1,012 research outputs found

    Virtual Reality Techniques for 3D Data-Warehouse Exploration

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    This paper focuses on the evaluation of virtual reality (VR) interaction techniques for exploration of data warehouse (DW). The experimental DW involves hierarchical levels and contains information about customers profiles and related purchase items. A user study has been carried out to compare two navigation and selection techniques. Sixteen volunteers were instructed to explore the DW and look for information using the interaction techniques, involving either a single WiimoteTM (monomanual) or both WiimoteTM and NunchuckTM (bimanual). Results indicated that the bimanual interaction technique is more efficient in terms of speed and error rate. Moreover, most of the participants preferred the bimanual interaction technique and found it more appropriate for the exploration task. We also observed that males were faster and made less errors than females for both interaction techniques

    Complex Behavior in Simple Models of Biological Coevolution

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    We explore the complex dynamical behavior of simple predator-prey models of biological coevolution that account for interspecific and intraspecific competition for resources, as well as adaptive foraging behavior. In long kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of these models we find quite robust 1/f-like noise in species diversity and population sizes, as well as power-law distributions for the lifetimes of individual species and the durations of quiet periods of relative evolutionary stasis. In one model, based on the Holling Type II functional response, adaptive foraging produces a metastable low-diversity phase and a stable high-diversity phase.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Entanglement of a microcanonical ensemble

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    We replace time-averaged entanglement by ensemble-averaged entanglement and derive a simple expression for the latter. We show how to calculate the ensemble average for a two-spin system and for the Jaynes-Cummings model. In both cases the time-dependent entanglement is known as well so that one can verify that the time average coincides with the ensemble average.Comment: 10 page

    Genericity aspects in gravitational collapse to black holes and naked singularities

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    We investigate here the genericity and stability aspects for naked singularities and black holes that arise as the final states for a complete gravitational collapse of a spherical massive matter cloud. The form of the matter considered is a general Type I matter field, which includes most of the physically reasonable matter fields such as dust, perfect fluids and such other physically interesting forms of matter widely used in gravitation theory. We first study here in some detail the effects of small pressure perturbations in an otherwise pressure-free collapse scenario, and examine how a collapse evolution that was going to the black hole endstate would be modified and go to a naked singularity, once small pressures are introduced in the initial data. This allows us to understand the distribution of black holes and naked singularities in the initial data space. Collapse is examined in terms of the evolutions allowed by Einstein equations, under suitable physical conditions and as evolving from a regular initial data. We then show that both black holes and naked singularities are generic outcomes of a complete collapse, when genericity is defined in a suitable sense in an appropriate space.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, some changes in text and figures to match the version accepted for publication by IJMP

    The self-consistent gravitational self-force

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    I review the problem of motion for small bodies in General Relativity, with an emphasis on developing a self-consistent treatment of the gravitational self-force. An analysis of the various derivations extant in the literature leads me to formulate an asymptotic expansion in which the metric is expanded while a representative worldline is held fixed; I discuss the utility of this expansion for both exact point particles and asymptotically small bodies, contrasting it with a regular expansion in which both the metric and the worldline are expanded. Based on these preliminary analyses, I present a general method of deriving self-consistent equations of motion for arbitrarily structured (sufficiently compact) small bodies. My method utilizes two expansions: an inner expansion that keeps the size of the body fixed, and an outer expansion that lets the body shrink while holding its worldline fixed. By imposing the Lorenz gauge, I express the global solution to the Einstein equation in the outer expansion in terms of an integral over a worldtube of small radius surrounding the body. Appropriate boundary data on the tube are determined from a local-in-space expansion in a buffer region where both the inner and outer expansions are valid. This buffer-region expansion also results in an expression for the self-force in terms of irreducible pieces of the metric perturbation on the worldline. Based on the global solution, these pieces of the perturbation can be written in terms of a tail integral over the body's past history. This approach can be applied at any order to obtain a self-consistent approximation that is valid on long timescales, both near and far from the small body. I conclude by discussing possible extensions of my method and comparing it to alternative approaches.Comment: 44 pages, 4 figure

    Stability of Naked Singularity arising in gravitational collapse of Type I matter fields

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    Considering gravitational collapse of Type I matter fields, we prove that, given an arbitrary C2C^{2}- mass function M(r,v)\textit{M}(r,v) and a C1C^{1}- function h(r,v)h(r,v) (through the corresponding C1C^{1}- metric function ν(t,r)\nu(t,r)), there exist infinitely many choices of energy distribution function b(r)b(r) such that the `true' initial data (M,h(r,v)\textit{M},h(r,v)) leads the collapse to the formation of naked singularity. We further prove that the occurrence of such a naked singularity is stable with respect to small changes in the initial data. We remark that though the initial data leading to both black hole and naked singularity form a "big" subset of the true initial data set, their occurrence is not generic. The terms `stability' and `genericity' are appropriately defined following the theory of dynamical systems. The particular case of radial pressure pr(r)p_{r}(r) has been illustrated in details to get clear picture of how naked singularity is formed and how, it is stable with respect to initial data.Comment: 16 pages, no figure, Latex, submitted to Praman

    Fluctuations and correlations in an individual-based model of biological coevolution

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    We extend our study of a simple model of biological coevolution to its statistical properties. Staring with a complete description in terms of a master equation, we provide its relation to the deterministic evolution equations used in previous investigations. The stationary states of the mutationless model are generally well approximated by Gaussian distributions, so that the fluctuations and correlations of the populations can be computed analytically. Several specific cases are studied by Monte Carlo simulations, and there is excellent agreement between the data and the theoretical predictions.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figure

    An exact analytical solution for generalized growth models driven by a Markovian dichotomic noise

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    Logistic growth models are recurrent in biology, epidemiology, market models, and neural and social networks. They find important applications in many other fields including laser modelling. In numerous realistic cases the growth rate undergoes stochastic fluctuations and we consider a growth model with a stochastic growth rate modelled via an asymmetric Markovian dichotomic noise. We find an exact analytical solution for the probability distribution providing a powerful tool with applications ranging from biology to astrophysics and laser physics