6,636 research outputs found

    A unique parametrization of the shapes of secondary dilepton spectra observed in central heavy-ion collisions at CERN-SPS energies

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    A unique parametrization of secondary (thermal) dilepton yields in heavy-ion experiments at CERN-SPS is proposed. This parametrization resembles a thermal qqˉq \bar q annihilation rate. This is inspired by the observation that lepton pair production rates are quantitatively similar, whether expressed in a hadronic or partonic basis. Adding the thermal yield and the background contributions (hadronic cocktail, Drell-Yan, correlated semileptonic decays of open charm) the spectral shapes of the CERES/NA45, NA38, NA50 and HELIOS/3 data from experiments with lead and sulfur beams can be well described.Comment: 23 pages including figures (new version: only new output format

    Estimating Potential Ground and Surface Water Pollution from Land Application of Poultry Litter - II

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    In Arkansas, approximately 1 Tg of poultry (Gallus gallus domesticus) manure and litter is produced annually. These waste products are commonly applied to pastures as a soil amendment or fertilizer, but excessive application rates and poor management practices could result in nutrient contamination of ground and surface water. The purpose of this study was to: (1) assess the nutrient concentrations in poultry manure and (2) evaluate the nitrogen loss from land-applied poultry litter and manure due to ammonia volatilization and denitrification. Analyses for total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), inorganic nitrogen (Ni), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) were compared in 12 wet and dry hen manure samples. Drying the manure reduced the TKN from 57 to 40 g N/kg on a dry weight basis in wet and dry manure, respectively. The Ni in the manure was in the ammoniacal form with values of 19 and 2 g N/kg for wet and dry manure, respectively. The P and K levels were not influenced by drying the manure and had values of 24 and 21 g/kg, respectively. The results indicate that the nitrogen content of hen manure can be significantly reduced by drying the sample prior to analysis. In a 10-day laboratory study and an 11-day field study to evaluate ammonia volatilization from surface-applied hen manure, results indicated that 37% of the total nitrogen content of the manure was lost. The results indicated that a substantial amount of nitrogen in surface-applied poultry waste can be lost due to ammonia volatilization. Laboratory studies to evaluate denitrification in a Captina silt loam amended with 9 Mg/ha of poultry litter were conducted. When the soil was aerobically incubated for 168 h and then flooded for 66 h, the nitrate-nitrogen level decreased a net of 17 mg N/kg. The results indicated that, if the ammoniacal nitrogen in the litter is oxidized to nitrate under aerobic conditions and then the soil is flooded and available carbon is present, denitrification can occur rapidly. Results from these studies indicate that soil and environmental conditions playa critical role in determining the potential for nitrate pollution of ground and surface water when poultry manure and litter are surface-applied to pastures

    Alternative pathways to traditional destinations : higher education for disadvantaged Australians

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    In 1985, the Higher Education Equity Program was introduced by the Australian Government to improve the participation of those persons from social groups traditionally under-represented within higher education. In 1990, the program was incorporated within A Fair Chance For All which provided more specific details of the government\u27s desire for a system-wide approach to equity issues. One result has been the proliferation of access and equity programs conducted by universities around the country and aimed at redressing the disadvantage of potential students. The alleged success of these programs is based on greater participation in and graduation from Australian universities by individuals from targeted disadvantaged groups. The research reported here, however, would suggest that such programs are prone to co-opt the language of equity and social justice, dependent as they are on satisfying statistically-orientated program performance indicators in order to receive recurrent government funding. Further, the paper argues that success in achieving equity within Australian higher education will remain limited unless the structural arrangements that work to construct social inequalities in mainstream higher education are addressed

    Momentum--dependent nuclear mean fields and collective flow in heavy ion collisions

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    We use the Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck model to simulate the dynamical evolution of heavy ion collisions and to compare the effects of two parametrizations of the momentum--dependent nuclear mean field that have identical properties in cold nuclear matter. We compare with recent data on nuclear flow, as characterized by transverse momentum distributions and flow (FF) variables for symmetric and asymmetric systems. We find that the precise functional dependence of the nuclear mean field on the particle momentum is important. With our approach, we also confirm that the difference between symmetric and asymmetric systems can be used to pin down the density and momentum dependence of the nuclear self consistent one--body potential, independently. All the data can be reproduced very well with a momentum--dependent interaction with compressibility K = 210 MeV.Comment: 15 pages in ReVTeX 3.0; 12 postscript figures uuencoded; McGill/94-1

    Higher excitations of ω\omega and ϕ\phi in dilepton spectra

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    We consider lepton pair production via two-hadron annihilation through various isoscalar vector mesons within hot, baryon-free matter. This is tantamount to constructing effective form factors which we model using a vector-meson-dominance approach and compare with experiment. In particular, we consider the reactions πρ→e+e−\pi\rho\to e^+e^- and KˉK∗(892)\bar K K^{*}(892) + c.c. →e+e−\to e^+e^-. We find that ω(1390)\omega(1390) and ϕ(1680)\phi(1680) are visible in the mass spectrum for the thermal production rate above the π+π−→e+e−\pi^{+}\pi^{-} \to e^+e^- tail and even above the πa1→e+e−\pi a_{1}\to e^+e^- results---both of which were considered important in their respective mass regions.Comment: RevTeX, 9 pages, 6 (uuencoded) figures; to appear in Phys. Rev

