of their resolved stellar populations. A sample of bright field and Virgo cluster elliptical galaxies is found to exhibit a range of luminosity-weighted mean ages from 3 to 14 Gyr, with a mean of 8 Gyr, independent of environment, and mean metallicities at or just above the solar value. Colour gradients are found in all of the galaxies studied, in the sense that central regions are redder. Aperture data for five Virgo early-type dwarf galaxies show that these galaxies appear to be shifted to lower mean metallicities and lower mean ages (range 1 to 6 Gyr) than their higher luminosity counterparts.Comment: (1) Liverpool John Moores University, UK; (2) University of Cardiff, UK; (3) University of Bristol, UK; (4) INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Collurania, I; 12 pages, 9 figures, MNRAS in pres

    Filamin inhibits actin activation of heavy meromyosin ATPase

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    Non-Weyl asymptotics for quantum graphs with general coupling conditions

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    Inspired by a recent result of Davies and Pushnitski, we study resonance asymptotics of quantum graphs with general coupling conditions at the vertices. We derive a criterion for the asymptotics to be of a non-Weyl character. We show that for balanced vertices with permutation-invariant couplings the asymptotics is non-Weyl only in case of Kirchhoff or anti-Kirchhoff conditions, while for graphs without permutation numerous examples of non-Weyl behaviour can be constructed. Furthermore, we present an insight helping to understand what makes the Kirchhoff/anti-Kirchhoff coupling particular from the resonance point of view. Finally, we demonstrate a generalization to quantum graphs with nonequal edge weights.Comment: minor changes, to appear in Pierre Duclos memorial issue of J. Phys. A: Math. Theo

    ALEX: A Model For The Viability Analysis Of Spatially Structured Populations

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    A new generic model for assessing the viability of spatially structured populations, ALEX (Analysis of the Likelihood of EXtinction), is described. Strengths and weaknesses of ALEX are discussed. ALEX only models one sex, ignores genetics, and is inadequate for modelling the dynamics of very small populations. However ALEX contains four features that make it useful for assessing the merits of different management options for populations that are distributed in a spatially complex landscape: (1) ALEX allows each patch to have different qualities including a habitat variable that may respond to catastrophes. In this way the dynamics of species which prefer a particular successional stage of a habitat can be modelled. (2) ALEX allows the user to specify a wide variety of catastrophic processes that affect and may depend on population size and/or the state of the habitat in a patch. (3) Sensitivity analysis is essential to the PVA process. ALEX allows automatic sensitivity analysis of most parameters. Although demographic stochasticity is modelled, ALEX can quickly simulate the dynamics of very large populations. (4) Modelling movement between patches by individuals is an important part of the dynamics of spatially structured populations. ALEX permits two types of movement by individuals. This allows the user to explore the importance of corridors, habitat selection, and mortality associated with dispersal

    Intersubband carrier scattering in n- and p-Si/SiGe quantum wells with diffuse interfaces

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    Scattering rate calculations in two-dimensional Si/Si1−xGex systems have typically been restricted to rectangular Ge profiles at interfaces between layers. Real interfaces however, may exhibit diffuse Ge profiles either by design or as a limitation of the growth process. It is shown here that alloy disorder scattering dramatically increases with Ge interdiffusion in (100) and (111) n-type quantum wells, but remains almost constant in (100) p-type heterostructures. It is also shown that smoothing of the confining potential leads to large changes in subband energies and scattering rates and a method is presented for calculating growth process tolerances

    Tadpole renormalization and relativistic corrections in lattice NRQCD

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    We make a comparison of two tadpole renormalization schemes in the context of the quarkonium hyperfine splittings in lattice NRQCD. Improved gauge-field and NRQCD actions are analyzed using the mean-link u0,Lu_{0,L} in Landau gauge, and using the fourth root of the average plaquette u0,Pu_{0,P}. Simulations are done for ccˉc\bar c, bcˉb\bar c, and bbˉb\bar b systems. The hyperfine splittings are computed both at leading and at next-to-leading order in the relativistic expansion. Results are obtained at lattice spacings in the range of about 0.14~fm to 0.38~fm. A number of features emerge, all of which favor tadpole renormalization using u0,Lu_{0,L}. This includes much better scaling behavior of the hyperfine splittings in the three quarkonium systems when u0,Lu_{0,L} is used. We also find that relativistic corrections to the spin splittings are smaller when u0,Lu_{0,L} is used, particularly for the ccˉc\bar c and bcˉb\bar c systems. We also see signs of a breakdown in the NRQCD expansion when the bare quark mass falls below about one in lattice units. Simulations with u0,Lu_{0,L} also appear to be better behaved in this context: the bare quark masses turn out to be larger when u0,Lu_{0,L} is used, compared to when u0,Pu_{0,P} is used on lattices with comparable spacings. These results also demonstrate the need to go beyond tree-level tadpole improvement for precision simulations.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures (minor changes to some phraseology and references
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