67 research outputs found

    Novel software for medical and technical Thermal Object Identification (TOI) using dynamic temperature measurements by fast IR cameras

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    This paper presents a thermal analysis and methodology of thermal parameters identification of thermal multilayer structures using thermographic measurements after dynamic heating (or cooling) the investigated objects. During the thermal transient process, thermal images are recorded, with the highest possible frame rate of the camera. Then, temperature and power signals are transformed into the frequency domain, to get finally the thermal time constants distribution corresponding to the thermal parameters of the structure. A brief description of TOI program developed in MATLAB environment as well as the exemplary identifications of 2 different thermal objects are shown

    Life Cycle Assessment of Composites Additive Manufacturing Using Recycled Materials

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) of composite materials is promising to create customizable products with enhanced properties, utilizing materials like carbon fibers (CFs). To increase their circularity, composite recycling has been proposed to re-introduce the recovered components in AM. A careful evaluation of recycling is necessary, considering the sustainability and functionality (i.e., mechanical properties) of the recovered components. Thus, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is applied to estimate the environmental impacts of AM via Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF), using virgin or recycled CFs via solvolysis at a laboratory scale. This study aims to provide a detailed Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) of FFF and evaluate the sustainability of using recycled CFs in AM. For both virgin CF manufacturing and CF recycling, electricity consumption was the main contributor to environmental impacts. CF recovery via solvolysis resulted in lower impacts across most impact categories compared to AM with virgin CFs. Different scenarios were examined to account for the mechanical properties of recycled CFs. AM with 75% recycled CFs, compared to 100% virgin CFs undergoing landfilling, resulted in over 22% reduction in climate change potential, even after a 50% loss of recycled CF functionality. Overall, this study offers insights into the LCI of FFF and shows that CF recycling from composites is worth pursuing

    Detection of inner defects in industrial pipelines using transient IR thermography

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    A long time operation of pipelines can lead to the reduction of their wall thickness. This process is accelerated by high temperature and variable pressure of the transported medium and can finally cause mechanical failures along with leaks and danger of explosion. The aim of this paper is to present a new method for the detection of abraded walls in industrial pipelines using the time-frequency analysis. The results of transient temperature measurements are used for the calculation of the thermal time constants corresponding - as demonstrated - to the pipeline wall thickness

    Zastosowanie impedancji termicznej do modelowania cieplnych problemów odwrotnych kabli energetycznych

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    This paper presents the inverse heat transfer modeling in applications to the power cables. In order to simplify the calculations, the inverse modeling implements thermal simulations in frequency domain. Due to the cylindrical summery of the power cable, this model has an analytical solution, which simplifies using Bessel functions. The inverse model allows estimating the thermal parameters of the material the cable is made of. It can be used for defect detection and aging of the cable. The model was made in Matlab®, and compared with the results obtained from COMSOL® simulation software.W pracy przedstawiono zastosowanie modelowania cieplnych zjawisk odwrotnych do wyznaczania wartości parametrów termicznych kabli energetycznych. W procesie modelowania odwrotnego struktury wykorzystano model w dziedzinie częstotliwości, który dla struktury o symetrii cylindrycznej ma rozwiązanie analityczne przy użyciu funkcji Bessela. Model termiczny wraz z optymalizacją opracowano w programie Matlab®. Wyniki modelowania odwrotnego zweryfikowano rezultatami uzyskanymi z symulacji 3D wykonanych za pomocą oprogramowania COMSOL® oraz za pomocą danych pomiarowych, uzyskanych z kamery termowizyjnej. Opracowana metoda może być wykorzystana w praktyce do oceny stanu kabli energetycznych, ich zużycia, do wykrywania defektów związanych np. z korozją oraz do oszacowania warunków odprowadzania ciepła z kabli do otoczenia. W konsekwencji na podstawie wyników termowizyjnych można wyuczyć wartość impedancji termicznej kabla, co pozwoli oszacować maksymalną wartość temperatury w określonych warunkach pracy. Na obecnym etapie badań wykonano model kabla z litego materiału. Kolejnym krokiem będzie opracowanie modelu kabla wielowarstwowego, w tym z izolacją o małej przewodności cieplnej

    Convection and radiation cooling of overhead power lines - laboratory verification using thermography

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    The thermal behavior of overhead power lines depends upon physical parameters, such as surface emissivity and line dimensions, as well as weather conditions. In this paper, the results of the convection and radiation cooling of a conductor that simulate a power line are presented. Laboratory experiments were conducted and the results were compared with the data obtained using empirical formulae from the literature. Both the laminar and the turbulent airflow were investigated