8,811 research outputs found

    Gas turbine rotor/case structural response to rotating stall: Experimental documentation and analytical approach

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    The forcing functions and structural responses characterizing gas turbine rotor/case system vibration due to rotating stall in an axial flow compressor are described. Two data sets with fundamentally different response characteristics are presented; one is supersynchronous and the other subsynchronous. Conventional beam element rotor dynamics analysis is shown to be severely limited in its ability to predict these responses. A new analytical approach, which significantly increases structural response predictive capability for these phenomena, is briefly discussed

    Extending Continuum Models for Atom Probe Simulation

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    This work describes extensions to existing level-set algorithms developed for application within the field of Atom Probe Tomography (APT). We present a new simulation tool for the simulation of 3D tomographic volumes, using advanced level set methods. By combining narrow-band, B-Tree and particle-tracing approaches from level-set methods, we demonstrate a practical tool for simulating shape changes to APT samples under applied electrostatic fields, in three dimensions. This work builds upon our previous studies by allowing for non-axially symmetric solutions, with minimal loss in computational speed, whilst retaining numerical accuracy

    The Value of Evidence-Based Computer Simulation of Oral Health Outcomes for Management Analysis of the Alaska Dental Health Aide Program

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    Objectives: To create an evidenceā€based research tool to inform and guide policy and program managers as they develop and deploy new service delivery models for oral disease prevention and intervention. Methods: A villageā€level discrete event simulation was developed to project outcomes associated with different service delivery patterns. Evidenceā€ based outcomes were associated with dental health aide activities, and projected indicators (DMFT, F+ST, Tā€health, SiC, CPI, ECC) were proxy for oral health outcomes. Model runs representing the planned program implementation, a more intensive staffing scenario, and a more robust prevention scenario, generated 20ā€year projections of clinical indicators; graphs and tallies were analyzed for trends and differences. Results: Outcomes associated with alternative patterns of service delivery indicate there is potential for substantial improvement in clinical outcomes with modest program changes. Not all segments of the population derive equal benefit when program variables are altered. Children benefit more from increased prevention, while adults benefit more from intensive staffing. Conclusions: Evidenceā€ based simulation is a useful tool to analyze the impact of changing program variables on program outcome measures. This simulation informs dental managers of the clinical outcomes associated with policy and service delivery variables. Simulation tools can assist public health managers in analyzing and understanding the relationship between their policy decisions and longā€term clinical outcomes.The Ford Foundation

    Microkelvin thermometry with Bose-Einstein condensates of magnons and applications to studies of the AB interface in superfluid 3^3He

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    Coherent precession of trapped Bose-Einstein condensates of magnons is a sensitive probe for magnetic relaxation processes in superfluid 3He-B down to the lowest achievable temperatures. We use the dependence of the relaxation rate on the density of thermal quasiparticles to implement thermometry in 3He-B at temperatures below 300 Ī¼\muK. Unlike popular vibrating wire or quartz tuning fork based thermometers, magnon condensates allow for contactless temperature measurement and make possible an independent in situ determination of the residual zero-temperature relaxation provided by the radiation damping. We use this magnon-condensate-based thermometry to study the thermal impedance of the interface between A and B phases of superfluid 3He. The magnon condensate is also a sensitive probe of the orbital order-parameter texture. This has allowed us to observe for the first time the non-thermal signature of the annihilation of two AB interfaces.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures, manuscript prepared for EU Microkelvin Collaboration Workshop 2013. Accepted for publication in Journal of Low Temperature Physic

    Limitations on Political Activities of Corporations

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    The Nation Before Taste: The Challenges of American Culinary History

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    Food is material and familiar, and because it is, we are often overconfident about our ability to understand the culinary past. It is easy to believe that if we can discover the recipe for some forgotten dish, the history of the dish becomes intelligible. When it does not, it tempts those who consume culinary history to impose modern sensibilities on our predecessors. The Nation before Taste argues that historians and museum curators must be especially vigilant when presenting the history of food. Reviewing a series of historical challenges that stemmed from studying the United States in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the author suggests three strategies for grounding food history in the past: recognizing that taste is constructed and temporal; engaging with material and social contexts, especially physiology, class, and gender; and admitting to our audiences that not all culinary mysteries have immediate or simple answers


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    In the 1970s there was hope and potential for racial equality in every aspect of our society, but particularly to equalize education for low-income students of color. Momentum from the Civil Rights Movement and Californiaā€™s unprecedented decision in Serrano v. Priest made it seem like racist policies were a thing of the past and true equality was within reach. Yet, today we see an educational system that is more segregated than ever with low-income students of color being systematically excluded from a quality education. Three neoliberal policies, conservative tax reform, education reform, and the fiscalization of land, arose in the 1970s and worked in conjunction to mutually reinforce the unequal results of segregation, redlining, and white privilege. They failed to remedy and exacerbated why those students are and continue to be in these disadvantaged positions. In this thesis I explore how conservative tax policy, education reform, and the new redlining of restrictive access to affordable housing continue to work together in conjunction to form incredibly unequal access to education in California


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    Tissue engineering is recognized as a promising alternative to conventional reconstructive materials and donor tissues, which are in short supply. The effective use of nanofibers as tissue scaffolds relies on the localized delivery of signaling proteins, providing biochemical cues for tissue regeneration. This study aimed to fabricate bioactive scaffolds by incorporating proteins for controlled release through a coaxial electrospinning process. It was used to fabricate Poly (s-Caprolactone) fibers within which bioactive proteins were encapsulated. Scaffolds were characterized using SEM and confocal microscopy to verify uniformity and continuity of protein encapsulation. Protein release kinetics were evaluated using fluorescence spectroscopy and a Bradford protein assay. Cell culture studies using radial arterial cells were performed on scaffolds containing either TGF-pl or PDGF-BB. The protein release study suggested diffusive transport was sustained over a 72-hour period and significantly improved cell proliferation. The present results provide a basis for further optimization of scaffold processing parameters

    Limitations on Political Activities of Corporations

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