43 research outputs found

    Belief Revision in Structured Probabilistic Argumentation

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    In real-world applications, knowledge bases consisting of all the information at hand for a specific domain, along with the current state of affairs, are bound to contain contradictory data coming from different sources, as well as data with varying degrees of uncertainty attached. Likewise, an important aspect of the effort associated with maintaining knowledge bases is deciding what information is no longer useful; pieces of information (such as intelligence reports) may be outdated, may come from sources that have recently been discovered to be of low quality, or abundant evidence may be available that contradicts them. In this paper, we propose a probabilistic structured argumentation framework that arises from the extension of Presumptive Defeasible Logic Programming (PreDeLP) with probabilistic models, and argue that this formalism is capable of addressing the basic issues of handling contradictory and uncertain data. Then, to address the last issue, we focus on the study of non-prioritized belief revision operations over probabilistic PreDeLP programs. We propose a set of rationality postulates -- based on well-known ones developed for classical knowledge bases -- that characterize how such operations should behave, and study a class of operators along with theoretical relationships with the proposed postulates, including a representation theorem stating the equivalence between this class and the class of operators characterized by the postulates

    Gu铆as para aplicaci贸n de Normas de Calidad para los procesos de Ingenier铆a de Software en productos desarrollados con Lenguajes de Programaci贸n Open Source: relevamiento y aplicaci贸n en PYMES de la zona de influencia de la UNER Concordia

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    El Software Libre u Open Source es una forma de licenciamiento que da a los usuarios la libertad de compartir, estudiar y modificar el software. Este paradigma ha tenido impedimentos para su adopci贸n en ambientes empresariales y comerciales debido a concepciones en muchos casos err贸neas. En la actualidad, varias de estas ideas se han desmitificado, brindando una dosis de realidad a las oportunidades y obst谩culos de esta filosof铆a. Esto se manifiesta en una evoluci贸n y aceptaci贸n paulatina de la adopci贸n de software libre como tem谩tica central en la Ingenier铆a de Software. Este contexto plantea la necesidad de contar con est谩ndares de medici贸n y certificaci贸n de calidad espec铆ficos para productos de Software Libre y de las competencias y desempe帽o de empresas y profesionales que utilicen, generen y promocionen el Software Libre. Este proyecto de investigaci贸n propuso la formulaci贸n de marcos metodol贸gicos y modelos de certificaci贸n relacionados con software libre y lenguajes de programaci贸n open source, tanto para empresas usuarias como desarrolladoras. De esta manera, se pretendi贸 dar valor agregado y ventaja competitiva a las empresas y profesionales que utilicen, desarrollen y/o promuevan el Software Libre y las tecnolog铆as abiertas

    Dacriocistostenting: tecnica e risultati a lungo termine

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    Primary aldosteronism: complete remission after adrenal venography

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    A remission of adrenal adenoma producing aldosterone is described as a consequence of adrenal venous catheterization. The patient did not undergo surgery but she was kept on frequent clinical controls. The complete remission of the syndrome is still persisting three years after the incident. Since adrenal insufficiency is described after adrenal venous catheterization, the authors suggest that this procedure is to be restricted to well selected patients. When this incident occurs in pathological glands, a remission of endocrine syndrome may be expected