568 research outputs found

    General health and residential proximity to the coast in Belgium : results from a cross-sectional health survey

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    The health risks of coastal areas have long been researched, but the potential benefits for health are only recently being explored. The present study compared the general health of Belgian citizens a) according to the EU's definition of coastal ( 50 km), and b) between eight more refined categories of residential proximity to the coast ( 250 km). Data was drawn from the Belgian Health Interview Survey (n = 60,939) and investigated using linear regression models and mediation analyses on several hypothesized mechanisms. Results indicated that populations living 50-100 km. Four commonly hypothesized mechanisms were considered but no indirect associations were found: scores for mental health, physical activity levels and social contacts were not higher at 0-5 km from the coast, and air pollution (PM ic , concentrations) was lower at 0-5 km from the coast but not statistically associated with better health. Results are controlled for typical variables such as age, sex, income, neighbourhood levels of green and freshwater blue space, etc. The spatial urban-rural-nature mosaic at the Belgian coast and alternative explanations are discussed. The positive associations between the ocean and human health observed in this study encourage policy makers to manage coastal areas sustainably to maintain associated public health benefits into the future

    Latent profiles of telehealth care satisfaction during the COVID-19 pandemic among patients with cardiac conditions in an outpatient setting

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    BackgroundDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, telemedicine was advocated and rapidly scaled up worldwide. However, little is known about for whom this type of care is acceptable.ObjectiveTo examine which patient characteristics (demographic, medical, psychosocial) are associated with telehealth care satisfaction, attitude toward telehealth, and preference regarding telehealth over time in a cardiac patient population.MethodsIn total, 317 patients were recruited at the Elisabeth-TweeSteden Hospital in The Netherlands. All patients who had received telehealth care (telephone and video) in the previous 2 months were approached for participation. Baseline, 3-month, and 6-month questionnaires were administered online. A 3-step latent class analysis was conducted to identify trajectories of telehealth use over time and the possible association of the found trajectories with external variables.ResultsFive trajectories (classes) were identified for satisfaction with telehealth and 4 for attitude toward telehealth. Patients with higher distress, lower physical and mental health, higher scores on pessimism, and negative affectivity were more likely to be less satisfied. Patients with no partner, more comorbidities, higher distress, lower physical and mental health, and higher scores on pessimism were more likely to hold a negative attitude toward telehealth. For the future application of telehealth, marital status, comorbidities, digital health literacy, and pessimism were significantly related.ConclusionResults show that patients’ profiles should be considered when offering telehealth care and that the “one size fits all” approach does not apply. Results can inform clinical practice on how to better implement remote health care in the future while considering a personalized approach.<br/

    A quantitative model for the surface restructuring of repeatedly plasma treated silicone rubber

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    Surface restructuring in ambient air of medical grade silicone rubber surfaces modified by repeated RF plasma treatments using various discharge gases including oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide and ammonia, was studied quantitatively. From advancing and receding water contact angle data, the fraction of the surface covered by mobile and immobile polar groups, and a characteristic time constant of the restructuring process were calculated. For argon plasma treated surfaces, the fraction of immobile polar groups increased with repeated plasma treatments, but remained relatively constant for samples repeatedly treated by an ammonia plasma. The use of an oxygen plasma only yielded incorporation of mobile polar groups but not of immobile polar groups. The increase in the restructuring time constants of argon and ammonia plasma treated silicone rubber with the number of plasma treatments suggested enhanced crosslinking of the silicone rubber by these plasmas. In contrast, when an oxygen plasma was repeatedly used, the restructuring time constant decreased suggesting chain cleavage by an oxygen plasma. Tentatively, the carbon dioxide plasma treatment of silicone rubber may initially (up to 3-4 repeated treatments) yield chain cleavage, while the occurrence of crosslinking is indicated after more repetitions.</p

