82 research outputs found

    Важлива складова національної безпеки (Проблеми захисту науково-технічної інформації)

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    У статті порушується проблема забезпечення захисту інформаційних ресурсів у науково- технічній сфері. Обґрунтовується значення науково-технологічного потенціалу для економічного і соціального розвитку України. Доводиться необхідність ґрунтовної розробки відповідної нормативно-правової бази.The article is dedicated to the problem of ensuring of protection of information resources in scientific-technical sphere, significance of the scientific-technological potential for economical and social growth of Ukraine is grounded. Necessity of well-founded development of correspondent normative and legal base is proved

    GTP and Ca2+ Modulate the Inositol 1,4,5-Trisphosphate-Dependent Ca2+ Release in Streptolysin O-Permeabilized Bovine Adrenal Chromaffin Cells

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    The inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3)-induced Ca2+ release was studied using streptolysin O-permeabilized bovine adrenal chromaffin cells. The IP3-induced Ca2+ release was followed by Ca2+ reuptake into intracellular compartments. The IP3-induced Ca2+ release diminished after sequential applications of the same amount of IP3. Addition of 20 μM GTP fully restored the sensitivity to IP3. Guanosine 5'-O-(3-thio)triphosphate (GTPγS) could not replace GTP but prevented the action of GTP. The effects of GTP and GTPγS were reversible. Neither GTP nor GTPγS induced release of Ca2+ in the absence of IP3. The amount of Ca2+ whose release was induced by IP3 depended on the free Ca2+ concentration of the medium. At 0.3 μM free Ca2+, a half-maximal Ca2+ release was elicited with ∼0.1 μM IP3. At 1 μM free Ca2+, no Ca2+ release was observed with 0.1 μM IP3; at this Ca2+ concentration, higher concentrations of IP3 (0.25 μM) were required to evoke Ca2+ release. At 8 μM free Ca2+, even 0.25 μM IP3 failed to induce release of Ca2+ from the store. The IP3-induced Ca2+ release at constant low (0.2 μM) free Ca2+ concentrations correlated directly with the amount of stored Ca2+. Depending on the filling state of the intracellular compartment, 1 mol of IP3 induced release of between 5 and 30 mol of Ca2+

    Acoustic-phonetic decoding of speech : problems and solutions

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    Acoustic phonetic decoding of speech recognition constitutes a major step in the process of continuous speech recognition . This paper reminds the difficulties of the problem together with the main methods proposed so far in order to solve it . We then concentrate on the différent complementary approaches Chat have been investigated by our group : expert system based on spectrogram reading, recognition by phonetic triphones, connectionist model based on the cortical column unit and stochastic recognition without segmentation .Le décodage acoustico-phonétique constitue une étape importante en reconnaissance de la parole continue . Cet article rappelle d'abord les difficultés du problème et les principales méthodes qui ont été proposées pour le résoudre . Il présente ensuite les diverses approches complémentaires adoptées par notre équipe : système expert fondé sur l'activité de lecture de spectrogrammes, reconnaissance par triplets phonétiques, modèle connexionniste de colonne corticale et reconnaissance par méthode stochastique sans segmentation

    Association of 12 serum biochemical markers of angiogenesis, tumour invasion and bone turnover with bone metastases from breast cancer: a crossectional and longitudinal evaluation

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    Complex biological pathways including angiogenesis, invasion, osteoclastic activation and bone matrix degradation are involved in the formation of bone metastasis (BM). The aim of our study was to investigate the cross-sectional and longitudinal associations of a panel of 12 serum biochemical markers reflecting biological pathways underlying BM development. In a cross-sectional study, we investigated 29 patients with primary breast carcinoma without BM (BC/BM−), 28 patients with breast carcinoma and BM (BC/BM+) and 15 healthy women. In longitudinal analyses, we investigated 34 patients for whom serum was obtained a two different time points: at the time of primary BC diagnosis and after a median time of 3 years. During this follow-up, 15 patients developed BM, whereas the other 19 remained free of BM. In patients who developed BM, the second samples were obtained before BM was documented by bone scan. The cross-sectional analyses have shown all biochemical markers to be significantly elevated in patients with BM, when compared to the patients without BM and healthy controls, except TGFβ1 that was significantly decreased. Multivariable analyses showed that only the bone resorption markers TRACP 5b, CTX and ICTP, and the marker of angiogenesis VEGF were independently associated with BM. Those markers correctly distinguished 85% of BC patients with or without BM from normal individuals. Longitudinal analyses showed that patients with primary BC who developed BM during follow-up had higher levels of TRACP5b (+95%, P=0.08) at the time of primary diagnosis, those patients had also a higher increases of ICTP (P=0.006), MMP-7 (P=0.004) and TIMP-1 (P=0.017) during follow-up than patients who did not progress toward bone metastasis. This study provides evidence of increase and interrelationship of circulating markers of angiogenesis, invasion and bone resorption in patients with BC with and without BM. Markers of bone resorption have the highest independent diagnostic value for detecting and potentially predicting BM in breast carcinoma patients

    Southern African Large Telescope Spectroscopy of BL Lacs for the CTA project

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    In the last two decades, very-high-energy gamma-ray astronomy has reached maturity: over 200 sources have been detected, both Galactic and extragalactic, by ground-based experiments. At present, Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) make up about 40% of the more than 200 sources detected at very high energies with ground-based telescopes, the majority of which are blazars, i.e. their jets are closely aligned with the line of sight to Earth and three quarters of which are classified as high-frequency peaked BL Lac objects. One challenge to studies of the cosmological evolution of BL Lacs is the difficulty of obtaining redshifts from their nearly featureless, continuum-dominated spectra. It is expected that a significant fraction of the AGN to be detected with the future Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) observatory will have no spectroscopic redshifts, compromising the reliability of BL Lac population studies, particularly of their cosmic evolution. We started an effort in 2019 to measure the redshifts of a large fraction of the AGN that are likely to be detected with CTA, using the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT). In this contribution, we present two results from an on-going SALT program focused on the determination of BL Lac object redshifts that will be relevant for the CTA observatory

    Discriminative Phoneme Sequences Extraction for NonNative Speaker’s Origin Classification

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    In this paper we present an automated method for the classification of the origin of non-native speakers. The origin of non-native speakers could be identified by a human listener based on the detection of typical pronunciations for each nationality. Thus we suppose the existence of several phoneme sequences that might allow the classification of the origin of non-native speakers. Our new method is based on the extraction of discriminative sequences of phonemes from a non-native English speech database. These sequences are used to construct a probabilistic classifier for the speakers ’ origin. The existence of discriminative phone sequences in non-native speech is a significant result of this work. The system that we have developed achieved a significant correct classification rate of 96.3 % and a significant error reduction compared to some other tested techniques. 1

    Towards an oral interface for data entry: The MAUD System

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    International audienceThis paper deals with use of MAUD as an oral interface for data entry and the description of the speech component of this system. The interface of MAUD has to combine voice-driven and keyboard dialogue in order to allow the user to use both keyboard and voice. The speech recognition system participated at the AUPELF-UREF evaluation of dictation machines. MAUD uses a vocabulary of 20 000 words. The mode of speech is continuous, and the language model was built with corpora of over than 48 million of words extracted from French newspapers

    Surface flow with discrete sinks

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