546 research outputs found

    Decoherence, pointer engineering and quantum state protection

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    We present a proposal for protecting states against decoherence, based on the engineering of pointer states. We apply this procedure to the vibrational motion of a trapped ion, and show how to protect qubits, squeezed states, approximate phase eigenstates and superpositions of coherent states.Comment: 1 figur

    Experimental Observation of Environment-induced Sudden Death of Entanglement

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    We demonstrate the difference between local, single-particle dynamics and global dynamics of entangled quantum systems coupled to independent environments. Using an all-optical experimental setup, we show that, while the environment-induced decay of each system is asymptotic, quantum entanglement may suddenly disappear. This "sudden death" constitutes yet another distinct and counter-intuitive trait of entanglement.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Universal quantum computation in decoherence-free subspaces with hot trapped-ions

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    We consider interactions that generate a universal set of quantum gates on logical qubits encoded in a collective-dephasing-free subspace, and discuss their implementations with trapped ions. This allows for the removal of the by-far largest source of decoherence in current trapped-ion experiments, collective dephasing. In addition, an explicit parametrization of all two-body Hamiltonians able to generate such gates without the system's state ever exiting the protected subspace is provided.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Quantum Non-Demolition Test of Bipartite Complementarity

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    We present a quantum circuit that implements a non-demolition measurement of complementary single- and bi-partite properties of a two-qubit system: entanglement and single-partite visibility and predictability. The system must be in a pure state with real coefficients in the computational basis, which allows a direct operational interpretation of those properties. The circuit can be realized in many systems of interest to quantum information.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Direct measurement of finite-time disentanglement induced by a reservoir

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    We propose a method for directly probing the dynamics of disentanglement of an initial two-qubit entangled state, under the action of a reservoir. We show that it is possible to detect disentanglement, for experimentally realizable examples of decaying systems, through the measurement of a single observable, which is invariant throughout the decay. The systems under consideration may lead to either finite-time or asymptotic disentanglement. A general prescription for measuring this observable, which yields an operational meaning to entanglement measures, is proposed, and exemplified for cavity quantum electrodynamics and trapped ions.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Laplacian growth with separately controlled noise and anisotropy

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    Conformal mapping models are used to study competition of noise and anisotropy in Laplacian growth. For that, a new family of models is introduced with the noise level and directional anisotropy controlled independently. Fractalization is observed in both anisotropic growth and the growth with varying noise. Fractal dimension is determined from cluster size scaling with its area. For isotropic growth we find d = 1.7, both at high and low noise. For anisotropic growth with reduced noise the dimension can be as low as d = 1.5 and apparently is not universal. Also, we study fluctuations of particle areas and observe, in agreement with previous studies, that exceptionally large particles may appear during the growth, leading to pathologically irregular clusters. This difficulty is circumvented by using an acceptance window for particle areas.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figure

    Experimental investigation of dynamical invariants in bipartite entanglement

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    The non-conservation of entanglement, when two or more particles interact, sets it apart from other dynamical quantities like energy and momentum. It does not allow the interpretation of the subtle dynamics of entanglement as a flow of this quantity between the constituents of the system. Here we show that adding a third party to a two-particle system may lead to a conservation law that relates the quantities characterizing the bipartite entanglement between each of the parties and the other two. We provide an experimental demonstration of this idea using entangled photons, and generalize it to N-partite GHZ states

    Test of quantum nonlocality for cavity fields

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    There have been studies on formation of quantum-nonlocal states in spatially separate two cavities. We suggest a nonlocal test for the field prepared in the two cavities. We couple classical driving fields with the cavities where a nonlocal state is prepared. Two independent two-level atoms are then sent through respective cavities to interact off-resonantly with the cavity fields. The atomic states are measured after the interaction. Bell's inequality can be tested by the joint probabilities of two-level atoms being in their excited or ground states. We find that quantum nonlocality can also be tested using a single atom sequentially interacting with the two cavities. Potential experimental errors are also considered. We show that with the present experimental condition of 5% error in the atomic velocity distribution, the violation of Bell's inequality can be measured.Comment: 14pages, 2figures. accepted to Phys. Rev.