7 research outputs found

    A Formalization of Off-Line Guessing for Security Protocol Analysis

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    Guessing, or dictionary, attacks arise when an intruder exploits the fact that certain data like passwords may have low entropy, i.e. stem from a small set of values. In the case of off-line guessing, in particular, the intruder may employ guessed values to analyze the messages he has observed. Previous attempts at formalizing off-line guessing consist of extending a Dolev-Yao-style intruder model with inference rules to capture the additional capabilities of the intruder concerning guessable messages. While it is easy to convince oneself that the proposed rules are correct, in the sense that an intruder can actually perform such \u201cguessing steps\u201d, it is difficult to see whether such a system of inference rules is complete in the sense that it captures all the kinds of attacks that we would intuitively call \u201cguessing attacks\u201d. Moreover, the proposed systems are specialized to particular sets of cryptographic primitives and intruder capabilities. As a consequence, these systems are helpful to discover some off-line guessing attacks but are not fully appropriate for formalizing what off-line guessing precisely means and verifying that a given protocol is not vulnerable to such guessing attacks. In this paper, we give a formalization of off-line guessing by defining a deduction system that is uniform and general in that it is independent of the overall protocol model and of the details of the considered intruder model, i.e. cryptographic primitives, algebraic properties, and intruder capabilities

    Formalizing and Analyzing Sender Invariance

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    In many network applications and services, agents that share no secure channel in advance may still wish to communicate securely with each other. In such settings, one often settles for achieving security goals weaker than authentication, such as sender invariance. Informally, sender invariance means that all messages that seem to come from the same source actually do, where the source can perhaps only be identified by a pseudonym. This implies, in particular, that the relevant parts of messages cannot be modified by an intruder. In this paper, we provide the first formal definition of sender invariance as well as a stronger security goal that we call strong sender invariance. We show that both kinds of sender invariance are closely related to, and entailed by, weak authentication, the primary difference being that sender invariance is designed for the context where agents can only be identified pseudonymously. In addition to clarifying how sender invariance and authentication are related, this result shows how a broad class of automated tools can be used for the analysis of sender invariance protocols. As a case study, we describe the analysis of two sender invariance protocols using the OFMC back-end of the AVISPA Tool

    A High Level Protocol Specification Language for Industrial Security-Sensitive Protocols

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    This paper presents HLPSL, a high level protocol specification language for the modelling of security-sensitive protocols. This language has a formal semantics based on Lamport’s Temporal Logic of Actions. HLPSL is modular and allows for the specification of control flow patterns, data-structures, alternative intruder models, and complex security properties. It is sufficiently highlevel to be accessible to protocol engineers (themselves not necessarily formal methods experts), yet easily translatable into a lower-level term-rewriting based language well-suited to model-checking tools. The accommodation of these contrasting features makes HLPSL able to easily specify modern, industrial-scale protocols on which existing specification languages only partially succeed

    The AVISPA Tool for the Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocols and Applications

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    AVISPA is a push-button tool for the automated validation of Internet security-sensitive protocols and applications. It provides a modular and expressive formal language for specifying protocols and their security properties, and integrates different back-ends that implement a variety of state-of-the-art automatic analysis techniques. To the best of our knowledge, no other tool exhibits the same level of scope and robustness while enjoying the same performance and scalability

    The AVISPA Tool for the Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocols and Applications

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    AVISPA is a push-button tool for the automated validation of Internet security-sensitive protocols and applications. It provides a modular and expressive formal language for specifying protocols and their security properties, and integrates different back-ends that implement a variety of state-of-the-art automatic analysis techniques. To the best of our knowledge, no other tool exhibits the same level of scope and robustness while enjoying the same performance and scalability

    Secure Pseudonymous Channels

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    Channels are an abstraction of the many concrete techniques to enforce particular properties of message transmissions such as encryption. We consider here three basic kinds of channels\u2014authentic, confidential, and secure\u2014where agents may be identified by pseudonyms rather than by their real names. We define the meaning of channels as assumptions, i.e. when a protocol relies on channels with particular properties for the transmission of some of its messages. We also define the meaning of channels as goals, i.e. when a protocol aims at establishing a particular kind of channel. This gives rise to an interesting question: given that we have verified that a protocol P 2 provides its goals under the assumption of a particular kind of channel, can we then replace the assumed channel with an arbitrary protocol P 1 that provides such a channel? In general, the answer is negative, while we prove that under certain restrictions such a compositionality result is possible