1,006 research outputs found

    Assessment of turbulent models for scramjet flowfields

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    The behavior of several turbulence models applied to the prediction of scramjet combustor flows is described. These models include the basic two equation model, the multiple dissipation length scale variant of the two equation model, and the algebraic stress model (ASM). Predictions were made of planar backward facing step flows and axisymmetric sudden expansion flows using each of these approaches. The formulation of each of these models are discussed, and the application of the different approaches to supersonic flows is described. A modified version of the ASM is found to provide the best prediction of the planar backward facing step flow in the region near the recirculation zone, while the basic ASM provides the best results downstream of the recirculation. Aspects of the interaction of numerica modeling and turbulences modeling as they affect the assessment of turbulence models are discussed

    Turbulent transport models for scramjet flowfields

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    Turbulence modeling approaches were examined from the standpoint of their capability to predict the complex flowfield features observed in scramjet combustions. Thus, for example, the accuracy of each turbulence model, with respect to the prediction of recirculating flows, was examined. It was observed that for large diameter ratio axisymmetric sudden expansion flows, a choice of turbulence model was not critical because of the domination of their flowfields by pressure forces. For low diameter ratio axisymmetric sudden expansions and planar backward-facing steps flows, where turbulent shear stresses are of greater significance, the algebraic Reynolds stress approach, modified to increase its sensitivity to streamline curvature, was found to provide the best results. Results of the study also showed that strongly swirling flows provide a stringent test of turbulence model assumptions. Thus, although flows with very high swirl are not of great practical interest, they are useful for turbulence model development. Finally, it was also noted that numerical flowfields solution techniques have a strong interrelation with turbulence models, particularly with the turbulent transport models which involve source-dominated transport equations

    Review of alternative fuels data bases

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    Based on an analysis of the interaction of fuel physical and chemical properties with combustion characteristics and indicators, a ranking of the importance of various fuel properties with respect to the combustion process was established. This ranking was used to define a suite of specific experiments whose objective is the development of an alternative fuels design data base. Combustion characteristics and indicators examined include droplet and spray formation, droplet vaporization and burning, ignition and flame stabilization, flame temperature, laminar flame speed, combustion completion, soot emissions, NOx and SOx emissions, and the fuels' thermal and oxidative stability and fouling and corrosion characteristics. Key fuel property data is found to include composition, thermochemical data, chemical kinetic rate information, and certain physical properties

    Multiple-scale turbulence modeling of boundary layer flows for scramjet applications

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    As part of an investigation into the application of turbulence models to the computation of flows in advanced scramjet combustors, the multiple-scale turbulence model was applied to a variety of flowfield predictions. The model appears to have a potential for improved predictions in a variety of areas relevant to combustor problems. This potential exists because of the partition of the turbulence energy spectrum that is the major feature of the model and which allows the turbulence energy dissipation rate to be out of phase with turbulent energy production. The computations were made using a consistent method of generating experimentally unavailable initial conditions. An appreciable overall improvement in the generality of the predictions is observed, as compared to those of the basic two-equation turbulence model. A Mach number-related correction is found to be necessary to satisfactorily predict the spreading rate of the supersonic jet and mixing layer

    A mathematical model of a large open fire

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    A mathematical model capable of predicting the detailed characteristics of large, liquid fuel, axisymmetric, pool fires is described. The predicted characteristics include spatial distributions of flame gas velocity, soot concentration and chemical specie concentrations including carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, water, unreacted oxygen, unreacted fuel and nitrogen. Comparisons of the predictions with experimental values are also given

    Prediction of free turbulent mixing using a turbulent kinetic energy method

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    Free turbulent mixing of two-dimensional and axisymmetric one- and two-stream flows is analyzed by a relatively simple turbulent kinetic energy method. This method incorporates a linear relationship between the turbulent shear and the turbulent kinetic energy and an algebraic relationship for the length scale appearing in the turbulent kinetic energy equation. Good results are obtained for a wide variety of flows. The technique is shown to be especially applicable to flows with heat and mass transfer, for which nonunity Prandtl and Schmidt numbers may be assumed

    Experiments in free shear flows: Status and needs for the future

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    Experiments in free turbulent flows are recommended with the primary concern placed on classical flows in order to augment understanding and for model building. Five classes of experiments dealing with classical free turbulent flows are outlined and proposed as being of particular significance for the near future. These classes include the following: (1) Experiments clarifying the effect of density variation owing to use of different gases, with and without the additional effect of density variation due to high Mach number or other effects; (2) experiments clarifying the role and importance of various parameters which determine the behavior of the near field as well as the condictions under which any of these parameters can be neglected; (3) experiments determining the cumulative effect of initial conditions in terms of distance to fully established flow; (4) experiments for cases where two layers of distinctly different initial turbulence structure flow side by side at the same mean speed; and (5) experiment using contemporary experimental techniques to study structure in free turbulent shear flows in order to compliment and support contemporary work on boundary layers

    Secure multi-party based cloud computing framework for statistical data analysis of encrypted data

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    Secure Multi-party Computation (SMC) is a paradigm used to accomplish a common computation among multiple users while keeping the data of each party secret from others. In recent years there has been a keen interest among the research community to look for techniques that can be adopted for the evolvement of SMC based solutions for improving its e ciency and performance. Cloud computing is a next generation computing solution in the eld of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) which allows its users to use high speed infrastructure and services provided by Cloud Service Providers (CSP) in a cost e ective manner with a higher availability. There- fore, deployment of cloud based architecture for SMCs would aid in improving its performance and e ciency. However, cloud based solutions raises concerns over secu- rity of users' private data, since data is handled by an external party that cannot be trusted. Hence, it is necessary to incorporate necessary security measures to ensure the security of users' private data. In this master's thesis we have addressed this issue by proposing a Secure Multi- party based Cloud Computing Framework which can ensure security, privacy and anonymity of users private data. In order to achieve this, we have formulated a case involving sales data analysis of a certain organization through computing statistical parameters of sales persons private sales data on a cloud environment. Furthermore, we have implemented a prototype of the proposed security framework which aids us to evaluate its performance. Moreover, considering the results that we have obtained, it is conclusive that cloud platforms can be successfully deployed to improve e ciency of SMCs while ensuring the security of users' private data; which in turn provides evidence for the practicability of multi-party based cloud computing solutions