    Baryonic Strangeness and Related Susceptibilities in QCD

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    The ratios of off-diagonal to diagonal conserved charge susceptibilities e.g., chi_{BS}/chi_{S}, chi_{QS}/chi_{S}, related to the quark flavor susceptibilities, have proven to be discerning probes of the flavor carrying degrees of freedom in hot strongly interacting matter. Various constraining relations between the different susceptibilities are derived based on the Gell-Mann-Nishijima formula and the assumption of isospin symmetry. Using generic models of deconfined matter and results form lattice QCD, it is demonstrated that the flavor carrying degrees of freedom at a temperature above 1.5T_c are quark-like quasiparticles. A new observable related by isospin symmetry to C_{BS} = -3chi_{BS}/chi_{S} and equal to it in the baryon free regime is identified. This new observable, which is blind to neutral and non-strange particles, carries the potential of being measured in relativistic heavy-ion collisions.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, RevTex

    Strong Color Field Baryonic Remnants in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions at 200A GeV

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    The effects of strong color electric fields (SCF) on the baryon production at RHIC are studied in the framework of HIJING/B\=B (v2.0) model. The particle species dependence of nuclear modification factors (NMF) are analyzed for Au+Au collisions at 200A GeV. A doubling of the string tension leading to a modification of the strangeness suppression according to Schwinger mechanism is shown to provide an alternate explanation to coalescence models for the interpretation of the observed baryon and meson production at moderate pTp_T and results in a predicted enhancement in the (multi)strange (anti)hyperon production.Comment: 6 pages, Latex(Revtex), 4 figures;Added new references, one figure, text slightly modified. final version accepted for publication in Pnys. Rev. C (october,05

    Modeling Stable Matching Problems with Answer Set Programming

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    The Stable Marriage Problem (SMP) is a well-known matching problem first introduced and solved by Gale and Shapley (1962). Several variants and extensions to this problem have since been investigated to cover a wider set of applications. Each time a new variant is considered, however, a new algorithm needs to be developed and implemented. As an alternative, in this paper we propose an encoding of the SMP using Answer Set Programming (ASP). Our encoding can easily be extended and adapted to the needs of specific applications. As an illustration we show how stable matchings can be found when individuals may designate unacceptable partners and ties between preferences are allowed. Subsequently, we show how our ASP based encoding naturally allows us to select specific stable matchings which are optimal according to a given criterion. Each time, we can rely on generic and efficient off-the-shelf answer set solvers to find (optimal) stable matchings.Comment: 26 page

    A Partial Allocation Local Search Matheuristic for Solving the School Bus Routing Problem with Bus Stop Selection

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    This paper addresses the school bus routing problem with bus stop selection, which jointly handles the problems of determining the set of bus stops to visit, allocating each student to one of these bus stops and computing the routes that visit the selected bus stops, so that the total routing cost is minimized and the walking distance of the students is limited by a given value. A fast and efficient matheuristic is developed based on an innovative approach that first partially allocates the students to a set of active stops that they can reach, and computes a set of routes that minimizes the routing cost. Then, a refining process is performed to complete the allocation and to adapt the routes until a feasible solution is obtained. The algorithm is tested on a set of benchmark instances. The computational results show the efficiency of the algorithm in terms of the quality of the solutions yielded and the computing time

    Manipulation Strategies for the Rank Maximal Matching Problem

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    We consider manipulation strategies for the rank-maximal matching problem. In the rank-maximal matching problem we are given a bipartite graph G=(AâˆȘP,E)G = (A \cup P, E) such that AA denotes a set of applicants and PP a set of posts. Each applicant a∈Aa \in A has a preference list over the set of his neighbours in GG, possibly involving ties. Preference lists are represented by ranks on the edges - an edge (a,p)(a,p) has rank ii, denoted as rank(a,p)=irank(a,p)=i, if post pp belongs to one of aa's ii-th choices. A rank-maximal matching is one in which the maximum number of applicants is matched to their rank one posts and subject to this condition, the maximum number of applicants is matched to their rank two posts, and so on. A rank-maximal matching can be computed in O(min⁥(cn,n)m)O(\min(c \sqrt{n},n) m) time, where nn denotes the number of applicants, mm the number of edges and cc the maximum rank of an edge in an optimal solution. A central authority matches applicants to posts. It does so using one of the rank-maximal matchings. Since there may be more than one rank- maximal matching of GG, we assume that the central authority chooses any one of them randomly. Let a1a_1 be a manipulative applicant, who knows the preference lists of all the other applicants and wants to falsify his preference list so that he has a chance of getting better posts than if he were truthful. In the first problem addressed in this paper the manipulative applicant a1a_1 wants to ensure that he is never matched to any post worse than the most preferred among those of rank greater than one and obtainable when he is truthful. In the second problem the manipulator wants to construct such a preference list that the worst post he can become matched to by the central authority is best possible or in other words, a1a_1 wants to minimize the maximal rank of a post he can become matched to
