278 research outputs found

    Collisional oscillations of trapped boson-fermion mixtures approaching collapse

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    We study the collective modes of a confined gaseous cloud of bosons and fermions with mutual attractive interactions at zero temperature. The cloud consists of a Bose-Einstein condensate and a spin-polarized Fermi gas inside a spherical harmonic trap and the coupling between the two species is varied by increasing either the magnitude of the interspecies s-wave scattering length or the number of bosons. The mode frequencies are obtained in the collisional regime by solving the equations of generalized hydrodynamics and are compared with the spectra calculated in the collisionless regime within a random-phase approximation. We find that, as the mixture is driven towards the collapse instability, the frequencies of the modes of fermionic origin show a blue shift which can become very significant for large numbers of bosons. Instead the modes of bosonic origin show a softening, which becomes most pronounced in the very proximity of collapse. Explicit illustrations of these trends are given for the monopolar spectra, but similar trends are found for the dipolar and quadrupolar spectra except for the surface (n=0) modes which are essentially unaffected by the interactions.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, revtex

    Zero sound density oscillations in Fermi-Bose mixtures

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    Within a mean field plus Random-Phase Approximation formalism, we investigate the collective excitations of a three component Fermi-Bose mixture of K atoms, magnetically trapped and subjected to repulsive s-wave interactions. We analyze both the single-particle excitation and the density oscillation spectra created by external multipolar fields, for varying fermion concentrations. The formalism and the numerical output are consistent with the Generalized Kohn Theorem for the whole multispecies system. The calculations give rise to fragmented density excitation spectra of the fermion sample and illustrate the role of the mutual interaction in the observed deviations of the bosonic spectra with respect to Stringari's rule.Comment: 9 pages, 6 eps figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Sound propagation in elongated superfluid fermion clouds

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    We use hydrodynamic equations to study sound propagation in a superfluid Fermi gas inside a strongly elongated cigar-shaped trap, with main attention to the transition from the BCS to the unitary regime. We treat first the role of the radial density profile in the quasi-onedimensional limit and then evaluate numerically the effect of the axial confinement in a configuration in which a hole is present in the gas density at the center of the trap. We find that in a strongly elongated trap the speed of sound in both the BCS and the unitary regime differs by a factor sqrt{3/5} from that in a homogeneous three-dimensional superfluid. The predictions of the theory could be tested by measurements of sound-wave propagation in a set-up such as that exploited by M.R. Andrews et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 553 (1997)] for an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate

    Faraday waves in elongated superfluid fermionic clouds

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    We use hydrodynamic equations to study the formation of Faraday waves in a superfluid Fermi gas at zero temperature confined in a strongly elongated cigar-shaped trap. First, we treat the role of the radial density profile in the limit of an infinite cylindrical geometry and analytically evaluate the wavelength of the Faraday pattern. The effect of the axial confinement is fully taken into account in the numerical solution of hydrodynamic equations and shows that the infinite cylinder geometry provides a very good description of the phenomena.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures. Figures 4 and 6 in high resolution on reques

    Two-mode effective interaction in a double-well condensate

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    We investigate the origin of a disagreement between the two-mode model and the exact Gross-Pitaevskii dynamics applied to double-well systems. In general this model, even in its improved version, predicts a faster dynamics and underestimates the critical population imbalance separating Josephson and self-trapping regimes. We show that the source of this mismatch in the dynamics lies in the value of the on-site interaction energy parameter. Using simplified Thomas-Fermi densities, we find that the on-site energy parameter exhibits a linear dependence on the population imbalance, which is also confirmed by Gross-Pitaevskii simulations. When introducing this dependence in the two-mode equations of motion, we obtain a reduced interaction energy parameter which depends on the dimensionality of the system. The use of this new parameter significantly heals the disagreement in the dynamics and also produces better estimates of the critical imbalance.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted in PR

    Dark soliton collisions in a toroidal Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We study the dynamics of two gray solitons in a Bose-Einstein condensate confined by a toroidal trap with a tight confinement in the radial direction. Gross-Pitaevskii simulations show that solitons can be long living objects passing through many collisional processes. We have observed quite different behaviors depending on the soliton velocity. Very slow solitons, obtained by perturbing the stationary solitonic profile, move with a constant angular velocity until they collide elastically and move in the opposite direction without showing any sign of lowering their energy. In this case the density notches are always well separated and the fronts are sharp and straight. Faster solitons present vortices around the notches, which play a central role during the collisions. We have found that in these processes the solitons lose energy, as the outgoing velocity turns out to be larger than the incoming one. To study the dynamics, we model the gray soliton state with a free parameter that is related to the soliton velocity. We further analyze the energy, soliton velocity and turning points in terms of such a free parameter, finding that the main features are in accordance with the infinite one-dimensional system.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures. Accepted in PR
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