4,403 research outputs found

    Form invariant transformations between n-- and m-- dimensional flat Friedmann--Robertson--Walker cosmologies

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    We illustrate how the group of symmetry transformations, which preserve the form of the n--dimensional flat Friedmann--Robertson--Walker cosmologies satisfying Einstein equations, acts in any dimension. This group relates the energy density and the isotropic pressure of the cosmic fluid to the expansion rate. The freedom associated with the dimension of the space time yields assisted inflation even when the energy density of the fluid is a dimensional invariant and enriches the set of duality transformations leading to phantom cosmologies.Comment: Accepted for publication in Iternational Journal of Modern Physics

    Dark soliton collisions in a toroidal Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We study the dynamics of two gray solitons in a Bose-Einstein condensate confined by a toroidal trap with a tight confinement in the radial direction. Gross-Pitaevskii simulations show that solitons can be long living objects passing through many collisional processes. We have observed quite different behaviors depending on the soliton velocity. Very slow solitons, obtained by perturbing the stationary solitonic profile, move with a constant angular velocity until they collide elastically and move in the opposite direction without showing any sign of lowering their energy. In this case the density notches are always well separated and the fronts are sharp and straight. Faster solitons present vortices around the notches, which play a central role during the collisions. We have found that in these processes the solitons lose energy, as the outgoing velocity turns out to be larger than the incoming one. To study the dynamics, we model the gray soliton state with a free parameter that is related to the soliton velocity. We further analyze the energy, soliton velocity and turning points in terms of such a free parameter, finding that the main features are in accordance with the infinite one-dimensional system.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures. Accepted in PR

    Two-mode effective interaction in a double-well condensate

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    We investigate the origin of a disagreement between the two-mode model and the exact Gross-Pitaevskii dynamics applied to double-well systems. In general this model, even in its improved version, predicts a faster dynamics and underestimates the critical population imbalance separating Josephson and self-trapping regimes. We show that the source of this mismatch in the dynamics lies in the value of the on-site interaction energy parameter. Using simplified Thomas-Fermi densities, we find that the on-site energy parameter exhibits a linear dependence on the population imbalance, which is also confirmed by Gross-Pitaevskii simulations. When introducing this dependence in the two-mode equations of motion, we obtain a reduced interaction energy parameter which depends on the dimensionality of the system. The use of this new parameter significantly heals the disagreement in the dynamics and also produces better estimates of the critical imbalance.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted in PR

    Influence of a specific aquatic program on social and gross motor skills in adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Three case reports

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    Swimming pool activities revealed to be efficacious to train psychomotor skills and increase adaptive behaviors in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of a specific multi-systemic aquatic therapy (CI-MAT) on gross motor and social skills in three adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Methods: three adolescents with ASD of which two boys (M1 with a chronological age of 10.3 years and a mental age of 4.7 years; M2 with a chronological age of 14.6 and a mental age inferior to 4 years) and one girl (chronological age of 14.0 and a mental age inferior to 4 years). The study was divided into three phases: baseline, 12-week CI-MAT program and Post-Test. Participants were administered a battery of tests incorporating anthropometric measurements, gross motor development test and a social skills questionnaire before and after a 12-week MAT-CI program. Results: Subjects improved locomotors and object control skills following the CI-MAT program in a different way. Concerning social behaviors, the higher proportion of gains was observed in the sensitivity of other's presence and eye contact, for the contact domain, and in the comply turn for the relationship domain. Conclusions: The results of this study showed that the CI-MAT program was effective for the development of gross-motor skills and social behaviors in subjects with ASD. Moreover there is an urge to carry out a whole psychological assessment targeting both motor and adaptive development suitable to provide educational and vocational plans of exercises for people with ASD

    La rete stradale di Province e Comuni: analisi normativa ed economico-finanziaria

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    La classificazione delle strade non dovrebbe prescindere dalla analisi delle caratteristiche geometriche e funzionali ma sono poche le Province che ottemperano al disposto normativo e il censimento della rete viaria rimane in molti ambiti territoriali un obbligo apparentemente inevaso. Ma Comuni e Province effettuano annualmente una sorta di macro-classificazione così come richiesto per la redazione dei Certificati Consuntivi - Ministero dell'Interno - Dipartimento per gli Affari Interni e Territoriali

    Phantom cosmologies and fermions

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    Form invariance transformations can be used for constructing phantom cosmologies starting with conventional cosmological models. In this work we reconsider the scalar field case and extend the discussion to fermionic fields, where the "phantomization" process exhibits a new class of possible accelerated regimes. As an application we analyze the cosmological constant group for a fermionic seed fluid.Comment: 5 pages, version which was accepted for publication in CQ
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