312 research outputs found

    The polarization of Lyman alpha radiation produced by direct excitation of hydrogen atoms by proton impact

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    Lyman alpha radiation measurement in collision between protons and hydrogen atom

    The polarization of Lyman alpha radiation produced in charge transfer collisions between protons and the inert gases

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    Polarization of Lyman alpha radiation in proton collisions with helium, argon, and neon atom

    Effect of Trailing Edge Flow Injection on Fan Noise and Aerodynamic Performance

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    An experimental investigation using trailing edge blowing for reducing fan rotor/guide vane wake interaction noise was completed in the NASA Glenn 9- by 15-foot Low Speed Wind Tunnel. Data were acquired to measure noise, aerodynamic performance, and flow features for a 22" tip diameter fan representative of modern turbofan technology. The fan was designed to use trailing edge blowing to reduce the fan blade wake momentum deficit. The test objective was to quantify noise reductions, measure impacts on fan aerodynamic performance, and document the flow field using hot-film anemometry. Measurements concentrated on approach, cutback, and takeoff rotational speeds as those are the primary conditions of acoustic interest. Data are presented for a 2% (relative to overall fan flow) trailing edge injection rate and show a 2 dB reduction in Overall Sound Power Level (OAPWL) at all fan test speeds. The reduction in broadband noise is nearly constant and is approximately 1.5 dB up to 20 kHz at all fan speeds. Measurements of tone noise show significant variation, as evidenced by reductions of up to 6 dB in the 2 BPF tone at 6700 rpm.: and increases of nearly 2 dB for the 4 BPF tone at approach speed. Aerodynamic performance measurements show the fan with 2 % injection has an overall efficiency that is comparable to the baseline fan and operates, as intended, with nearly the same pressure ratio and mass flow parameters. Hot-film measurements obtained at the approach operating condition indicate that mean blade wake filling in the tip region was not as significant as expected. This suggests that additional acoustic benefits could be realized if the trailing edge blowing could be modified to provide better filling of the wake momentum deficit. Nevertheless, the hot-film measurements indicate that the trailing edge blowing provided significant reductions in blade wake turbulence. Overall, these results indicate that further work may be required to fully understand the proper implementation of injecting flow at/near the trailing edge as a wake filling strategy. However, data do support the notion that noise reductions can be realized not only for tones but perhaps more importantly, also for broadband. Furthermore, the technique can be implemented without adversely effecting overall fan aerodynamic performance

    Noise Benefits of Rotor Trailing Edge Blowing for a Model Turbofan

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    An advanced model turbofan was tested in the NASA Glenn 9- by 15-Foot Low Speed Wind Tunnel (9x15 LSWT) to explore far field acoustic effects associated with rotor Trailing-Edge-Blowing (TEB) for a modern, 1.294 stage pressure ratio turbofan model. The TEB rotor (Fan9) was designed to be aerodynamically similar to the previously tested Fan1, and used the same stator and nacelle hardware. Fan9 was designed with trailing edge blowing slots using an external air supply directed through the rotor hub. The TEB flow was heated to approximate the average fan exit temperature at each fan test speed. Rotor root blockage inserts were used to block TEB to all but the outer 40 and 20% span in addition to full-span blowing. A configuration with full-span TEB on alternate rotor blades was also tested. Far field acoustic data were taken at takeoff/approach conditions at 0.10 tunnel Mach. Far-field acoustic results showed that full-span blowing near 2.0% of the total flow could reduce the overall sound power level by about 2 dB. This noise reduction was observed in both the rotor-stator interaction tones and for the spectral broadband noise levels. Blowing only the outer span region was not very effective for lowering noise, and actually increased the far field noise level in some instances. Full-span blowing of alternate blades at 1.0% of the overall flow rate (equivalent to full-span blowing of all blades at 2.0% flow) showed a more modest noise decrease relative to full-span blowing of all blades. Detailed hot film measurements of the TEB rotor wake at 2.0% flow showed that TEB was not every effective for filling in the wake defect at approach fan speed toward the tip region, but did result in overfilling the wake toward the hub. Downstream turbulence measurements supported this finding, and support the observed reduction in spectral broadband noise

    An Assessment of Current Fan Noise Prediction Capability

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    In this paper, the results of an extensive assessment exercise carried out to establish the current state of the art for predicting fan noise at NASA are presented. Representative codes in the empirical, analytical, and computational categories were exercised and assessed against a set of benchmark acoustic data obtained from wind tunnel tests of three model scale fans. The chosen codes were ANOPP, representing an empirical capability, RSI, representing an analytical capability, and LINFLUX, representing a computational aeroacoustics capability. The selected benchmark fans cover a wide range of fan pressure ratios and fan tip speeds, and are representative of modern turbofan engine designs. The assessment results indicate that the ANOPP code can predict fan noise spectrum to within 4 dB of the measurement uncertainty band on a third-octave basis for the low and moderate tip speed fans except at extreme aft emission angles. The RSI code can predict fan broadband noise spectrum to within 1.5 dB of experimental uncertainty band provided the rotor-only contribution is taken into account. The LINFLUX code can predict interaction tone power levels to within experimental uncertainties at low and moderate fan tip speeds, but could deviate by as much as 6.5 dB outside the experimental uncertainty band at the highest tip speeds in some case