    Dietary considerations in the evaluation and management of nocturia

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    Aim: This narrative review investigates the effect of dietary intake on nocturnal voiding severity. The primary aims of this review are to provide a framework for future research and ultimately contribute to more comprehensive, lifestyle-centered guidelines for the management of nocturia. Methods: A literature search was conducted in Web of Science, PubMed, and Google Scholar databases using the keywords “nocturia”, “diuresis”, “natriuresis”, “food”, “diet”, and “nutrients”. Results: High fruit and vegetable consumption was negatively associated with nocturia. High intake of tea and dietary sodium showed a positive association with nocturia. Several foods have also been directly linked to changes in diuresis rate, glycemic control, and endogenous serum melatonin concentration, offering potential mechanisms for this observed effect. Overall quality of the evidence was low. Conclusion: At present, there is limited evidence to suggest that certain foods, electrolytes, and specific compounds may contribute to the pathogenesis of nocturia. A greater understanding of the impact of food and nutrients on body fluid metabolism is needed to further refine the evaluation and treatment of nocturia

    Affective Bias without Hemispheric Competition: Evidence for Independent Processing Resources in Each Cortical Hemisphere

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    We assessed the extent of neural competition for attentional processing resources in early visual cortex between foveally presented task stimuli and peripheral emotional distracter images. Task-relevant and distracting stimuli were shown in rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) streams to elicit the steady-state visual evoked potential, which serves as an electrophysiological marker of attentional resource allocation in early visual cortex. A taskrelated RSVP stream of symbolic letters was presented centrally at 15 Hz while distracting RSVP streams were displayed at 4 or 6 Hz in the left and right visual hemifields. These image streams always had neutral content in one visual field and would unpredictably switch from neutral to unpleasant content in the opposite visual field. We found that the steady-state visual evoked potential amplitude was consistently modulated as a function of change in emotional valence in peripheral RSVPs, indicating sensory gain in response to distracting affective content. Importantly, the facilitated processing for emotional content shown in one visual hemifield was not paralleled by any perceptual costs in response to the task-related processing in the center or the neutral image stream in the other visual hemifield. Together, our data provide further evidence for sustained sensory facilitation in favor of emotional distracters. Furthermore, these results are in line with previous reports of a “different hemifield advantage” with lowlevel visual stimuli and are suggestive of independent processing resources in each cortical hemisphere that operate beyond lowlevel visual cues, that is, with complex images that impact early stages of visual processing via reentrant feedback loops from higher order processing areas

    The Belgian PCB and dioxin incident of January-June 1999: exposure data and potential impact on health.

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    In January 1999, 500 tons of feed contaminated with approximately 50 kg of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and 1 g of dioxins were distributed to animal farms in Belgium, and to a lesser extent in the Netherlands, France, and Germany. This study was based on 20,491 samples collected in the database of the Belgian federal ministries from animal feed, cattle, pork, poultry, eggs, milk, and various fat-containing food items analyzed for their PCB and/or dioxin content. Dioxin measurements showed a clear predominance of polychlorinated dibenzofuran over polychlorinated dibenzodioxin congeners, a dioxin/PCB ratio of approximately 1:50,000 and a PCB fingerprint resembling that of an Aroclor mixture, thus confirming contamination by transformer oil rather than by other environmental sources. In this case the PCBs contribute significantly more to toxic equivalents (TEQ) than dioxins. The respective means +/- SDs and the maximum concentrations of dioxin (expressed in TEQ) and PCB observed per gram of fat in contaminated food were 170.3 +/- 487.7 pg, 2613.4 pg, 240.7 +/- 2036.9 ng, and 51059.0 ng in chicken; 1.9 +/- 0.8 pg, 4.3 pg, 34.2 +/- 30.5 ng, and 314.0 ng in milk; and 32.0 +/- 104.4 pg, 713.3 pg, 392.7 +/- 2883.5 ng, and 46000.0 ng in eggs. Assuming that as a consequence of this incident between 10 and 15 kg PCBs and from 200 to 300 mg dioxins were ingested by 10 million Belgians, the mean intake per kilogram of body weight is calculated to maximally 25,000 ng PCBs and 500 pg international TEQ dioxins. Estimates of the total number of cancers resulting from this incident range between 40 and 8,000. Neurotoxic and behavioral effects in neonates are also to be expected but cannot be quantified. Because food items differed widely (more than 50-fold) in the ratio of PCBs to dioxins, other significant sources of contamination and a high background contamination are likely to contribute substantially to the exposure of the Belgian population
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