1,375 research outputs found

    Progressive contour coding in the wavelet domain

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    This paper presents a new wavelet-based image contour coding technique, suitable for representing either shapes or generic contour maps. Starting from a contour map (e.g. a segmentation map or the result of a contour extraction operator), this is first converted in a one-dimensional signal. Coordinate jumps among different contour extremities are converted, if under a suitable threshold, into signal discontinuities which can be compactly represented in the wavelet domain. Otherwise, the exceeding discontinuities are coded as side information. This side information is minimized by an optimized contour segment sequencing. The obtained 1D signal is decomposed and coded in the wavelet domain by using a 1D version of an improved implementation of the SPIHT algorithm. This technique can efficiently code every kind of 2D contour map, from one to many unconnected contour segments. It guarantees a fully embedded progressive coding, state-of-art coding performance, good approximation capabilities for both open and closed contours, and visually graceful degradation at low bit-rates

    Workspace optimization for a planar cable-suspended direct-driven robot

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    The present work is inspired by an industrial task, i.e. spray painting a large area by means of a robotic system consisting in a Cable-Driven Parallel Robot (CDPR). In many cases, the area of the robot workspace is smaller than the area to be painted. For this reason, the base of the robot has to be shifted several times during the painting process. These robots are referred to as Repetitive Workspace Robots (RWR). In other words, in order to accomplish the whole task, they need to be moved after they have completed a sub-task locally. A cable suspended CDPR is an ideal candidate for such tasks; it can be thin, light, flexible and cost-efficient. The question is: which is the best shape of the local workspace in these conditions? In fact, not always a larger area of the local workspace guarantees an efficient painting process. This is because the efficiency relies mainly on the shape rather than on the local workspace area itself. In this work we employ an index [Seriani S, Gallina P, Gasparetto A, 2014] to evaluate the efficiency of the workspace of a 2-link CDPR. Finally, we show how the index value changes in relation to some geometrical parameters of the robot, thus laying the foundations for a general design methodology

    Immunogenetics of an antigen identified in both sheep and cattle sera.

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    SUMMARYAlloimmunization in sheep revealed an antigen specificity B1 which is also to be found in cattle sera. The molecular weight of the protein carrying B1 was greater in sheep than in cattle, whilst in both cases its isoelectric point was at pH 6·2. The electrophoretic position of the antigen suggests that the molecule carrying B1 might be a β-globulin. Family studies indicated that in both species B1 was inherited in a simple Mendelian manner, as if it were a product of a dominant alleleB1at an autosomal locusB

    Progressive contour coding in the wavelet domain

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    This paper presents a new wavelet-based image contour coding technique, suitable for representing either shapes or generic contour maps. Starting from a contour map (e.g. a segmentation map or the result of an edge detector process), a unique one-dimensional signal is generated from the set of contour points. Coordinate jumps between contour extremities when under a tolerance threshold represent signal discontinuities but they can still be compactly coded in the wavelet domain. Exceeding threshold discontinuities are coded as side information. This side information and the amount of remaining discontinuity are minimized by an optimized contour segment sequencing. The obtained 1D signal is decomposed and coded in the wavelet domain by using a 1D extension of the SPIHT algorithm. The described technique can efficiently code any kind of 2D contour map, from one to many unconnected contour segments. It guarantees a fully embedded progressive coding, state-of-art coding performance, good approximation capabilities for both open and closed contours, and graceful visual degradation at low bit-rates

    Development of n-DoF Preloaded structures for impact mitigation in cobots

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    A core issue in collaborative robotics is that of impact mitigation, especially when collisions happen with operators. Passively compliant structures can be used as the frame of the cobot, although, usually, they are implemented by means of a single-degree-offreedom (DoF). However, n-DoF preloaded structures offer a number of advantages in terms of flexibility in designing their behavior. In this work, we propose a comprehensive framework for classifying n-DoF preloaded structures, including one-, two-, and threedimensional arrays. Furthermore, we investigate the implications of the peculiar behavior of these structures-which present sharp stiff-to-compliant transitions at designdetermined load thresholds-on impact mitigation. To this regard, an analytical n-DoF dynamic model was developed and numerically implemented. A prototype of a 10DoF structure was tested under static and impact loads, showing a very good agreement with the model. Future developments will see the application of n-DoF preloaded structures to impact-mitigation on cobots and in the field of mobile robots, as well as to the field of novel architected materials

    An Experimental Method to Add New Prosthetic Teeth in the Removable Partial Denture Framework: TIG Cold Welding and Preformed Pins

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    The need to modify removable partial dentures equipped with a metal framework in order to add other prosthetic teeth to replace natural teeth lost by the patient could lead to laboratory procedures so complex as to require the creation of new prostheses with a heavy economic burden. The creation of preformed metal pins to be welded using the economical TIG cold welding method could represent a valid alternative solution with the aim of modifying the prostheses using a rein-forced resin capable of adequately resisting masticatory loads. This study evaluates and compares the mechanical robustness and the clinical reliability of these modified prostheses in cases of junctions of one or two contiguous prosthetic teeth. The 6-month follow-up demonstrated the total validity of the method via the absence of significant breakages or detachments in all of the patients analyzed; on the other hand, the prostheses modified using the traditional method and used as controls showed a high incidence of fractures

    A New Mechanism for the Deployment of Modular Solar Arrays: Kinematic and Static Analysis

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    This paper presents a new solar arrays deployment mechanism for space applications. It consists of a modular kinematic structure, which is operated by a single cable (1 DoF). Compared to traditional methods, this mechanism has the advantage of being reversible in the movement. Kinematic analysis of the mechanism is carried out in this work, as well as static analysis. They allow to define the main actuation parameters such as cable pull tension and spring stiffness. Moreover, suitable values for the mechanism parameters are computed by means of a dedicated algorithm

    The Freehand Technique: The Ability of the Human Eye to Identify Implant Sites on the Patient

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    In implantology, among the key choices, to obtain predictable results, it is essential to establish, using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), the bone site and where to insert the implants; during the surgical phase, these sites must be identified on the oral mucosa. Surgical templates are a valid aid, especially in complex cases which require the insertion of more than three or four implants. In cases of a single implant, on the other hand, surgical guides are rarely used, and the implant is often inserted freehand; therefore, the identification of the implant site on the oral mucosa (after choosing the location on the CBCT) is more difficult. For this reason, the clinician uses the teeth in the arch as a reference. This study evaluates the ability of the human eye to identify, on the oral mucosa, where the implant collars will be positioned, the position of which has previously been chosen on the CBCT, in cases where the hands-free surgical technique (without surgical guides) is used. The verification of this precision is carried out using particular thermo-printed templates which contain radiopaque metal spheres. The results show that, in the freehand technique, it is difficult to precisely identify the implant sites (chosen via X-ray) on the mucosa, especially when they are far from natural teeth adjacent to the edentulous area. In case of monoedentulism, the freehand implant technique seems to be applicable by expert implantologists with a reduced risk of error; in fact, clinical experience helps to find the correct correspondence between the implant site chosen on the CBCT and its identification on the mucosa. The level of experience is fundamental in the clinician’s decision about whether or not to use surgical guides; in fact, doctors with little experience should use surgical guides even in the simplest cases to reduce the risk of error
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