    Nonthermal Emission from a Supernova Remnant in a Molecular Cloud

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    In evolved supernova remnants (SNRs) interacting with molecular clouds, such as IC 443, W44, and 3C391, a highly inhomogeneous structure consisting of a forward shock of moderate Mach number, a cooling layer, a dense radiative shell and an interior region filled with hot tenuous plasma is expected. We present a kinetic model of nonthermal electron injection, acceleration and propagation in that environment and find that these SNRs are efficient electron accelerators and sources of hard X- and gamma-ray emission. The energy spectrum of the nonthermal electrons is shaped by the joint action of first and second order Fermi acceleration in a turbulent plasma with substantial Coulomb losses. Bremsstrahlung, synchrotron, and inverse Compton radiation of the nonthermal electrons produce multiwavelength photon spectra in quantitative agreement with the radio and the hard emission observed by ASCA and EGRET from IC 443. We distinguish interclump shock wave emission from molecular clump shock wave emission accounting for a complex structure of molecular cloud. Spatially resolved X- and gamma- ray spectra from the supernova remnants IC 443, W44, and 3C391 as might be observed with BeppoSAX, Chandra XRO, XMM, INTEGRAL and GLAST would distinguish the contribution of the energetic lepton component to the gamma-rays observed by EGRET.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure, Astrophysical Journal, v.538, 2000 (in press

    A magnetization and 11^{11}B NMR study of Mg1x_{1-x}Alx_xB2_2 superconductors

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    We demonstrate for the first time the magnetic field distribution of the pure vortex state in lightly doped Mg1x_{1-x}Alx_xB2_2 (x0.025x\leq 0.025) powder samples, by using 11^{11}B NMR in magnetic fields of 23.5 and 47 kOe. The magnetic field distribution at T=5 K is Al-doping dependent, revealing a considerable decrease of anisotropy in respect to pure MgB2_2. This result correlates nicely with magnetization measurements and is consistent with σ\sigma-band hole driven superconductivity for MgB2_2

    Heliospheric Response to Different Possible Interstellar Environments

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    At present, the heliosphere is embedded in a warm, low-density interstellar cloud that belongs to a cloud system flowing through the local standard of rest with a velocity near ~18 km s-1. The velocity structure of the nearest interstellar material (ISM), combined with theoretical models of the local interstellar cloud (LIC), suggest that the Sun passes through cloudlets on timescales of ≤103-104 yr, so the heliosphere has been, and will be, exposed to different interstellar environments over time. By means of a multifluid model that treats plasma and neutral hydrogen self-consistently, the interaction of the solar wind with a variety of partially ionized ISM is investigated, with the focus on low-density cloudlets such as are currently near the Sun. Under the assumption that the basic solar wind parameters remain/were as they are today, a range of ISM parameters (from cold neutral to hot ionized, with various densities and velocities) is considered. In response to different interstellar boundary conditions, the heliospheric size and structure change, as does the abundance of interstellar and secondary neutrals in the inner heliosphere, and the cosmic-ray level in the vicinity of Earth. Some empirical relations between interstellar parameters and heliospheric boundary locations, as well as neutral densities, are extracted from the models

    Site-selective nuclear magnetic relaxation time in a superconducting vortex state

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    The temperature and field dependences of the site-selective nuclear spin relaxation time T_1 around vortices are studied comparatively both for s-wave and d-wave superconductors, based on the microscopic Bogoliubov-de Gennes theory. Reflecting low energy electronic excitations associated with the vortex core, the site selective temperature dependences deviate from those of the zero-field case, and T_1 becomes faster with approaching the vortex core. In the core region, T_1^{-1} has a new peak below the superconducting transition temperature T_c. The field dependence of the overall T_1(T) behaviors for s-wave and d-wave superconductors is investigated and analyzed in terms of the local density of states. The NMR study by the resonance field dependence may be a new method to probe the spatial resolved vortex core structure in various conventional and unconventional superconductors.Comment: 14Pages, 26 figures, revte

    Self-Reported Time in Bed and Sleep Quality in Association with Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms in School-Age Youth

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    This study investigated the relationship between self-reported time in bed and sleep quality in association with self-reported internalizing and externalizing symptoms in a sample of 285 elementary school students (52% female) recruited from a rural Midwestern elementary school. Path models were used to estimate proposed associations, controlling for grade level and gender. Curvilinear associations were found between time in bed and anxiety, depressive symptoms, and irritability. Marginal curvilinear trends were found between time in bed and emotion dysregulation, reactive aggression, and proactive aggression. Sleep quality was negatively associated with anxiety, depressive symptoms, irritability, reactive aggression, and delinquency engagement. Gender and grade differences were found across models. Findings suggest that examining self-reported time in bed (both linear and quadratic) and sleep quality is important for understanding internalizing and externalizing symptoms associated with sleep in school-age youth. Incorporating self-reported sleep assessments into clinical practice and school-based evaluations may have implications for a child’s adjustment