393 research outputs found

    Hybrid Chaplygin gas and phantom divide crossing

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    Hybrid Chaplygin gas model is put forward, in which the gases play the role of dark energy. For this model the coincidence problem is greatly alleviated. The effective equation of state of the dark energy may cross the phantom divide w=1w=-1. Furthermore, the crossing behaviour is decoupled from any gravity theories. In the present model, w<1w<-1 is only a transient behaviour. There is a de Sitter attractor in the future infinity. Hence, the big rip singularity, which often afflicts the models with matter whose effective equation of state less than -1, is naturally disappear. There exist stable scaling solutions, both at the early universe and the late universe. We discuss the perturbation growth of this model. We find that the index is consistent with observations.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, V3: discussions on the perturbation growth added, V4: minor corrections, to match the published versio

    Constraints on Exotic Matter for An Emergent Universe

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    We study a composition of normal and exotic matter which is required for a flat Emergent Universe scenario permitted by the equation of state (EOS)(p=AρBρ1/2p=A\rho-B\rho^{1/2}) and predict the range of the permissible values for the parameters AA and BB to explore a physically viable cosmological model. The permitted values of the parameters are determined taking into account the H(z)zH(z)-z data obtained from observations, a model independent BAO peak parameter and CMB shift parameter (WMAP7 data). It is found that although AA can be very close to zero, most of the observations favours a small and negative AA. As a consequence, the effective Equation of State parameter for this class of Emergent Universe solutions remains negative always. We also compared the magnitude (μ(z)\mu (z)) vs. redshift(zz) curve obtained in the model with that obtained from the union compilation data. According to our analysis the class of Emergent Universe solutions considered here is not ruled out by the observations.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Pressure and non-linear susceptibilities in QCD at finite chemical potentials

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    When the free energy density of QCD is expanded in a series in the chemical potential, mu, the Taylor coefficients are the non-linear quark number susceptibilities. We show that these depend on the prescription for putting chemical potential on the lattice, making all extrapolations in chemical potential prescription dependent at finite lattice spacing. To put bounds on the prescription dependence, we investigate the magnitude of the non-linear susceptibilities over a range of temperature, T, in QCD with two degenerate flavours of light dynamical quarks at lattice spacing 1/4T. The prescription dependence is removed in quenched QCD through a continuum extrapolation, and the dependence of the pressure, P, on mu is obtained.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures. Data on chi_uuuu added, discussion enhance

    Emergent Universe from A Composition of Matter, Exotic Matter and Dark Energy

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    A specific class of flat Emergent Universe (EU) is considered and its viability is tested in view of the recent observations. Model parameters are constrained from Stern data for Hubble Parameter and Redshift (H(z)H(z) vs. zz) and from a model independent measurement of BAO peak parameter. It is noted that a composition of Exotic matter, dust and dark energy, capable of producing an EU, can not be ruled out with present data. Evolution of other relevant cosmological parameters, viz. density parameter (Ω\Omega), effective equation of state (EOS) parameter (ωeff\omega_{eff}) are also shown.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures (accepted in MNRAS

    Phase transitions in self-gravitating systems. Self-gravitating fermions and hard spheres models

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    We discuss the nature of phase transitions in self-gravitating systems both in the microcanonical and in the canonical ensemble. We avoid the divergence of the gravitational potential at short distances by considering the case of self-gravitating fermions and hard spheres models. Three kinds of phase transitions (of zeroth, first and second order) are evidenced. They separate a ``gaseous'' phase with a smoothly varying distribution of matter from a ``condensed'' phase with a core-halo structure. We propose a simple analytical model to describe these phase transitions. We determine the value of energy (in the microcanonical ensemble) and temperature (in the canonical ensemble) at the transition point and we study their dependance with the degeneracy parameter (for fermions) or with the size of the particles (for a hard spheres gas). Scaling laws are obtained analytically in the asymptotic limit of a small short distance cut-off. Our analytical model captures the essential physics of the problem and compares remarkably well with the full numerical solutions.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. E. New material adde

    Non-Commutativity of the Zero Chemical Potential Limit and the Thermodynamic Limit in Finite Density Systems

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    Monte Carlo simulations of finite density systems are often plagued by the complex action problem. We point out that there exists certain non-commutativity in the zero chemical potential limit and the thermodynamic limit when one tries to study such systems by reweighting techniques. This is demonstrated by explicit calculations in a Random Matrix Theory, which is thought to be a simple qualitative model for finite density QCD. The factorization method allows us to understand how the non-commutativity, which appears at the intermediate steps, cancels in the end results for physical observables.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    Can the Chaplygin gas be a plausible model for dark energy?

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    In this note two cosmological models representing the flat Friedmann Universe filled with a Chaplygin fluid, with or without dust, are analyzed in terms of the recently proposed "statefinder" parameters. Trajectories of both models in the parameter plane are shown to be significantly different w.r.t. "quiessence" and "tracker" models. The generalized Chaplygin gas model with an equation of state of the form p=A/ραp = -A/\rho^{\alpha} is also analyzed in terms of the statefinder parameters.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Fermion determinants in matrix models of QCD at nonzero chemical potential

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    The presence of a chemical potential completely changes the analytical structure of the QCD partition function. In particular, the eigenvalues of the Dirac operator are distributed over a finite area in the complex plane, whereas the zeros of the partition function in the complex mass plane remain on a curve. In this paper we study the effects of the fermion determinant at nonzero chemical potential on the Dirac spectrum by means of the resolvent, G(z), of the QCD Dirac operator. The resolvent is studied both in a one-dimensional U(1) model (Gibbs model) and in a random matrix model with the global symmetries of the QCD partition function. In both cases we find that, if the argument z of the resolvent is not equal to the mass m in the fermion determinant, the resolvent diverges in the thermodynamic limit. However, for z =m the resolvent in both models is well defined. In particular, the nature of the limit zmz \rightarrow m is illuminated in the Gibbs model. The phase structure of the random matrix model in the complex m and \mu-planes is investigated both by a saddle point approximation and via the distribution of Yang-Lee zeros. Both methods are in complete agreement and lead to a well-defined chiral condensate and quark number density.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures, Late

    Tachyon cosmology with non-vanishing minimum potential: a unified model

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    We investigate the tachyon condensation process in the effective theory with non-vanishing minimum potential and its implications to cosmology. It is shown that the tachyon condensation on an unstable three-brane described by this modified tachyon field theory leads to lower-dimensional branes (defects) forming within a stable three-brane. Thus, in the cosmological background, we can get well-behaved tachyon matter after tachyon inflation, (partially) avoiding difficulties encountered in the original tachyon cosmological models. This feature also implies that the tachyon inflated and reheated universe is followed by a Chaplygin gas dark matter and dark energy universe. Hence, such an unstable three-brane behaves quite like our universe, reproducing the key features of the whole evolutionary history of the universe and providing a unified description of inflaton, dark matter and dark energy in a very simple single-scalar field model.Comment: 18 p

    General-Relativistic Thomas-Fermi model

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    A system of self-gravitating massive fermions is studied in the framework of the general-relativistic Thomas-Fermi model. We study the properties of the free energy functional and its relation to Einstein's field equations. A self-gravitating fermion gas we then describe by a set of Thomas-Fermi type self-consistency equations.Comment: 7 pages, LaTex, to appear in Gen. Rel. Gra